Chapter 184
"Auntie, I don't want to eat."

Mu Wanying spoke for Tang Dou.

"Blame me, I got up late, Wanying eats more fish."

Tang Dou put a piece of steamed fish in Mu Wanying's bowl.

"Sister Wanying, don't speak for my brother. My brother is just lazy and doesn't know how to take care of others."

Tang Tang mercilessly mocked his brother.

Mu Wanying glanced at Doudou and smiled without saying a word. In terms of taking care of others, if Doudou is not considered a boy who can take care of others, then there may not be a boy who can take care of others in this world.

Tang Dou felt ashamed.

He is not very diligent at home, but he is not lazy compared to ordinary boys, but compared to being so diligent in front of Mu Wanying, willing to be a cow and a horse, willing to be a slave under the skirt of pomegranate, he is a bit lazy at home.

This is also normal.

One monk carried water to drink, but two monks had no water to drink.

If there are no brothers and sisters in the family, there is no reliance, and if there are brothers and sisters, there is no reliance on each other. We can't treat our parents as errands for everything.

For example, when Mu Wanying is at home, she can pick up the courier by herself, buy snacks if she wants to eat, and pour water by herself.

Tang Dou's house.

Brother to pick up the courier, sister to go, brother to boil the pot of water, sister to go, brother to cook instant noodles, sister to go, brother to eat shit, sister to go together, sometimes I would rather not eat or drink than anyone Do it, it depends on who can persist.

"Wanying, watch Doudou closely outside, he dares to bully you, tell auntie."

Shen Yun said while serving Mu Wanying some food.

"Thank you auntie."

Mu Wanying nodded obediently.

Tang Dou originally planned to go to the movies with Mu Wanying in the afternoon, but Mu Wanying didn't want to move too much today so she didn't go.

Staying at Tang Dou's house, playing games and watching TV with Tang Dou and Tang Tang at noon, Tang Tang went back to his room to do questions in the afternoon, Lao Tang and Shen Yun needed to go to work for a meeting.Mu Wanying was not feeling well, Tang Dou took her to Mom and Dad's room to rest.

"Wanying took off her shoes and went to lie down."

Tang Dou spread out his mother's quilt and let Mu Wanying go up, seeing Mu Wanying covering her lower abdomen with her hands, Tang Dou went to the second bedroom to bring Tang Tang's warm treasure, charged it up, and let Mu Wanying cover her lower abdomen, Then go up and rub her stomach.

Under the care of her aunt, Mu Wanying felt uncomfortable and a little depressed.

Tang Dou put his left arm around her and massaged her with his right hand.

"What time does the car leave tomorrow?"

Mu Wanying put an arm around Tang Dou's waist, looked at Dou Dou and asked in a weak voice.

"Eleven fifty. Don't wear this for two days."

Tang Dou moved his right hand up to Mu Wanying's back, and untied it.

Mu Wanying nodded, and took it out of her body to put it in her bag. She has been uncomfortable for the past two days, and it is really uncomfortable to be stretched.Mu Wanying was not feeling well, and Tang Dou didn't mess around, he just rubbed her stomach lightly.

Mu Wanying: "Is the house rented?"

Tang Dou: "Let's stay at that hotel and continue the lease until school starts."

Mu Wanying nodded, she didn't want to ask more about the company.

Lao Tang and Shen Yun didn't come back from get off work until after five o'clock, and Tang Dou started cooking at four o'clock. Mu Wanying wanted to help, but Tang Dou didn't, and asked Tang Tang to watch TV with her.Tang Dou's dinner was also light. After eating greasy food for several days in a row, he couldn't bear it anymore. He adjusted his appetite in the past two days.

Old Tang and Shen Yun came home from get off work and just had dinner. It is really convenient to have a cooker at home, Shen Yun sighed.

Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan came back after eight o'clock in the evening, and went to call Mu Wanying outside the Tang Doujia community.

Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying out, pretending to be uneasy, but Mu Wanying saw it and comforted her: "Don't worry, Doudou, my mother suspected us when I came back from vacation, my parents are not angry, they have already acquiesced."

Mu Wanying felt guilty for thinking that Doudou was caught by her mother under her bed in the morning.

