Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 183 Barely passing the 985 exam

Chapter 183 Barely passing the 985 exam
After hanging up the phone, Feng Qinglan said to Mu Jinhua:
"Tang Doudou lived with Wanying last night."

Mu Jinhua probably understood it from the phone, but he was not angry, and after thinking about it, he felt very relieved. If Tang Dou ignored Wanying who was not feeling well these two days, it would be disappointing.

"Stinky boy, you are so courageous."

Although Feng Qinglan guessed that her daughter and Tang Dou might have reached that point in advance, she called her daughter early in the morning before dawn, but when she heard Tang Dou's voice, she suddenly felt as if she had lost something.

Mu Jinhua reads a lot, as long as his daughter is equal to Tang Dou.

Putting down the phone, Tang Dou didn't feel sleepy anymore, waiting for Mu Wanying to come out of the bathroom.Hearing the sound of the bathroom door opening, Tang Dou got up to go, and seeing the horrible wastebasket, Tang Dou lamented that girls are really not easy, and caring for girls is everyone's responsibility.When I was young, I used to say that shed a drop of blood to eat three meals for nothing, but this time girls have to eat for nothing for three months!

"What's the matter with your mother calling so early? Can you let me go back now?"

When Tang Dou came back from the bathroom, Mu Wanying who was sitting on the bed asked weakly.

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Your mother beat you."


"The teacher beat me."

Tang Dou repeated.

"Doudou, who told you to pick it up?"

Mu Wanying picked up her mobile phone to check the call records, she was instantly dumbfounded, she told my mother last night that she was the only one at home, but Doudou came out directly from her quilt, what would my parents think.

"I fell asleep and thought it was my phone."

Tang Dou rubbed his eyes, and said innocently: "You have to pay for the lies you told yourself. To be a human being, you still have to be honest. You just tell your parents what is the point of me staying with you for one night. This will make them think more about it." gone."

"It's all your fault. How can I explain it to my parents now?"

Mu Wanying was so upset that she looked at the phone screen with a sad face.

"Explain what, explain is to cover up, I don't worry about your mother coming back and breaking my leg, what are you afraid of, you don't have to be careful in the future." Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying down, covered her with the quilt, and comforted:
"Okay, I'll take the blame, and you just say I won't leave."

"It's okay, I just wasn't prepared."

After calming down, Mu Wanying felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Both of them are adults, even if the relationship with their boyfriend has really reached that stage, it is not a big treasonous thing, besides, the object is fighting, they know each other well, both families agree and support, anyway, my mother has long since distrusted her Yes, she is also considering going a step further with Doudou, and now it's time to vaccinate her parents.

"What did my mother say?"

"I entrusted you to me and let me take care of you. How do you feel now?"

Tang Dou pressed Mu Wanying's head against his forehead and said, "I'll make you a cup of brown sugar water."

"I don't want to drink."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

"What do you want to eat, I'll make some breakfast."

"I don't want to eat. Doudou, your hands are so warm, rub my stomach for me."

Mu Wanying grabbed Grab Doudou's hand.

"Turn around and I'll knead you."

Tang Dou turned Mu Wanying over, her back facing Shun Shou.Mu Wanying turned on her phone to look at her space. Tang Dou propped his head on his left arm and looked at Mu Wanying's phone screen. Mu Wanying swiped and clicked into the message board of his space.

"Why hasn't anyone left a message for you recently?"

"I set access permissions."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying exited the space, turned on the camera to take a selfie, and saved it in a private album that only the two of them could see.

"Wanying, your butt is quite big."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying elbowed Tang Dou.

On winter mornings, it is a very pleasant thing for two people to lie in bed together to warm each other's treasures. When they got up at nine o'clock, Mu Wanying said, "Doudou, help me get a small underwear from the closet, and Culottes."

Tang Dou changed his clothes and went down, opened the closet, "Which one? Black? White? Pink? Or blue?"

