Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 174 Only Aunt Is an Outsider

Chapter 174 Only Aunt Is an Outsider


Back at the foot of the mountain, seeing the car of my aunt's house, Tang Tang shouted and ran over.

"Slow down, the road is slippery."

Aunt Shen Xiaolong got off the car, hugged Tang Tang who was rushing, grabbed Tang Tang's hand and said: "Why are your hands so cold?"

"I just had a snowball fight with my brother." Tang Tang kissed my aunt on the cheek and said: "My aunt is getting more and more beautiful!"

Shen Xiaolong: "One year older, how can it be possible to become beautiful."

"Little aunt, you grew up against the law. If my mother wasn't here, I'd call you sister."

Tang Dou went over and smiled.

My aunt is wearing a short off-white down jacket, water blue skinny jeans, and a light pink knit hat. She is both fashionable and thin, with her hair draped over her shoulders. She doesn't look like a 34-year-old girl at all, but a 27-year-old girl.

"Then call me sister."

Shen Xiaolong patted Tang Dou's face affectionately, with a happy smile on his face, he loved Dou Dou's mouth to death.My aunt is 35 years old this year, she is still young, but after all, her youth is gradually passing away, so she is certainly happy to be praised as young.

"Let's just take a taxi, you still have to travel so far." Shen Yun pinched Shen Xiaolong's leg, "Isn't it cold?"

"It's not cold. I'm idle at home. I yelled at my sister-in-law a few days ago. She was annoyed at me, so I avoided it."

Shen Xiaolong let go of Tang Tang, and put his arms around his elder sister Shen Yun, the two sisters looked alike.

"What are you arguing with sister-in-law?"

It was cold outside, Shen Yun zipped up his sister's down jacket.

"She talked back to Mom, saying that Mom couldn't do this well or that. I said a few words for Mom, but she was upset, saying that she was afraid that Mom would be angry and let me live in my house."

When mentioning this matter, Shen Xiaolong was also out of breath, and said angrily:
"All the family property was given to my brother, and my father's pension is unclear. When my mother was young, Lin Xiaomei never said this. When I was busy, I asked my mother to help take care of the garden. Lin Xiaomei didn't give my mother a "holiday", Feifei He and Shen Jie have cooked a few meals and washed clothes a few times since Xiaomei was a child, and now that my mother is old, she thinks she is in the way, who is it?"

Shen Xiaolong angrily called his aunt by her first name.

Tang Dou actually thought the auntie's angry appearance was cute, like a little girl.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. If there are more children in the family, there will be more conflicts. There is usually peace between brothers and sisters.

"My aunt is very narrow-minded and not satisfied. When I went to her house, she told me in private that my grandpa and grandma were biased and would not leave, dragging down my son, saying that my aunt was not filial, and she didn't support her parents when she was better off."

"One time my grandma gave me and my brother money, and my aunt saw her eyes. Then she told me in private, how much money did my grandma give, and did my aunt often give it? It seems that what my grandma and my aunt gave was hers. money."

In the grandmother's family, Tang Tang, of course, stood on the side of the aunt unconditionally, which would also expose the fault of the aunt.

Everyone, only my aunt is an outsider.

If my aunt knew that my uncle often gave money to my nephew behind her back, I don't know how she would feel.

"She provokes the children. She has been living blindly for decades. She can't do anything. No. 1 in the fight. I don't know what my mother fell in love with Lin Xiaomei at the beginning. She insisted on letting her brother marry her. Mom is also doing it on her own."

Shen Xiaolong sighed.

"Don't worry about it, she dares to complain and complain in front of mom, and she dare not speak harsh words in front of dad and brother."

Shen Yun comforted the girl.

"I was so angry that I didn't send the pork and pig's head that I had prepared for the Chinese New Year to my brother's house. Lin Xiaomei asked Shen Jie to buy pork from me with a shy face. I really wanted to accept the money at the market price. Shen Jie learned from his mother too. She is narrow-minded, and she is at the mercy of her mother, she can do whatever she asks, and she doesn't think about whether her words or deeds are appropriate."

Shen Xiaolong continued:

"In the second half of this year, the house in Tangdu can be lived in. I will move in, and I will be out of sight and out of mind in the future."

"Auntie can move earlier. I had someone do an indoor air test, and the air is basically up to standard."

Tang Dou said to his aunt who was still angry.

