Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 189 The Transaction Under the Night

Chapter 189 The Transaction Under the Night
After listening to Tang Dou's words, Chen Wenwen was deeply touched.

People succeed for a reason.

If you can't succeed by yourself, if you can follow the winners, it is also a kind of success.

Chen Wenwen didn't dare to imagine that one day the domineering president would secretly fall in love with her. She just wanted to follow the president to win and make money. Sometimes it would be counterproductive to be too naive. The female employees here dare to play with this junior. Once the surname Mi finds out , leaving is certain.

"If I have the opportunity, I would like to experience the happy and struggling working atmosphere here."

Chen Wenwen said very sincerely.

"Where does senior sister live, is it inconvenient to go to work?"

Seeing that Chen Wenwen wanted to come to Le Dou, Tang Dou asked her implicitly when she would be able to start work. If she directly asked when she could come to work, it would seem that the company was short of people. It made people feel that the company's threshold was very low.

"XX community, shared with my best friend, not far from here."

Chen Wenwen replied that she didn't understand what Tang Dou meant.

"Okay, let's talk here first, and then you can get to know the company with Miss Mai later."

Tang Dou nodded, got up and went out.


It took two seconds for Chen Wenwen to react, and said in a daze, "See you, Mr. Tang."


Tang Dou replied politely.

Seeing Tang Dou come out of the reception room, Qiao Mai immediately came over and asked, "How is Mr. Tang?"

"If her time is convenient, she can try it out first."

Tang Dou said.Chen Wenwen's head is a bit dull, but she is very honest, so she can use it first.

"Okay, I'll talk to her again."

Qiao Mai nodded and went to the reception room.

"Mr. Tang, this is the investment data in the morning. XX Technology has soared, and AA Qingneng has risen strongly. The overall income has reached today's expected goal."

Zhang Yadong showed Tang Dou the morning briefing.

"Well, be conservative in the afternoon. If there is a downward trend, you can decide for yourself."

Tang Dou looked at it and made a very satisfied look.


Zhang Yadong nodded.

"It's a pity you don't do MLM."

When Tang Dou returned to his office, Mi Le gave him an admiring look.

"It's called motivational speaking."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes and sat down, watching the game on the computer. The game between the Spurs and the Heat was a rehearsal for the finals. It was the final decisive moment. Wade passed on LeBron to kill the game. Tang Dou couldn't help shouting a good shot.

"As for being so excited."

I often watch Tang Dou play, and Mi Le is now half a fan. He came over to watch together, "Just pulling the ball as soon as the ball is served, this foul is too low-level, and it is obvious that he is giving away free throws!"

"It's called a tactical foul, scrimmage."

Tang Dou explained.

"How much use is it to send the opponent two free throws to get the ball."

Miller still didn't understand.

"At this time, bet that the opponent will not score a penalty. After winning the ball, you can hit a three-pointer, and then you will have a chance to equalize and drag into overtime or a direct lore."

Tang Dou continued to explain.

Mi Le said: "Thirty seconds to chase five points, this chance is too slim."

"Anything is possible, on this pitch."

Tang Dou smiled, and searched for the 35-point reversal video in 13 seconds to show Mi Le what a miracle is.

"This is very similar to Yao Ming."

Miller pointed to the No. 11 player of the Mosaic team.

"It was."

Tang Dou was extremely speechless.

"I know Yao Ming as a good basketball player in my motherland. He is so good, how many points he scored in a row." Mi Le looked at Tang Dou and said, "The boys on the court are really attractive."

Tang Dou: "Girls who play basketball are also very attractive."

"Teach me how to play basketball." Miller said.

Tang Dou said: "Isn't Ma Jiang very handsome on the court? Let him teach."

"I was pouring him wine for you." Mi Le suddenly crawled over and stared at Tang Doudou, "Tang Doudou, you won't be jealous, will you?"

"You are too narcissistic."

Tang Dou shook his head away, not wanting to talk to Mi Le anymore.

