Chapter 197 My Luck

to the hotel.

Tang Dou ordered the spicy braised chicken, while Mu Wanying ordered the spicy one.

"Dou Dou, you still said that I'm not fat and encouraged me to eat more meat. I gained more than three catties during the winter vacation, and I'm going to go back to running to lose weight after school starts. You eat more meat, and keep the vegetables for me."

Mu Wanying said and pushed the pot to the middle.

"You were originally skinny."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying is now nearly 1.7 meters tall. She is almost 19 years old, and her height is basically fixed. Before the winter vacation, she weighed 54 kilograms. Now she is 57. Tang Dou thinks she is the most beautiful when she is 61 and [-] kilograms.

The feeling of slight flesh is Tang Dou's favorite type.

So there is still room for Mu Wanying to increase her weight. Tang Dou gave her a piece of meat and said, "You are still a little on the thin side, don't worry too much about your weight. The most important thing is to have a balanced nutrition and stay healthy."

"You guys are all like this. It doesn't matter if you say that you are fat. You advise your girlfriend to eat more. When your girlfriend is really fat, you will hate it."

Mu Wanying picked up the meat and ate it, chanting non-stop.

Tang Dou smiled and said nothing, some boys may feel that their girlfriends feel safe when they are fat!
Tang Dou's cell phone vibrated, "Mom is calling"

Tang Dou connected and shouted: "Hello, Mom?"

The other side was silent for two seconds, and said calmly: "Doudou, it's me."

"Oh! Mistress." Tang Dou faltered, joking with Mu Wanying on the train yesterday and changed the note of Mistress to "Mom", and accidentally shouted, "Remarks on my mobile phone"

"What's the matter, mistress?"

Not knowing how to explain, Tang Dou simply didn't explain.

Feng Qinglan: "Is Wanying with you?"

"Here, the two of us were eating, and my wife told Wanying." Tang Dou handed the phone to Mu Wanying.

"Mom, my phone is out of battery."

Mu Wanying guessed that her mother must have been unable to get through with her, so she fought here.

Feng Qinglan said angrily: "You child, I often tell you to charge your mobile phone before going out, and always pay attention to the balance of your phone bill. You just don't have a long memory. You don't know how worried you are when you can't get through the phone. You are so old and so worried. Let the family rest assured that if I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have let you run so far.”

"Mom, I will definitely change it in the future. My mobile phone's battery life is very short now, and I will buy a new one later."

Mu Wanying quickly admitted her mistake to appease her mother.

Feng Qinglan: "Buy a better one, and then buy a power bank, put it in the bag when you go out, and make sure that you can get through the phone 24 hours a day when you go out."

Mu Wanying: "Mom, I know."

Feng Qinglan: "Give the phone to Doudou."

"Teacher, tell me."

"Doudou, Wanying is careless, please be more careful, and tell my wife if you have anything to say."

"Master, don't worry, I will never leave Wanying outside."

"Well, don't let Wanying get used to everything, you should talk and scold." Feng Qinglan wanted to say that she should not do anything, but she didn't say it after thinking about it.


"My mother is really angry this time, she probably wants to hit me." Tang Dou hung up the phone, and Mu Wanying said aggrievedly: "Actually, I am very careful. Doudou, what do you think?"

"It's one thing to take good care of yourself, but you also have to consider your parents' feelings. If they can't get through to you, they will think that you are not careful and irresponsible. Don't make excuses. You will be angry if I can't get in touch."

Tang Dou said seriously.

Mu Wanying pursed her mouth.

No wind today, the sun is very warm.

Such good weather is rare in northern spring.

After dinner, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went shopping, bought Mu Wanying a new mobile phone and a power bank, went back to the hotel after [-]:[-] in the afternoon, watched some TV, and at [-]:[-] Mi Le sent the location of the hotel , at about six o'clock.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying packed up and prepared to go.

"Doudou, should I change my clothes?"

Mu Wanying stood in front of the mirror and took a picture, wondering if Mi Le was a rich second generation, would she dress luxuriously, making her look rustic.

"No, this suit is fine."

