Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 198 My Daughter-in-law, I Know How to Pain

Chapter 198 My Daughter-in-law, I Know How to Pain

The first official meeting, Mu Wanying and Mi Le chatted well, and became friends with each other.

"Wanying, last year, I didn't understand the situation between you and Tang Doudou at the beginning, I did some irrational things, I'm sorry."

Mi Le said apologetically, and apologized to Mu Wanying with tea instead of wine.

She was referring to throwing Mu Wanying 100 million yuan to let Tang Dou leave last year. Thinking about it now, it was really unnecessary. Not only did it fail to separate the two, it also tested their love for them.

At that time, Mu Wanying hadn't confirmed her relationship with Doudou, but she was still unmoved.

"The past is the past."

Mu Wanying didn't care too much, and took a sip from her teacup.

After dinner, it was past seven o'clock in the evening.

Mi Le drove Tang Dou and Mu Wanying to the hotel, and then went back by himself.

"Are you full? See, you didn't eat too much."

Are there two left, Tang Dou asked Mu Wanying.

"I'm full. I ate butter bread in the morning, meat at noon, and hot pot at night. I can't eat like this. Doudou, don't persuade me to eat in the future. I will go back after the meeting. I will definitely grow meat again when I lie down when I go back."

Mu Wanying rubbed her stomach and pulled Tang Dou's arm.

"Okay, there is a billiard hall in front of us, let's go play."

Tang Dou took Mu Wanying to play billiards.

Although Mu Wanying can't cook anymore, but Tang Dou likes her awkward movements and clumsy appearance.

After not playing for a period of time, Mu Wanying's billiards skills returned to the original point. She slid the bar three times in a row. She looked at the people around her and felt embarrassed. She stepped back and let Doudou come first.

"It's easier to fight like this. Your upper body should be as parallel to the table as possible."

"Come on, take a step forward with your feet, press your upper body down, do this with your left hand, hold the club tightly with your right hand, aim at the center of the ball, keep the upper part of your right arm flat at the elbow, and swing the lower part forward."

Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying, and taught her again.

"I will try again."

Mu Wanying made a gesture, and there was still some inaccuracy, but it was much better than before, at least she could hit the cue ball.

"Why is the body so uncoordinated?"

Appreciating Mu Wanying's clumsy posture, Tang Dou smiled.

"Do not laugh."

Mu Wanying pinched the soft flesh on Tang Dou's waist, "I feel that Mi Le is not bad."

"Don't trust anyone so easily. If someone sells you, you have to pay them."

Tang Dou refused to let Mu Wanying go, and scored four goals in a row.

"I don't trust her, I trust you." Mu Wanying said, "Let me order Doudou."

"Two people must trust each other when they are together, but trust belongs to trust. Sometimes I hope you will be more selfish, more stingy, always so magnanimous, and look like you don't care about anything, which makes people feel heartless."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's face, deliberately missed the next ball.

The more you trust each other, the more disappointed you may be and the more fragile your relationship may be.

Mu Wanying always trusted him unconditionally, which made him feel uncomfortable instead.

"I have! Sometimes I want to ask you what you do with Mi Le after get off work. Sometimes you don't reply to the message. I want to ask you what you are busy with. I am worried that you are annoying. I don't know how to speak. You don't explain when you reply late. .”

Mu Wanying said in a dull voice.

"There's nothing to worry about. It's not uncomfortable to hold back."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said.

"After that, I can ask whatever I think, don't bother me."


"You are stupid."

Mu Wanying was bending over to play, when a boy behind her pointed his phone at her, as if he was taking a picture, Tang Dou stood behind Mu Wanying and cast a sharp warning look, the boy obediently put his phone away rise.

"Ah, finally scored one."

Mu Wanying breathed a sigh of relief, full of a sense of accomplishment.

The black 8 was hit and before he could react, Tang Dou sniffled and told him to continue. There were no rules for the two of them to play billiards. Mu Wanying decided which one was easy to play, and went back and forth like this until the table was cleared. .

After a leisurely call until after nine o'clock, Tang Dou settled the bill and went back with Mu Wanying.

It was windy at night, and it was still a little cold outside. Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying's shoulders. Mu Wanying leaned against him, shivering from time to time. Tang Dou hugged her even tighter, and said: "Let you put the thick bottom wearing trousers."

Mu Wanying said: "The legs are not cold, the sweater is thin, and the thick sweater is at school."

Tang Dou: "I'll buy you a thin down jacket tomorrow."

"No, school will start soon, and the thick down jacket will last for two days."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

Tang Dou didn't say anything else. During the two weekends, it's fine if you don't talk about the cold, and school starts on Monday.

Tomorrow weekend, no need to go to work, no need to get up early.

It's a long night, it's still early, and there's nothing to do.

Tang Dou wanted to hand in his homework, so he didn't ask this time. He got into bed directly, turned on the music on his phone, then threw the phone outside, and pulled a pillow for Mu Wanying to cushion.

I'm pretending
Without showing any trace, I want to be by your side

quietly watching the sky
riding a bicycle
moving forward
The mobile phone played "Corner Love", one of Mu Wanying's favorite songs.

The fragrance of lavender overflowed in front of Tang Dou's eyes.

Both Tang Dou and Mu Wanying like the lavender-scented shower gel.

Looking for the fragrance, Tang Dou explored leisurely in the dark.

To please, Tang Dou likes to make Mu Wanying happy in different ways.

"Its not until you fall you fly, when your dreams come alive you're unstopable, take a shot chase the sun, find the beautlful"

"Dou Dou called, your mother called."

Tang Dou's cell phone rang, and Mu Wanying patted the quilt.

"Hey, Mom."

Tang Dou got up and called.

Shen Yun: "Dou Dou, don't you have a classmate who sells furniture, your aunt is going to buy it, you can contact me."

Tang Dou: "Oh, I see, I will contact you tomorrow."

Shen Yun: "Wanying, get well!"

Tang Dou: "Alright."

Shen Yun: "Take good care of her, communicate with each other more if there is anything to do, and keep your focus outside"

"Mom, I know. I know how to hurt my daughter-in-law, but you, don't quarrel with my dad every now and then."


Hearing that Shen Yun cared about her, Mu Wanying felt warm in her heart, and Doudou's words "My wife, I know how to hurt her" made her heart melt.

Seeing a curly thread sticking to Tang Dou's chin, Mu Wanying picked it up in embarrassment.

Tang Dou: "Mom, is there anything else?"

"You call or send messages to Wanying's parents from time to time."

Shen Yun warned.

Tang Dou: "Understood."


After hanging up the phone, Tang Dou made a grimace, buried his head and continued, very gentle, never tired of love.

Mu Wanying picked up his mobile phone, turned on the music player, opened his playlist, and played it randomly.

you ask me how much i love you
i love you how much you

my love is true

my love is true

the moon represents my heart.
Listening to this song right now, Mu Wanying was particularly touched, she stretched out her hand to gently rub Doudou's face.

This time Mu Wanying was much calmer.

Tang Dou suddenly had a sore nose and coughed urgently, Mu Wanying quickly patted him on the back, Tang Dou swallowed and said in pain, "Wanying, you want to suffocate me to death!"

"Doudou, I didn't mean to."

Mu Wanying hurriedly explained.

Tang Dou took out a piece of paper and flushed his nose, the nasal cavity was still sore.He threw the paper bag to Mu Wanying, washed his face and rinsed his mouth, then came back and rubbed his ears and said, "Wanying, you are so strong, you want to grab my ears off."

 Fat cats with obsessive-compulsive disorder are uncomfortable not writing this paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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