While Tang Dou was overjoyed, his conscience ached.

The joy is not because it is just around the corner to go further with Mu Wanying, but because I have firmly grasped Mu Wanying's heart in my hands, so I don't have to worry about losing my wife, and it feels right to put Mu Wanying's routine into Tang Dou's arms. Wanying made him pursue so hard and love so exhaustingly, but in the end she was completely rejected.

The method is greater than the effort, which makes sense.

After Tang Dou and Mu Wanying had a quarrel in his previous life before receiving the certificate, after calming down, Tang Dou asked Mu Wanying, "Since you are so disappointed in me, why are you still with me?"

At that time, Tang Dou had a lot to say to Mu Wanying and was about to face marriage, but the two quarreled every now and then, Tang Dou was a little confused.But "We haven't slept yet, we haven't obtained the certificate, and it's not too late to turn around." Tang Dou didn't say these words.

Seeing that Tang Dou was very calm and serious at the time, Mu Wanying's anger disappeared immediately, and she didn't continue to be angry, but said in a muffled voice, "You are in a hurry, and my feelings for us have never changed or wavered."

In other words, isn't it "If you hurt me thousands of times, I will treat you like first love".

When Tang Dou heard it, it was fine, get the certificate early and give up early.

Tang Dou's conscience hurts because of his teacher and mistress.

Especially the mistress, in the previous life she had worked so hard to bring him and Mu Wanying together. After the two got married, the mistress was even more troubled. She tried to persuade her daughter to change her temper while comforting her son-in-law, but now she fell into Tang Dou's routine.

At the gate of the community, Mu Wanying stopped for a while, and straightened Tang Dou's collar, "Send me a message when you arrive in Kyoto tomorrow."

"Well, as soon as NO.14 comes back, I will go to your house to see you."

Tang Dou nodded.

Mu Wanying said again: "I won't take care of myself outside of you."

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Didn't I also take care of you when you were here?"

"I also take care of you, okay! Ask if you have eaten, and if you have returned to the dormitory. If you are drunk, I will wash your feet and feed you water."

Mu Wanying pinched Doudou.

The two of you left the community without saying anything. Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan had just arrived. After the car stopped, Feng Qinglan got out of the car first, and Mu Jinhua followed closely. Tang Dou said, "Ms. .”


After exchanging a few pleasantries, teacher and wife, Mu Wanying got into the car, Feng Qinglan put her arms around Mu Wanying, and didn't mention the extent of Mu Wanying's relationship with Tang Dou, and Mu Wanying didn't take the initiative to explain, just let it be .

The next day is the ninth day of the first lunar month.

Old Tang and Shen Yun went to work early in the morning, Tang Dou and Tang Tang were the only brothers and sisters left at home. Tang Dou cooked in the morning, and after dinner Tang Dou packed up his things and prepared to go to Kyoto. Tang Tang was going to the train station to send his brother off.

Along the way, Tang Tang was very depressed, without the vitality of the past. Either he was reluctant to leave his brother, or the family had been busy for so long, and his brother suddenly left and felt uncomfortable. Unlike Mu Wanying's feelings, the old girl spent two months. It will be fine if you get used to your mood in three days, but Mu Wanying may get lovesick after two days.

It is not that family affection is not as strong as that of a couple, and its nature is different.

Family love seems weak but will never break, even if we are separated by the ends of the world.

After the couple separated, they missed tea and food at the beginning, but it may stop after a long time.

It could be seen that the old girl was in a low mood, and Tang Dou didn't try to comfort her.

The old girl usually fights against him everywhere, but she is also a good emotional sister. This will be more comforting and tears. Even so, when we parted at the train station, the old girl still couldn't help her eyes turned red, and her big eyes were crying barking.

"Brother, be careful on the road."

"I know, I'm still crying when I'm an adult, and I don't want to go out for a long time, but I'll be back in a few days."

Tang Dou wiped the corners of the old girl's eyes, rubbed her head, and told her, "Don't run around for a while, go home early, send a message to brother when you get home, tell brother if you have anything, don't talk back to mom, you know No."

"Well, brother will call home when he arrives."

Tang Tang nodded and watched his brother enter the station.

(End of this chapter)

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