Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 200 He's Stupid, She's Stupid

Chapter 200 He's Stupid, She's Stupid

Tang Dou was not surprised.

If you pay, you will be rewarded. In his previous life, he only worked one-way for a dozen times.

Tang Dou doesn't care about the unequal pay and treatment between lovers. Of course, the premise is that I am your only one. Take him and Mu Wanying as an example. Even if Mu Wanying regards him as a licking dog, Mu Wanying will only I can feed him one.

So Tang Dou never laughed at his roommate An Qi for being a dog licker.

Tang Dou doesn't feel ashamed if dog licking can have everything in the end.

Sometimes it takes hard work to win.

Sometimes, you have to add to win.

There are so many single people, how many are happy.

Of course, Tang Dou also has principles, and it is very clear, if you don’t want to be a dog, don’t do it, if you want to, just be the only one, if Mu Wanying’s heart is crazy, then goodbye, he won’t turn his head back, this kind of love will endure no matter how painful it is cut off.

Tang Dou can be humble, but he will never be cheap.

In his junior year in the previous life, Tang Dou flew to the capital to see Mu Wanying.

I didn't tell Mu Wanying in advance, I wanted to give her a surprise, but when I arrived at Mu Wanying's school, I happened to see her walking around the campus with a handsome man, so Tang Dou went back directly, and didn't take the initiative to talk to Mu Wanying for a few days .

Noticing that he was suddenly lukewarm, Mu Wanying didn't ask at first, and just got angry.

After gambling all day, Mu Wanying couldn't bear it anymore, and called Tang Dou to ask what was going on.

Tang Dou didn't make a fool of himself, he asked directly who the guy was with that day, and Mu Wanying wanted to explain (Mu Wanying's university monitor, who discussed joining the party with Mu Wanying), Tang Dou said don't talk about it on the phone, he wants to explain and come back to explain .

After speaking, I hung up the phone.

Since they met six or seven years ago, Doudou was so serious for the first time. Sensing that Doudou was very emotional, Mu Wanying suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, pushed her roommate's birthday party, and asked for leave to return to Tangdu on the same day.

Mu Wanying didn't return home, so she asked Doudou to explain.

In fact, Tang Dou wasn't really that petty, it was just that he was extremely confused during that time, and felt that he was about to be unable to hold on to the misery in a different place, and wanted to confirm how much weight he had in Mu Wanying's heart.

Otherwise, he would have confronted that handsome man at Mu Wanying's school.

"That's it, I need to come back here just for a few words." At that time, after Mu Wanying explained, she said helplessly: "You came to our school and left without asking. I didn't realize that you are so narrow-minded."

Tang Dou: "Men have small minds."

Furious and helpless, Mu Wanying took the initiative to mua Tang Dou, and then took Tang Dou to see her parents.

Love Egan as a durian skirt slave;
It's hard to keep up with each other in the middle of the night.

Tang Dou watched the movie quietly, while Mu Wanying was biting jerky, but he didn't give counseling either, so let yourself figure it out slowly.

The movie Tang Dou skipped the beginning and fast forwarded directly to Shawshank Prison to repair the roof. Andy went to ask the prison guard, do you trust your wife? The prison guard was mmp and pushed Andy to the edge of the roof.

The inmates all sweated for Andy.

There was no danger, and from here, Andy started the road of counterattack, and he was like a fish in water in the prison.

Tang Dou wanted to see Mu Wanying, but Mu Wanying pulled the quilt and refused, saying that she would be fine.

Tang Dou didn't force himself, he stretched out his hand to gently rub Mu Wanying's bulging face, which was sometimes bulging to the left and sometimes to the right.

Mu Wanying's cell phone flickered, and Tang Dou said:
"Wanying has news about you."


Mu Wanying paused and asked.

"Your roommate, I asked when you will arrive at school."

Tang Dou looked at it and said.

"Dou Dou, please help me reply, just say the day after tomorrow or Monday."

After Mu Wanying finished speaking, she continued.

