Chapter 201 A Sweet Day
After ordering breakfast, Tang Dou went to wash the dates first.

Mu Wanying came in and went to the bathroom to go out, so Tang Dou left her to take a shower together.

value water resource.

"It hasn't been long since the official talk, and it's just an old couple's state."

Mu Wanying hung her pajamas on the hanger, and stood blankly watching Tang Dou lazily say, there was no privacy between the two of them, she was very calm now.

"Which old couple sticks together all day long."

Tang Dou smiled.

Turn off the shower first, squeeze the shampoo on Mu Wanying's head, and squeeze the toothpaste for her.


Mu Wanying nodded, took the toothbrush and put it in her mouth, now she can't wait to stick to Doudou all the time.

No help, no help.

Mu Wanying grinned, and flicked the little black bucket lightly with her fingers, she was quite cute when she was young now.

"Wanying, don't tease your brother, she was already very angry in the morning, and if you are annoyed, how are you going to coax her?"

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's paw away and looked in the mirror. Mu Wanying's face had become much ruddy in the past two days. Tang Dou smiled and said, "Wanying, have you noticed that your complexion has improved in the past two days?"

Mu Wanying wiped off the water mist on the mirror, and took a careful look at it, her skin seemed to be better.

I'm in a good mood too.

I could wake up laughing from my dreams last night, it was hopeless.

"It's not unhealthy."

Looking at the two in the mirror, Mu Wanying spit out toothpaste foam, turned her head and wiped her mouth on Doudou's neck, and reached out to pretend to dig out Doudou's eyeballs lying on her shoulder.

"Health is not enough."

Tang Dou didn't hide, and squeezed out the shower gel to spread evenly on himself and Mu Wanying.

After Mu Wanying finished brushing her teeth, Tang Dou turned on the shower to rinse her hair.

"Little Douzi is so obedient, you can blow-dry my hair later."

After Mu Wanying rinsed her mouth, she praised with a smile.

"I'm waiting for you to go to heaven."

Tang Dou slapped him on the back.

After rinsing Momo, wrapped it in a bath towel, Mu Wanying sat in front of the dressing table, and Tang Dou dried her hair.

"The hair hasn't been cut yet, Doudou will accompany me at noon."

Mu Wanying pinched a lock of hair and looked at the ends of her hair. She felt frizzy, and sighed, "I really envy your sister's hair quality. I knew I had short hair in junior high and high school."

"My sister has a narrow face and delicate features. Short hair is very suitable. Let me see you."

Tang Dou stood behind and looked at Mu Wanying in the mirror, turned off the hair dryer and put it down, and folded Mu Wanying's hair, and Mu Wanying folded the front bangs by herself.

The two of them gesticulated for a while, and Tang Dou said:

"Wanying, your melon-seeded face is very standard, especially in line with our country's traditional ratio of three courts and five eyes. Moreover, your forehead is that kind of beautiful and delicate beauty. Your hair looks good when it is left to the neck, and it should not be shorter than the ears."

"I feel it too."

Mu Wanying also agreed, looked at Doudou in the mirror and said, "Doudou, you are very good at aesthetics."

"Are you praising my beauty or your own beauty?"

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, Nizi became more and more narcissistic.

Mu Wanying smiled and did not answer.

"Doudou, do you think I should cut my hair short?"

"Is your hair short and curly? Some girls will naturally curl their hair if they are short."

Tang Dou asked.

"Oh, yes, I had short hair in elementary school, and it looks curly in the photos." Mu Wanying said, "Dou Dou is really considerate of things, I don't have to worry about anything when I'm with you."

It is really comfortable to have a boyfriend like Doudou, who is careful, considerate, and doesn't force others.

"Be careful when I'm not around."

Tang Dou squeezed Mu Wanying's face, picked up the hair dryer and turned it on, and continued to dry Mu Wanying's hair. It was troublesome to blow-dry when the hair was long.

Don't blow it too dry, but even.

After drying Mu Wanying's hair, the waiter just brought breakfast.

The hotel's breakfast is exquisite and rich, with milk, porridge, steamed buns, and creamy snacks.

