Chapter 188 Brainwashing Interview

It's much easier to hire for company expansion.

Qiao Mai looked at the electronic resumes of the applicants and deleted them. Those who met the basic requirements of the position were arranged for an initial test. Before making the arrangement, of course, he made an appointment with the boss to see if the boss was free at that time.

Because the company is currently in short supply of manpower, Tang Dou and Mi Le are on duty all day, so they should complete the recruitment work as soon as possible.

The school is about to start, and it is best to get all the company's expansion matters done before the school starts.

Although the boss is in charge of the final check, but as a human resources supervisor and HR, you must first select those who meet the basic requirements of the position and then let the boss interview. The boss's time is precious, and HR cannot directly let the boss interview everyone.

Such as the front desk.

First of all, it can't be more beautiful than Mr. Mi, but as the company's facade, it must not be too ugly.

In addition to appearance, there is also character.

Definitely can't show off like a street girl, it will affect the company's image more.

Although Qiao Mai worked as a receptionist for two months, she didn't have much experience in the receptionist. I don't know why Mr. Mi chose her in the first place. It should not only be because she is not as beautiful as Mr. Mi, but she must have discovered some advantages in her.

What advantages do you have.

Qiao Mai was thinking hard.

"Brother Jing, what kind of temperament should the front desk meet?"

Unable to figure it out, Qiao Mai asked Guo Jing again.

"According to your own standards."

Guo Jing kept typing on the keyboard, turned her head to look at the sad-faced Qiao Mai and smiled.

Qiao Mai said: "Compared to Mr. Mi, I feel that I have no temperament at all. I am just a fresh graduate."

"The front desk must be enthusiastic, steady, and diligent. The front desk will be your soldier in the future, and the next step is to be your human resources assistant, so you must be good at communicating with people."

Looking at Qiao Mai with a confused face, Guo Jing stopped what she was doing and patiently guided her.


Qiao Mai nodded, and returned to his computer to send the interview invitation.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, after chatting with Chen Wenwen, who was applying for the front desk, Qiao Mai showed the information sheet to Tang Dou and Mi Le.

"This year's fresh graduates will either ask for leave or resign in May and June." Mi Le looked at it and said, "But it doesn't matter, this position requires fresh graduates. And the requirements for work experience are not high, and they can be filled at any time."

Mi Le glanced around and threw the registration form to Tang Dou.

"This was originally a matter for the human resources department. Qiao Mai is now called a supervisor and has little experience."

Mi Le asked Tang Dou to go for an interview, so that he could get to know the boss in advance. If he was hired and didn't know the boss when he came to work, it would be embarrassing for the boss to stop him at the door.

"It feels awkward, it's more appropriate to let Zhang Yadong go."

Tang Dou didn't want to go either.

Mi Le said: "Whoever recruits will be inclined to whom in cognition, now there are only a few people, you have to establish a sense of presence, you can let the secretary do some things instead, but you can't let other positions interfere with each other, it will make people feel uncomfortable. Employees feel like you’re being left out.”

Tang Dou went to the reception room with the information sheet, and Qiao Mai went out first after introducing it to Chen Wenwen.

Chen Wenwen is still a little student-like, and her clothes are fresh and her appearance is not bad.Knowing from Qiao Mai that the boss is a first-year student, Chen Wenwen was surprised and prepared, but it is always a bit weird to face him face to face.

I didn't know what to do when I was a freshman.

Now I'm graduating and running around for work.

And the junior in front of him is already the boss of a ten-million-level company in his freshman year.

And from this junior, I can't see the frivolity and uninhibitedness of other rich second generations of the same age. This kind of natural low-key temperament makes people feel unfathomable and unreachable, and I don't know whose young master it is.

The gap between people is sometimes really different.

It would be nice to have such a domineering CEO boyfriend, there is no need to struggle, Chen Wenwen feels desolate, how is it possible, but it is not bad to be able to hang out with the domineering president.

"Senior sister has a lot of college experience. She will graduate soon, and her home is not far from Beijing. How does senior sister plan her career?"

Tang Dou looked at his resume and asked.

"Well, I want to stay in Kyoto to develop, but in Kyoto, the pressure is relatively high, and my school is average, so I don't have confidence in my competitiveness. I want to try in Kyoto first. If I can develop, of course I will stay in Kyoto."

Chen Wenwen answered very frankly.

"In fact, compared with ordinary first- and second-tier cities in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the impact of diplomas is smaller. Big cities test the ability of job seekers themselves. Only those who truly show their hard work will win. Diplomas are just a reference."

"So senior sister should be more confident."

Tang Dou looked up at Chen Wenwen, encouraged her, and continued to read her resume.

"That's right, in our hometown, many companies recruit diplomas as a threshold, and the place is small and the relationship is complicated. Even if you have enough education, you still can't enter companies without good connections. It's not as fair as a big city."

Chen Wenwen nodded.

"I feel that the pressure in big cities is mainly because I have not adapted to the fast-paced life and work." Tang Dou picked up a pen and pretended to draw on Chen Wenwen's resume, "Sister studied in Kyoto for four years, maybe she has less social experience."

Is this announcing that I am interview yellow?
Chen Wenwen's heart turned cold when she heard it. She was a student who was about to graduate from university, but she was ashamed by a freshman in elementary school.

Regret to death, doing internships casually, or doing part-time jobs will not be so passive in finding a job.

"When I was in college, the pressure was low, and I didn't push myself. I didn't know the reality was difficult until I was looking for a job after graduation."

Chen Wenwen didn't defend herself at all. She felt that she was too immature in the face of her seasoned junior. There was a reason for her excellence!People with such good conditions still work so hard, and their roots are still salty.

"However, in the workplace, some things depend on the result, and some things depend on the attitude."

Tang Dou nodded. He liked Chen Wenwen's frank attitude. He took the blame for himself and didn't make any excuses. Tang Dou looked at Chen Wenwen and said, "The biggest advantage when you are about to graduate and enter the workplace is to be young, confident and aggressive. , have passion, dare to affirm yourself, others will have confidence in you.”

If you dare to affirm yourself, others will have confidence in you.

Qiao Mai repeated it silently in his heart, the chicken soup from junior brother is too fragrant, it is better than ten years of reading.

That's right, her biggest advantage now is that she is young. Before she graduated, she looked old-fashioned. She felt that she was not good enough, so how could the boss trust you.

Chen Wenwen feels that whether she can be hired today is not in vain.

Tang Dou suddenly felt that he was not an interviewer, he was obviously teaching Chen Wenwen how to find a job just after graduation.

Brainwashing interview.

Mi Le was sitting outside and heard the conversation inside, and he fell in admiration of Tang Dou's eloquence.

"Of course choice and opportunity are also very important. Just now, the senior sister Mai, who was a year older than you, worked as a front desk for more than two months. Now that the company has expanded, she has been promoted to the HR director. Her ability and experience are not enough. Take this position, but the company has vacancies and needs to cultivate talents, as well as financial managers and business team leaders."

".The company now has a lot of room for development, and employees have great opportunities for promotion."

Tang Dou roughly talked about the advantages of the company and the development space for coming here, and then asked Chen Wenwen if there was anything else she wanted to know.

"It can be seen from the name that the company is full of vitality, and I can personally feel the atmosphere of being willing to struggle and challenge in the office. If I have the opportunity, I would like to work hard to become a member of this group."

(End of this chapter)

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