Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

196 Chapter 191. I want to hear from you

196 Chapter 191. I want to hear from you

At eight o'clock the next morning, the waiter brought the breakfast.

There are porridge, milk, bread, dim sum, steamed buns, and side dishes, all of which are exquisite and rich.

Mu Wanying picked up a steamed bun, took a bite of red bean paste, it was too sweet, and fed it to Doudou.

"I'll be back around 11:30 noon. If you're hungry, order your own food or go out to eat, remember to bring your room card with you."

Tang Dou took a sip of porridge and said.

"Then I'll wait for you to come back and eat together, Doudou opens his mouth."

Mu Wanying picked up a small piece of butter bread and fed it. Tang Dou didn't appreciate it, and pointed to his mouth. Mu Wanying ate it in one gulp, her lips were stained with pure white butter.

At 08:30, Mi Le called outside the hotel, Tang Dou settled Mu Wanying and went to work.

Before Tang Dou went out, Mu Wanying stood in front of him and looked up and down.

Mu Wanying patted Tang Dou's hair, straightened her collar, pursed her lips and said, "Okay."

"It feels like home wherever you are."

Tang Dou kissed Mu Wanying's forehead before going out.

"Wait a minute, do you need a Band-Aid to cover the one on your neck?"

Mu Wanying touched the purple round spot on Doudou's neck.

"Need not."

Mu Wanying watched Doudou enter the elevator, then went back to the room to clean up and washed the socks that Doudou changed yesterday.

Mi Le drove the car and parked on the side of the road outside the hotel, and took a cup of milk tea and a hot dog in the car before eating and drinking. When Mu Wanying came, suddenly no one was eating breakfast with her, Mi Le felt a little envious when he saw Tang Dou coming , she got out of the car and took the co-pilot to go.

Tang Dou was driving in the driver's seat. Mi Le ate a hot dog and didn't speak, so he didn't speak. He turned on the music and whistled.

"good mood?"

Mi Le rolled his eyes and said.

"very good mood."

Tang Dou turned his head and smiled.

"Tch, I feel very good now, and it's too late to hide my visual fatigue after a long time."

Miller said disdainfully.

"It depends on who you are with. With some people, you may choose to break up when you get tired of talking. With some people, even if the novelty of love passes, you will get bored and even quarrel, but you will not break up. You will marry her. "

"No matter who you are with, it is impossible to be sweet and loving all the time. What can really last for a long time is the patience and persistence of both parties."

Tang Dou looked calm, and Mu Wanying was the latter for him.

Although Mu Wanying's shortcomings are obvious at times, and she will get into a nonsensical temper from time to time, but this can't conceal her Lan Xinhui's quality, besides, there is no perfect person in this world, a person without flaws, it's not true.

Miller thought for a while and couldn't argue.

This is the reason for marrying a wife and a virtuous person.

"How is the company doing these days? Didn't you have to report to work last night?"

Tang Dou changed the subject and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that Mu Wanying is here. I think we should take a look. After all, we have a good relationship with Mu Wanying and it will be convenient for us to work. Otherwise, I always feel a little unloved."

Mi Le shook his head and said seriously.

Tang Dou really wanted to smack Mi Le, "Talk nonsense with your eyes open."

"In the beginning, I wanted to poach someone. You didn't give me a chance. Now I just want to run the company well."

Mi Le didn't make excuses either, she tried all the methods she could think of, but she couldn't break down the wall between Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, and couldn't even find a clue. disgusted.

"Eat lunch or dinner together."

Tang Dou glanced at Mi Le, when Mu Wanying was not around this winter vacation, Mi Le was indeed very peaceful.

"Let's go tonight, I'll treat you to hot pot." Mi Le continued.

Tang Dou said: "Don't book a hotel, I'll ask Wanying if I can see you."

"I love to see you, but I don't see you falling down. Who cares? If she doesn't feel awkward, I don't care."

Mi Le shook his head, "The company has been on the right track after expanding. There was a problem with the computer system the day before yesterday, and I asked someone to fix it. I'm thinking about whether to hire a computer engineer."

"It's not necessary now, just recruit someone who has computer expertise. The salary of a dedicated computer engineer will definitely not be low. Most of the time he stays, but gets a high salary. Others will feel unbalanced."