After a break at noon, Tang Dou and Mi Le took everyone to a light meal.

After nearly three months of working together and getting to know each other, the Le Dou team is now united.The prototype of a culture of happy struggle and solidarity and mutual assistance has been formed.A good corporate culture can make work easier, employees more active, and the team more cohesive.The ambiguous office atmosphere will add extra stress.

In the afternoon, I interviewed another operator, a financial assistant, and a financial officer.

The requirements for financial assistants are relatively high. Let people go back and wait for news, and then choose after a few more interviews. The requirements for trader and financial members are relatively low. After the initial test, Qiao Mai directly arranges to come in for an internship.

Having dinner after get off work, Tang Dou went back to the hotel after dinner. Not long after entering, someone knocked on the door.

Tang Dou opened the door, it was the woman from last night.She is wearing a completely different style from last night. Last night, she wore a narrow skirt and black stockings, which was very sexy. The knitted sweater and blue skinny jeans she will wear this time look very pure.

Tang Dou sized up her eyes, but didn't pay much attention. Compared to now, Tang Dou still likes her style last night.

"Hello, my name is Xu Shirou."

She nodded her chin with a smile and spoke first, looked into the room, and said apologetically: "I attended the class reunion yesterday, I got too drunk and went to the wrong room, I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

Tang Dou said something flat, still standing in front of the door.

"It's quite boring to be alone in the room. Is it convenient for me to go in and chat?" Xu Shirou smiled and pulled her hair down. Seeing that Tang Dou didn't intend to invite herself in, she continued: "You can go to my room."

"Sorry, I'm going to call my girlfriend."

Tang Dou implicitly refused.

Intuition told Tang Dou that maybe because of his gentlemanly behavior last night, this woman had a crush on him.

Also, in a situation like this, if he had punished Xu Shirou from the beginning to the end last night, Xu Shirou would have no way to reason after waking up, at most complaining a few words, asking if she was wearing an umbrella, and just to be on the safe side, go out and buy a box of Yuting to eat , It's nothing, just a snap and two breakups.

Tang Dou didn't do this, but it might have made Xu Shirou unforgettable.

I think Tang Dou is a good boy, worth dating.

After all, in this era of hunger and thirst, there are not many people who don't eat it.

Being rejected by Tang Dou without even thinking about it, and using his girlfriend as an excuse, Xu Shirou nodded unnaturally, but she did not give up. After she succeeds, she will pay 5 yuan, "Then add a friend, I will give you a friend later." Treat me to supper, thank you for taking care of me last night and taking me back to my room."

"no need."

Tang Dou slammed the door and ignored him, why give her a good face if he wasn't going to pick her up.

Looking at the closed door, Xu Shirou was a little at a loss, so ruthless?
It's really difficult, Xu Shirou sighed in disappointment, went back to her room, turned on her mobile phone and sent a message to "King Kong Hoe": "It's not easy, why don't you take him to drink and leave it to me."

Vajra Hoe: "No, you can go, don't bother him anymore, I'll add [-] to you, a total of [-], assuming this has never happened, I will find the money in the trash bin at the gate of Zijin Community at eight o'clock, a black trash bag .”

"it is good!!!"

"You and the other party are not friends"

Damn, who are they, Infernal Affairs?Lingling paint?

Xu Shirou suddenly felt a little panicked.

At eight o'clock, Xu Shirou arrived at the gate of Zijin Community on time. In the darkness of the opposite intersection, a car turned on its lights to illuminate this side. Xu Shirou panicked. After hesitating for a few seconds, she took out a black garbage bag from the trash can, opened it and looked at it. Look, Xu Shirou didn't even have time to get excited after packing two stacks of brand new red tickets, she even put them in garbage bags and hurried away.

Turning around and seeing the car on the opposite side turn around and leave, Xu Shirou patted her chest and hurried back to the hotel.

 Thank you for holding the sword and drinking tea, Ah Ye's rain is Huiyuan, and the happy family of drinking tea will reward you.

(End of this chapter)

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