Mu Wanying picked up a steamed bun and took a bite, red bean paste, too sweet, feed it to Doudou.

Tang Dou likes sweets.

"I'm really envious that you don't get fat no matter what you eat. You can eat sweets and meat whatever you want. Although I don't get fat easily, I still have to be careful."

Comparing with Doudou, Mu Wanying sighed, "Qianqian in our dormitory, she ate and slept all day when she went to college, she gained ten catties in three months, and by the time she realized it, her face had already become round, and then she started to eat and sleep. Diet."

"But her physique is very funny, and she can't lose weight when she becomes fat. She said that she gained five catties after the new year."

"Now I don't know what she has become."

Mu Wanying said vividly while eating the steamed stuffed bun.

"Liu Qian's height is at most 1.6 meters. It's scary to gain less than [-] catties in half a year." Tang Dou said, taking a sip of milk. "I gained a few pounds in my third year of high school, and I lost weight after the college entrance examination."

"Dou Dou, open your mouth."

Mu Wanying picked up a piece of butter bread and fed it.

Tang Dou pointed to Mu Wanying's mouth.

"I won't eat it for you."

Mu Wanying snorted, still biting into the small half, pouted to feed it, and at the same time turned on her new phone to take a selfie.

The two ate a piece of cream and took a sweet selfie.

Mu Wanying was worried about gaining weight, so she stuffed all the cream into Tang Dou's mouth after taking the photo.

"VV mobile phones take pictures well."

Mu Wanying looked at it and was very satisfied. Meitu Xiuxiu took care of it and set it as the wallpaper of her mobile phone, feeling very happy.

"How is Doudou?"

Mu Wanying showed Tang Dou the phone wallpaper.

The two of them were already sweet enough, and with the pure white cream on their lips, it was so sweet that it melted.

"Send me this picture."

Tang Dou looked at it, he hadn't changed the wallpaper for a long time, it was time to change it.

"When are we going to buy a bike?"

Tang Dou took a sip of milk and asked.

"Next weekend!"

Mu Wanying thought about it, she was taught by Doudou to ride a bicycle, and Doudou rode her own bike to school on Sundays in high school and taught her on the playground.

My hands and feet are really clumsy, and I have to learn to ride a bicycle all afternoon before I can force myself to ride alone.

At the beginning of the ride, I didn’t have the consciousness to press the brakes. I saw that I was about to hit the advertisement board, and I kept walking straight forward. If Doudou hadn’t run to block the advertisement board with his body, I would have smashed the glass of the advertisement board and disfigured myself.

At that time, I was also hurt by Dou Dou, and I squatted for a long time holding my stomach.

Tang Dou hugged his stomach, and was almost smashed to the ground by the wheels of the car.

Mu Wanying: "Think about going to your school by bike to find you in the future, so look forward to it."

Tang Dou said: "I'll find you as much as possible, I'm not at ease about your riding a bicycle."

"I'll ride slowly, stop at a red light and go at a green light."

Mu Wanying is very confident in herself, and her self-confidence is also speechless.

After breakfast, they stayed in the room all morning. At noon, they went out to eat. After dinner, they went to the courier station outside the capital to pick up the courier for Sun Ying. It was a pack of books, which was really heavy. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying walked around Xie moved back to school.

Students have returned to campus one after another.

But Tang Dou didn't go back to the dormitory, he still wanted to experience the world of two with Mu Wanying.

After she came out, she went to cut Mu Wanying's hair.

"Beauty, wash your hair first."

The barber looked at Mu Wanying and said.

"No, I just washed it this morning."

Every time, Mu Wanying washes her hair and cuts it by herself, and then goes home to wash it after cutting. Today, she just trims the ends of her hair and bangs.

Tang Dou suddenly wanted to learn how to cut hair.

It should be easy to cut girls' hair!Not evenly cut.

After cutting her hair, the barber wanted to wash Mu Wanying's hair again, but Mu Wanying didn't need it.

Today is also sunny.

During the day, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went shopping, watched movies, and returned to the hotel after dinner in the afternoon.

Have a sweet day.

(End of this chapter)

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