Chapter 199
Mu Wanying didn't speak, she turned her back and covered her face.

"Wanying, am I sweet?"

Tang Dou smiled and patted her on the shoulder and asked.

Mu Wanying remained silent, but there was a sweet smile on her ruddy face. Tang Dou pretended to be depressed and said, "It's like this every time. If you are satisfied, give it a five-point praise. Give me encouragement, and don't even look at me. Is it disgusting?" ?”

"Wanying is fine, just try, if you can't get used to it, you won't be able to."

Tang Dou added: "After all, it's fun to be happy with each other in this way, and it's boring if you force it."

Wouldn't this despise Doudou be equivalent to despise oneself?

Mu Wanying turned over with a whoosh, poked Doudou, rubbed Doudou's ear and said softly.

"Dou Dou, I love you."

"Call husband."

Tang Dou pinched Mu Wanying's nose.

"Honey, I really love you so much, let's never separate, okay?"

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou with fluttering eyes, and her voice was soft, full of attachment and anticipation.

"Honey, I love you too." Tang Dou responded with a smile, "Is it nasty?"

"Yeah." Mu Wanying nodded obediently, "But I like to hear it, please repeat it, Doudou."

"I can't say it anymore, it's really nasty."

Tang Dou shook his head.

"Ah, come on, it's like this every time, let me say, but you are like this yourself."

Mu Wanying pretended to be angry and shook Tang Dou's arm.

"Fool, I love you too."

"Like a fool, you are even more foolish."

Mu Wanying was satisfied, with an indescribable sweetness and happiness in her heart, and a soft aunt's smile appeared on her face.

"Mua, Doudou, you haven't answered me yet, don't ever separate from me, okay?"

"It is impossible to get rid of something."

Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying's shoulders, and watched TV quietly for a while. It was so boring. Tang Dou found a regular educational film on his mobile phone and studied with Mu Wanying. The main purpose was to let Mu Wanying learn. Tang Dou knew how to .

The video is a fragmented cartoon animation. It is explained and demonstrated according to the moves. The explanation is very detailed, which is quite good.

A message came from Tang Dou’s cell phone, it’s from the counselor Sun Ying, she’s coming to school the day after tomorrow, and she has a courier to pick up tomorrow, and asked if Tang Dou is free, Tang Dou said no problem, and asked Sun Ying to send the pick-up code, and Sun Ying sent it screenshot.

Sun Ying: "Express delivery is a bit heavy. If you have acquaintances, call them two acquaintances."

Tang Dou: "Well, I'll find a way."

After replying, Tang Dou continued to watch cartoons.For now, he doesn't want to go any further with Mu Wanying, so Tang Dou skips directly to Lu Jiu's clip.Don't want to go to war, this is Tang Dou's favorite way of pastime, there is no one.

After getting used to it in her previous life, Mu Wanying also liked it.

"My mother sent a message saying me again."

Mu Wanying smiled wryly, and showed Tang Dou the phone screen.

"Sometimes you are a bit of a madman, high school is like this, the phone is often left behind at school, do you remember the time when I took you home for self-study next night, you forgot your phone, and your mother couldn't get through the phone? "

Tang Dou glanced at Mu Wanying's phone.

Mistress reposted a piece of news from Tangdu. A girl from XX University was killed in a taxi at night. Mistress asked Mu Wanying not to take a taxi alone no matter it was day or night.

"If you don't become parents, you don't know how your parents feel. If you have nothing to do, report to the family that you are safe."

Tang Dou read the news.It is indeed worrying that girls' safety will become more and more prominent in the future.

In Tang Dou's previous life, he never allowed Mu Wanying to walk alone at night or take a taxi. Mu Wanying failed the driver's license test, and Tang Dou would pick her up every time she got off work from school. Mu Jinhua also studied at night, of course Without Tang Dou picking him up, Mu Jinhua took Mu Wanying home along the way. Sometimes it was inconvenient, and Mu Wanying lived in the staff dormitory of the school.

"Okay, I'll change it later, Doudou, you supervise me and remind me more."

Mu Wanying thought about how heartless she was sometimes.

"You tell me in advance if you have something to do, even when you have a reunion with your classmates."

Mu Wanying is still very reassuring when interacting with people. She does a good job of "refusal". Unlike Tang Tang before, she was in a dilemma and was embarrassed to refuse others. Mu Wanying is very principled.

Tang Tang was always embarrassed in the past, making himself embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Mu Wanying is a straight girl of steel, almost unkind, sometimes embarrassing others, but she is very relaxed, even if it is herself who should be embarrassed, Mu Wanying also perfectly interprets what is meant by embarrassing as long as I am not embarrassed Just someone else.

Sensing Xiao Doudou's awakening, Mu Wanying reached out to comfort her.

Tang Dou didn't use it, saying that boys are different, and it's not good to have too many right hands.

Mu Wanying didn't believe it, so Tang Dou searched online and asked her to read it.

Really, Mu Wanying blinked her big eyes, a little at a loss, what should she do.

"It's okay, just look at something else and divert your attention."

Tang Dou took Mu Wanying's hand away, turned off the educational film, picked up the remote control and watched a movie on the TV.

Search for sci-fi movies, and have watched all the series I like. Although large-scale sci-fi movies are enjoyable, it’s boring to watch them a second time. Some movies are not so exciting, and the plot is very flat, but you can watch them repeatedly when you are bored.

For example, "Shawshank", one of Tang Dou's favorite movies.

The phrase "people are either busy living or busy dying" in this movie is particularly memorable to Tang Dou, and it has also become his attitude towards life. He may not have lofty ideals and pursuits, but he will not break the jar .

There is also "Forrest Gump", which Tang Dou also likes very much.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get next."

Even if Tang Dou is reborn, he still maintains a sense of novelty in life, and it is true. Since rebirth, Tang Dou has been different from his previous life every day. He can predict many things, but he does not know what will happen to him tomorrow.

Mu Wanying, mom, dad, sister, Tang Dou can't predict what will happen to his buddies tomorrow.

Because due to the change of Tang Dou's rebirth life trajectory, the people and things around him have changed, and the closer he is to himself, the greater the change.

The family needless to say.

Mu Wanying's change is also obvious. Apart from her temperament, her university major has also changed, and her life trajectory has completely changed.

The teacher, Mu Jinhua, was directly promoted to the director of academic affairs because of Tang Dou.

The person around me who has changed the least is my wife.

The only thing Tang Dou can be sure of is that when he wakes up tomorrow morning, he will be able to see Mu Wanying when he opens his eyes.

Not necessarily, maybe Mu Wanying just went to the bathroom at that time.

After searching for a while, Tang Dou will watch "Shawshank".

The only doubt raised by Tang Dou in this movie is not that Andy dug an escape tunnel with a small hammer the size of a palm, but that Andy has not changed his room for 20 years. If he changed his room again, his escape plan would be ruined.

But it would be nitpicking to think so.

The core of the movie is not why the prisoner has not changed rooms for 20 years, but Andy's persistence for 20 years.

That's the sentence, there is still hope, what if it comes true?

Just like reading a book, some readers always grab those "unreasonable" places to spray.

In Tang Dou's previous life, he was particularly troubled by this at the beginning of writing a book. He was deeply frustrated and almost wanted to give up, but his grades got better and better, so he gradually realized that no matter what the author is, it is impossible to satisfy everyone's tastes and perceptions.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, which is the reason.

Seeing Doudou watching the movie calmly, Mu Wanying hesitated for a few seconds, then shrank into the bed like a cat.

Tang Dou is not surprised, there will be rewards for what he pays.

(End of this chapter)

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