Tang Dou felt that it was inappropriate to hire a computer engineer now.

Mi Le nodded, it was a bit of a fuss.

"Morning Tang, Mr. Mi."

When I arrived at the company, the mascot (front desk) Chen Wenwen said hello.


Tang Dou and Mi Le nodded at the same time.

Everyone in the office was present, and Zhang Yadong organized three groups to complete the reports of their respective groups.Guo Jing checked yesterday's financial report.Qiao Mai has just finished cleaning Tang Dou and Mi Le's office, this is the first thing she does every morning.

"Miss Wheat rents out the office next door when she has time, and then assembles it according to the configuration of this one."

"The funds are directly approved by Brother Jing."

Miller instructed that the current office will definitely not be enough when the company expands next time, and it is time to prepare in advance.

"Okay Mr. Mi."

Qiao Mai wrote this matter down on a sticky note, pasted it on the folder on his desk, and began to plan how to implement it in his mind.

Office leasing, decoration, equipment procurement and installation are projects worth hundreds of thousands.

It was the first time that he was in charge of such a large project alone, and Qiao Mai was under a lot of pressure, and he didn't know where to start.

Seeing that Qiao Mai was frowning, Mi Le went to the office drawer and took a business card, and came out to Qiao Mai and said, "You can contact this company for equipment procurement and installation, and you can find a design company for decoration, as long as you supervise it."

"Thank you, Mr. Mi."

Qiao Mai took the business card with both hands.

"Mr. Tang, Yuanmeng Investment Company wants to cooperate with us, and is willing to provide us with the first batch of 2000 million loan business, with an interest rate of 0.75."

Zhang Yadong came over and said.

"I don't think about it, there are too many uncertainties in investment, we are steady and steady, and the stall is too big, and the management cannot keep up."

Without hesitation, Tang Dou thought that it was normal for a company to have a debt ratio, but if there is debt, there are risks. He is the legal person, and he must be responsible for any problems. There is no need to introduce such risks now.


Zhang Yadong nodded.

The company now has sufficient manpower, and the elderly lead the newcomers to carry out the work steadily.Mi Le was in charge of reviewing various materials, and Tang Dou pretended to look at the market, basically nothing to do, just in time to watch the football game in the morning.

"This melon is so sweet."

Tang Dou shook his fist.

"It's nothing." Mi Le looked at it.

"Brother Gua." Tang Dou pointed to the computer screen.

After eleven o'clock at noon, Tang Dou withdrew first, and went back to find Mu Wanying for dinner.

"You drive the car."

Miller threw the key on the table.

"I'll take a taxi."

"Uh, then don't come this afternoon, I've booked a hotel and you can just bring Mu Wanying with you when you arrive."


When Tang Dou arrived at the hotel, Mu Wanying was already waiting at the door. She was wearing a black hooded sweater, aqua blue skinny jeans, white sneakers, and her hair was combed into a ponytail. She was simple and neat, full of youthful vigor.

It happened to be a shirt clash with Tang Dou, and Tang Dou also wore a black sweater, jeans, and sneakers.

Tang Dou came over, and Mu Wanying, who was looking around, jumped down from the steps and threw herself on top of him.

"What to eat?"

Tang Dou supported Mu Wanying and asked.

"The braised chicken outside our school."

Mu Wanying rubbed her neck and thought about it.

"Let's go."

Tang Dou grabbed her hand and put it in his pocket, "Mi Le wants to treat you to dinner tonight."

"Why did she invite me to dinner?"

Mu Wanying said indifferently.

"Maybe it's because the wall here is too hard, and I want to find a gap from you."

Tang Dou said half-jokingly and half-seriously that he did not rule out that Mi Le really had such thoughts, after all, she was a girl who didn't play cards according to common sense.

"My walls are harder here."

Mu Wanying made a loud voice, and then got down to business, "Dou Dou, do you think I should agree?"

Tang Dou didn't care, "Look, if you don't want to see her, don't go."

"I want to hear from you."

Mu Wanying turned her head to look at Doudou and said.

Tang Dou said: "Then go, socializing will also make it easier for you to go to the company."

Mu Wanying nodded, Doudou was very thoughtful for her.

 Excessive self-excitement last night, the brakes failed, sorry!But it does not affect the overall rhythm, and I will pay attention to it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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