"Wear black for the past two days, the blood is not obvious."

Tang Dou added.

"You are so thoughtful." Mu Wanying pointed, "By the way, there is also a lampshade (wenxiong)."

Tang Dou picked up Mu Wanying's upper and lower coat and smelled it, and found that it was not moldy, then threw it on the bed, and then threw the skirt pants on the bed, seeing Mu Wanying buttoning the lampshade awkwardly, Tang Dou went to help, and after buttoning it, he held the front Tidy up.

"Go out first and heat up the bathroom water."

Mu Wanying was about to change the inner library and pushed Doudou away.

Tang Dou stopped making trouble, and went to wash up first.After Mu Wanying washed, she packed her bag. Actually, there was nothing to pack, so she packed two sanitary napkins, and then put on the off-white down jacket and black Martin boots.

"How about it?"

Mu Wanying turned left and right in front of the mirror to ask.

"The down jacket is a little long, and it doesn't go well with short skirts. Shorts are better."

While looking at it, Tang Dou adjusted Mu Wanying's skirt.

"You know how to dress girls well. For shorts, woolen shorts should be worn with the leggings. I don't have any." Mu Wanying looked down, "Just wear it. Thin leggings and thick leggings , I feel that the legs are thicker."

"It's not so obvious, black looks thinner."

Tang Dou looked at it.

"Aren't you going to take back your pajamas?"

Mu Wanying closed the bedroom window and said.

Tang Dou said: "I won't take it anymore, it will be more convenient next time, you can wash it for me when you come back."

"no more chance."

Mu Wanying said so, but she still stuffed Tang Dou's pajamas into her closet.

Shen Yun had prepared lunch early on, knowing that Mu Wanying's aunt was here today, Shen Yun cooked very carefully, light and nutritious, avoided cold food and spicy food as much as possible, and cooked barley porridge.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went back at 10:30,

The meal is not good yet.Tang Tang was reading in the bedroom, and Mu Wanying went to give him a counseling meeting.

Old Tang was watching TV. The never-ending "Journey to the West" was the episode where Master and Bajie were pregnant. The two of them fought to the death. Brother Hou went to find someone to grab the abortion potion!
I also have to admire Wu Chengen's brain hole.

Tang Dou wanted to watch a football game, and Lao Tang was very involved in watching Journey to the West. He watched it on his mobile phone. There was a Heat game. Seeing LeBron, Tang Dou suddenly wondered how the 2020 season was going. He was very curious.

"Dou Dou, the meal is ready, ask Wanying and Tang to eat."

Shen Yun shouted from the kitchen door.

Mu Wanying was teaching mathematics to Tang Tang. Mu Wanying was very careful while drawing images on the draft paper while holding a pen.Tang Tang listened very attentively, and felt that Mu Wanying was much easier to understand than the math teacher.

"Student master is amazing. I have only graduated from high school for half a year, and I can't even speak the knowledge of the first year of high school."

Tang Dou said to Mu Wanying with a smile.

Mu Wanying wanted to fight as soon as she heard it, and she felt very ironic when she heard Doudou boasting that she was a top student.

"Brother, you didn't understand."

Tang Tang made a circle.

"Yeah, I didn't understand it at all, so I barely got 985."

Tang Dou sighed.

"." If there was no one else, Mu Wanying would have done it.

"Sister Wanying, my brother, how can you bear it? I would have kicked him."

Tang Tang looked contemptuous.

"Wanying have some porridge first."

Shen Yun first filled a half bowl of barley porridge for Mu Wanying. Today, she was more enthusiastic towards Mu Wanying than ever before. To be precise, she was close, caring and caring. When she learned that she didn't have breakfast in the morning, Shen Yun blamed Doudou:
"Dou Dou, you don't make breakfast for Wanying in the morning, so if you ask you to take good care of Wanying, you will be perfunctory."

(End of this chapter)

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