Chapter 173 Snowball Battle
On the train.

Old Tang and Shen Yun chatted, and they were arguing but not quarreling.

Shen Yun asked Old Tang to take a driver's license test, but Old Tang was too lazy to learn. Shen Yun said who would drive the car, and Old Tang said you should take the test.

Everything depends on himself, Shen Yun can't get angry.

Tang Dou especially admires the marriage of the older generation.

grandpa and grandma.Grandpa is sometimes very stubborn, the kind of unreasonable stubbornness that makes people speechless.Grandma has a good temper, but she is too nagging.The two of them didn't quarrel for three days, as if they didn't know how to continue the day. Sometimes when they were going to go to the market, they quarreled inexplicably, okay, grandpa will not go, and grandma will go alone.

The two elders quarreled all their lives and did not get divorced. They slept together in the same cave after they passed away.

Father and mother seldom quarreled, mainly because Old Tang had no temper. In fact, Old Tang was not short-tempered, but at home, he was submissive in front of his mother, and would not fight back when beaten or scolded. Of course, it was not that serious.

No matter how angry my mother is, she won't do anything, and she won't swear at others.

Old Tang told Tang Dou that when he was a child, he was tired of quarreling with his grandparents, and he didn't want to live like he was bored.

So endure.

Tang Dou understood the great wisdom hidden in Old Tang's stomach.

and so.

Tang Dou's temper is not bad, but he is not as tolerant as old Tang; Mu Wanying's temper is worse than Tang Dou's, in high school, and sometimes she will touch her hands, as long as girls do it, as long as they don't tear down the house or pick up eggs, Tang Dou thinks it's okay thing.

Tang Dou can bend and stretch.

Sometimes Mu Wanying made him impatient, and he retaliated with love.

After many experiments, it was concluded that the couple quarreling over trivial matters in life is mainly due to too much energy and panic, and it would be better to exercise more.

"I finally found a way to tell the difference. The price of winning or losing is exhausting each other."

From the middle Tang Dynasty, Dou realized that people are divided into male and female, and animals are male and female. This is not only for the purpose of inheriting the family, but also for regulating social relations.

For example, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, but one male and one female can live in harmony.

"My temper is not suitable for driving. I forgot that I rode an electric car to catch up with the back of the bus the year before last."

Unable to convince Old Tang, Shen Yun changed his usual domineering stance and used his own disadvantages to retreat.

"It's true. When I was a child, my mother rode a bicycle and I couldn't even sit in a panic. My father is much more stable."

Tang Dou stood in the position of his mother.

Old Tang had nothing to say, and the burden of taking the driver's license test still fell on him.

"Is it difficult to get a driver's license?"

Old Tang asked his son.

"With your smart mind and calm personality, you should learn very quickly. The second subject is difficult. I will teach you the third subject when I have time."

Tang Dou encouraged and encouraged Old Tang, but Old Tang was really fast at learning, and he passed all subjects from Ke [-] to Ke [-] in one pass in his previous life.

Tang Dou failed subject two in his previous life once, and was often laughed at by Old Tang.

Tang Tang was still sleeping, with her head resting on Tang Dou's neck. Her hair was hard and prickly. Tang Dou endured it. He held the mobile phone in his left hand, and supported the old girl's shoulder with his right hand, allowing her to sleep peacefully and comfortably.

Family affection is like this.

Fighting and fighting at home, sometimes even incompatible with each other, when outside, he is very tolerant and accommodating. If he was at home, Tang Dou would not spoil his younger sister. With such considerate care, his shoulders have long been replaced by soles of his feet.

"I stayed up all night during the Chinese New Year. I ran all day yesterday. I couldn't sleep because of the noise last night. I didn't have a good rest during the holiday."

Looking at his daughter who was sleeping soundly, Shen Yun couldn't help nagging.

Tang Tang woke up after nine o'clock, stretched her waist, leaned on her brother's shoulder again, stared out of the window blankly, woke up, and said with her head: "I want to eat instant noodles, brother give me Bubble."

"Do you want me to feed you?"


"Add the seasoning and I'll get the water."

The aisle of the train was crowded, Tang Tang added the soaked fabric bag, and Tang Dou walked through the crowd to fetch water.


"I ate a lot in the morning, are you hungry now?"

Tang Tang tasted delicious instant noodles, Shen Yun said.

"I'm not hungry, I just want to eat." Tang Tang sucked and slipped the fork, and said to the old brother: "Brother, you ate the marinated egg."

Tang Dou ate marinated eggs, and also ate noodles. These days, he never left the meat and instant noodles, ah, they are so delicious.

The train arrived at Luyao County Station after twelve noon.

Tang Dou's family got off the car.

The sky here is blue, the air is icy cold, and the mountains and rivers are covered in silver.The exhaled air of people formed clouds of white mist, rose up, and then disappeared quickly. The cold wind was bleak, but it could not cool the fiery heart of the wanderers returning home.

After leaving the station, Old Tang habitually stopped and looked around.