"That's right, Auntie moved down earlier, it will be much more convenient to visit in the future."

Tang Tang is also impatient.

"When Yuanyuan finishes this school year, I'm worried that the course progress will be different after the transfer, and Yuanyuan won't be able to keep up." Shen Xiaolong calmed down, "How is Doudou driving now, do you dare to go on the road?"

"If you dare to sit, I will."

Tang Dou had nothing to dare.

"He hasn't warmed up his driver's license yet. This is no joke."

Shen Yun was very worried about his son driving, and asked Doudou to dismiss the idea.

"How can you cover the heat if you don't go on the road. There are not many cars on the road these two days, let Doudou practice."

Shen Xiaolong has a big heart, she dares to sit if Doudou dares to drive, and he gave Doudou the car keys.

Shen Yun hurriedly dissuaded: "Xiaolong, how dare you let him drive."

"Don't worry, mom. I'll drive slowly. Auntie will drive all the way back, so we can take a break."

Tang Dou comforted his mother, and took the key directly without refusing.

Tang Tang said: "I want to go back to Grandpa's house."

Shen Yun: "I didn't bring the key, so I can only look at the window when I go back, next time."

My aunt asked Old Tang to sit in the co-pilot, and my mother was worried about Tang Dou, so she asked my aunt to sit in the co-pilot to watch, and Tang Tang and herself squeezed behind.

"Dou Dou, drive slowly, get familiar with it first."

Shen Yun was still very worried and reminded his son.

"Don't worry, I practiced driving with my aunt during the summer vacation of the second year of high school and the winter vacation of the third year of high school, but I didn't practice much in the third year of the exam."

Tang Dou comforted his mother.

Tang Dou sat in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, and started the car steadily, looking like an old driver.

"Boys learn these things quickly."

Old Tang, who was about to apply for the driving school, was very curious, and stretched his neck to watch his son's operation carefully.

"The automatic transmission is very simple. But the test for the driver's license is still the test for the manual transmission."

When I arrived at Yinzhou on the expressway, Tang Dou didn't drive too fast, for fear of scaring my mother. The maximum speed was 120 miles, but my mother was still very disturbed, so I asked my aunt to drive, and my aunt thought Tang Dou was fine.

In less than three hours, we arrived in Shangjun after five o'clock in the afternoon.

Grandpa and grandma are both at the uncle's house, and the younger uncle took Hao Yuan to the uncle's house first.

In the evening, the whole family had dinner together. After getting off the highway, Tang Dou drove directly to his uncle's house.

My uncle's house is quite big, more than 130 square meters, with four bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. It is not too crowded for the whole family to gather here.The location is also very good, Xisha Qingshan Road block, not far from Experimental Primary School, Experimental Middle School, and Shangjun College.

From kindergarten to university, Shen Jie is at the doorstep of his house, which is very convenient.

When Tang Dou and others arrived, grandma, aunt and Shen Feifei were busy in the kitchen, grandpa was holding Hao Yuan and watching TV, uncle, little uncle, Shen Jie were playing poker to catch old pockmarks, seeing Tang Dou, Hao Yuan called Brother Dou Dou to run Come.

Tang Dou is very patient with children, especially little girls.

It's not that the mind is impure, it's just that he prefers girls, like thinking that younger sisters are cuter than younger brothers, and little padded jackets are cuter than bunnies. At home, between Tang Dou and Tang Tang, Tang Tang prefers Tang Tang, and his mother is more fair.

Arguments are quarrels, Tang Dou also dotes on his younger sister.

In the past, Tang Dou went to his aunt’s house during the winter and summer vacations to accompany his cousin to read picture books, watch animations such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Bear Infested, SpongeBob SquarePants, take his cousin shopping, and go to the Yuanyang Lake Playground to play.

Cousin also likes him very much, Brother Dou Dou Dou is sweeter than his own sister.Shen Jie and Shen Feifei, who were closer, saw more, but they didn't have the patience to play with their children, and Hao Yuan didn't like them.

Children are like this, innocent and innocent, it depends on whether you play with him or not.

"Is sister-in-law getting better soon, do you want to help?"

My aunt and my mother had a prejudice against my aunt who had a small stomach and a small belly. On the way, they said harsh and useless things about my aunt, but they were still kind on the surface, and even if they quarreled, they would forget it later.

(End of this chapter)

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