Tang Dou turned on Mu Wanying's phone, replied to her messages, and took a look at other things by the way. The screen was a group photo of the two of them, the profile pictures of the two people on QQ, the background of Moments of Space were also photos of the two of them, and the photo albums were all photos of the two of them.

"Wanying, let me change your nickname."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's head and said, her current nickname is Firefly.

"What are you going to change?"

Mu Wanying asked vaguely.

"You'll know in a while."


Mu Wanying covered her mouth and hurried to the bathroom.

"Wanying came out to boil a pot of hot water."

Tang Dou looked at her back, smiled slightly, and took out two pieces of paper.

"Don't wait."

After Mu Wanying washed, she came back with a bitter face, and there was still a warm feeling in her throat.

"I can't stop at that time!" Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying's shoulders, and said with a chuckle, "You choked me half to death just now, but now my nose is sour, and my ears almost scratched me." come down."

"I didn't, Doudou, you are good or bad."

Mu Wanying's nasal voice was long, and she buried her face under the pillow.

"Silly daughter-in-law, my husband loves you to death."

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying over and hugged her tightly.

"Don't call me stupid. By the way, what nickname did you change for me?"

Mu Wanying picked up her phone and looked at it, "He's stupid."

"And yours?"

Mu Wanying picked up Tang Dou's cell phone and nicknamed it "She's stupid."

"Dou Dou, did you find what you thought on the Internet?"

Although this couple nickname is simple, it is quite interesting.

"I thought of you saying I was stupid and I saying you were stupid, so I thought of it."

Tang Dou smiled.

"It's interesting."

Mu Wanying smiled brightly and turned her head.

Tang Dou avoided it, pretending to be disgusted and said: "No, I don't want to kiss at this time."

"Doudou, what do you mean, you despise me?"

Mu Wanying immediately became unhappy.


Tang Dou nodded vigorously.

"Hmph, I'll ignore you from now on."

Mu Wanying turned around angrily, she is for you, but you despise him.

"Okay, Wanying turn around, just kidding."

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying and said.

Mu Wanying turned around reluctantly, and it was indeed Tang Dou's foot that was facing her.

"Dou Dou, you know how to bully me."

Mu Wanying was staring anxiously, almost crying because she was wronged, she held Tang Dou down, grabbed a pillow and smashed it.

When Mu Wanying had finished fighting, Tang Dou grabbed her foot and bit it, "It's cold outside, come in."

"Don't you want to drink water, I'll pour it for you."

The kettle was boiling, and Mu Wanying went down to pour water.

The next morning, after Tang Dou woke up at eight o'clock, Mu Wanying also opened her eyes, blinking her big sleepy eyes, and said in a sweet voice, "I can see how you feel when you wake up. very nice."

"What about you, Doudou?"

"It's not good at all. As expected, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. You made my arm hurt overnight. If this continues, my arm will be useless."

Tang Dou yelled and moved his numb arm.

"Press your hair."

Mu Wanying pulled her hair back, and turned her head around in a fit of anger, "I can't stand it at the beginning of my life. I will pressure you and get used to it slowly."

"It's really hard to adapt, it affects the quality of sleep, don't press my arms, put the pillow lower and you'll wake up."

Tang Dou sighed.

"Anyway, I'm resting well."

Mu Wanying hummed, she didn't care so much, as long as she was comfortable.

"You dog skin plaster, can't you shake it off?"

Tang Dou said in distress.

"If you still want to dump, be responsible to me."

Mu Wanying is really dependent, although the relationship has not yet reached that point, but now there is no privacy from each other, she feels that she has given everything, and Doudou must be responsible to herself to the end.

"You are touching porcelain."

Tang Dou shook his arm, "Wanying get out of here first, I'll call for breakfast."

Only then did Mu Wanying let go, and Tang Dou sat up, leaning on the pillowcase and calling the hotel for breakfast.

 I haven't recommended it recently, and it's been a few days since I lost my favorites. It's so sad. This is not the result I want.


(End of this chapter)

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