Tang Tang was very excited, standing on the steps, looking up at the sky, said excitedly, "The sky is so blue! Tang has never seen such a blue sky all winter."

"Let's go." Tang Dou patted her.

First take a taxi to the county seat for dinner.

Old Tang has a bad stomach, so he can't eat more cold food in winter, so Shen Yun went with him to Zaodu Daqiao Qiaotou Restaurant to eat haggis.

Tang Tang wanted to eat pancakes, and Tang Dou took her there.

The taste of the new year in small counties is no worse than that in cities.

The colorful gates of the Zaodu Bridge have been set up, and the narrow and short streets are decorated with lights.

Coming back from the provincial capital, it is interesting to see the style of the small town.

After passing the Zaodu Bridge is the county middle school. Tang Dou and Tang Tang walked up the main street outside the county middle school. Tang Tang was very interested and dragged his brother to look left and right.

The county seat is very small, and it takes less than 10 minutes to walk from south to north on the main street.

Tang Dou and Tang Tang arrived at Donggou Bridge in less than 5 minutes. Unfortunately, the pancake shop was closed, so they walked back to the county hospital alley, and finally found a pancake shop that was open.

The two ordered four rolls of pancakes with meat and one plate with dried beans. They liked the sour soup when they ate pancakes. Before the pancakes came, Tang Dou first drank a bowl of sour soup. It was cold and very refreshing.

"Brother, I want to go to the bathroom, where can I find it?"

Out of the pancake shop Tang Tang Road.

Although the county is small, Tang Dou didn't know where there was a toilet, so he turned around and asked the owner of the pancake shop: "Auntie, is there an Internet cafe nearby?"

"There is a Kaiyuan Internet cafe at the head of the Zaodu Bridge, and there is also one next to the new bus station."

The young man who helped in the store answered.

Tang Dou: "Thank you."

"Brother, I want to go to the toilet, why are you asking the Internet cafe?"

The old girl was puzzled.

"There are Internet cafes."

Outside, Tang Dou looked for an Internet cafe if he wanted to go to the bathroom.

Tang Tang suddenly realized.

Going to Kaiyuan Internet Cafe, Tang Tang went to the bathroom, and Tang Dou watched others play games outside.When the old girl comes out, the two of them will meet their parents.

Aunt Shen Xiaolong drove to pick him up, and it took more than two hours to arrive.

Old Tang first went to buy firecracker paper money to take a taxi back to the countryside to go to the grave, and brought home food for his ancestors, including meat, dumplings, meatballs, fruits, candies, pastries, etc.

I usually come back to the grave once a year in the first month to feed and drink for the ancestors.

First, I went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of wine and oranges.Old Tang had cigarettes on his body. Although he didn't smoke, he still brought a box when he went out, but he still bought a box of Furong Wang.Then I bought a thick stack of Ming coins and a roll of firecrackers on the street.

Tang Dou did well in the college entrance examination last year, Shen Yun said that the ancestral grave of the old Tang family finally smoked, so be more filial.

"I still want to transfer, want to go to Beacon Hill, or wait for my aunt in the city."

After buying things and preparing to take a taxi, Tang Tang looked at Bijia Mountain Road.

"Is there anything better? When you come back from the college entrance examination, you can transfer as you want."

Shen Yun stopped the car while talking.

Back in the countryside, after sending the taxi away, Tang Dou’s family went to the cemetery on foot. Starting from the top, they served each grave with food, wine, money and cigarettes, and then kowtowed. Left and right.

Tang Dou and Tang Tang knelt and kowtowed from left to right.

Finally, the firecrackers sounded.

The snow on the mountain hadn't melted yet, and Tang Dou took a picture of the frozen scene for thousands of miles and sent it to Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying: "It's so beautiful, I really want to see with my own eyes the sight of thousands of miles covered in ice and snow drifting."

Tang Dou: "I have the opportunity to show you the romantic northern scenery during the winter vacation."

Mu Wanying: "Yeah."

Tang Dou was chatting with Mu Wanying when a snowball hit him on the bridge of the nose, that Frost.Tang Tang looked smug in front, and rubbed a snowball again.

"Tang, do you want to cry again?"

Tang Dou wiped his phone screen on his trousers and put it in his pocket. When he scratched his sister last night, her arm hurt and she cried so much.

The old girl responded with actions and threw the snowball over.

Tang Dou had never lost a snowball fight, so he squeezed a snowball and smashed it, precisely positioned, and exploded on the girl's head.

"Yeah, it's so icy."

Tang Tang bent over and patted the snow on his neck.

"Hands are not cold!"

Shen Yun yelled and threw his leather gloves to his daughter.

This girl seems to have got the Infinity Gauntlet, full of firepower.

Shen Yun walked slowly ahead with Old Tang on his arm.

Tang Dou and Lao Meier chased after the explosive snowball fight, as if returning to their childhood.

At the foot of the mountain, my aunt Shen Xiaolong also just arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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