Tang Dou went over to smooth out the wrinkles on the back of Mu Wanying's sweater, and straightened her hat.Mu Wanying is particularly good-looking when she is sideways. She already has a very good body proportion. She wears a short sweater with a narrow waist, which makes her figure distinct and three-dimensional. With skinny jeans, she has a good slimming effect and is very well-proportioned. Perfect display.

The ponytail is combed high, and the bangs are neat and neat.

In this sunny spring, Mu Wanying looks particularly refreshed and confident, brighter than spring.

Mu Wanying is still under the age of 19, so she doesn't need to dress up at all. She has neat eyebrows, puts on a normal-colored lipstick, and wears decent clothes, which is enough. She is both beautiful and in line with her current status.

"Okay, it's fine if you say yes, anyway, it's for you to see, and I'll lose you as well."

Mu Wanying turned around and looked again, but didn't want to change.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying took a taxi to the hotpot restaurant, and Mi Le had just arrived. The two girls smiled at each other, as they had greeted each other. Mi Le said to Mu Wanying, "I asked Tang Doudou to bring you out to eat together last night. If Tang Doudou doesn't come for a midnight snack, I'm afraid I'll snatch you away."

"I rode the car all day yesterday, so I got sleepy at night and went to bed early."

Mu Wanying said with a slight smile.

Tired of driving or tired of driving, Mi Le thought to himself.

At the hot pot restaurant, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying sat on one side, and Mi Le sat on the other side. Mi Le took the menu from the waiter and gave it to Mu Wanying and Tang Dou. Tang Dou was not polite, and ordered Mu Wanying's favorite food , the menu is also rice music.

The three asked for a mandarin duck pot.

After ordering, Mu Wanying and Mi Le chatted about everything, high school, university, and their majors, so boring.

"I'm especially envious of the two of you, childhood sweethearts in high school, studying together, college next door, taking care of each other, getting married after graduation, that's the ideal template in my mind."

Mi Le looked at Mu Wanying and said enviously.

"Actually, we quarreled all day long in high school, and sometimes we even fought. We got together after arguing and arguing. Now that I think about how naive high school was, we quarreled about everything. Sometimes we could quarrel just because Doudou looked at us too much. .”

Mu Wanying smiled and said:

"And it was very serious."

After eating the most sour dog food, Mi Le didn't want to talk to the two of them for a moment, and sighed: "I'm small in high school, and I like to care about it. Apart from my family, I haven't had anyone to quarrel with since I was a child in Dalian."

Mu Wanying, a lonely rich second generation like Mi Le, doesn't understand, and doesn't know how to comfort her.

Mu Wanying's unintentional show, Tang Dou, is too small to get full marks.

The two of them were really good at that time.

Just because you took one extra look at you in the crowd, you got into a fight with me.

Tang Dou High School likes to look at Mu Wanying when he has nothing to do.

Mu Wanying: What are you looking at.

Tang Dou: Look at the dog.

Mu Wanying: The dog looks at me.

"Wang Wang Wang."

Tang Dou didn't care, instead he barked like a dog, saying that he wasn't really a dog anymore.

Mu Wanying was stared at uncomfortably: don't read, go read.

Tang Dou: I want to see what's none of your business.

Mu Wanying: Then don't look at me.

Tang Dou: If you don’t look at me, how do you know that I look at you.

"Turned away."

Mu Wanying said that she couldn't do it, so she did it, either pushing Tang Dou or hitting him with a book.

Mu Wanying: What are you looking at.

Tang Dou: Look at my wife.

Mu Wanying: If I do this again, I will ask my dad to adjust the seat.

"Actually, I am the same. I used to only focus on my studies and had few friends. After the college entrance examination, I finally had a lot of time to relax. I suddenly realized that I didn't know who to look for when I went shopping."

Mu Wanying took back her only ability to find Doudou, and after comparing with the people around her, Mu Wanying felt even more lucky that Doudou filled her whole world.

If there is a fight, what more can a husband ask for.

Those classmates who were entwined with bees and butterflies in high school went their separate ways after graduation, including the two couples in the class who were in love.

But Doudou worked tirelessly to follow her footsteps, accompany her, and take care of her. Mu Wanying said that it was Doudou's luck to catch up with her, but she gradually felt that it was her own luck.

(End of this chapter)

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