Chapter 202

School starts on Monday.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went back to their respective schools at noon on Sunday.

After returning to school, Tang Dou went to the counselor Sun Ying to report and get the student registration form.

Sun Ying was busy in the office, when Tang Dou knocked on the door, she looked up, signaled to come in, and went back to work.Originally, the teaching staff had gone to work two days ago, but Sun Ying was delayed for two days because of something, and the work piled up.

"I'm sorry to trouble you by picking up the courier yesterday."

Sun Ying looked up at Tang Doudao again.

"I've been free for the past two days. Senior sister has a lot to do at the beginning of her studies. Is there anything I can do?"

Even if Sun Ying was at school yesterday, he would have to pick up such a heavy courier. Tang Dou saw the unfinished takeaway on the table, and it was not difficult to see that Sun Ying was too busy to eat at noon, so he asked if there was anything he could do to help .

"If you're not busy, fill in the information for me, just follow the format of the first one."

Sun Ying is also welcome, she is really busy today, she flew here in the morning, and went straight to work without taking a break.

Tang Dou took a look at the documents and sat down with a pen to fill them out.

"I was planning to come on Friday, but my family arranged a blind date for me yesterday."

Sun Ying was a little helpless.

"I'm not satisfied with the appearance of senior sister."

Tang Dou glanced at Sun Ying and said.

"It was originally to complete the tasks arranged by the family. The man works in Shanghai, so it is very inconvenient to go to another place."

Sun Ying looked indifferent.

"Maybe your parents want you to go back."

Tang Doudao, don't even think about it, any parent wants their daughter to wander outside alone, the teacher and Shi Niang University don't want Mu Wanying to go abroad, they are very concerned about Mu Wanying's feelings, and they are afraid of finding someone outside to talk to.

This is also one of the reasons why Shi Niang fully supports Tang Dou.

"I can still consider people from Shanghai who work in Kyoto."

Sun Ying pinched the corners of her eyes, and said a little angrily:

"Yesterday, the man on the blind date was full of nonsense, his body and mouth were full of smoke, and he said that he didn't smoke without blushing or panting."

"One of the requirements for me to find a partner is not to smoke. You can quit smoking and tell such low-level lies."

The more Sun Ying talked, the more angry she became.

"Maybe immature, people just want to fight for a chance to get close to you first."

Tang Dou smiled, that man is stupid enough.

"It has nothing to do with maturity. He is the kind of guy who is very conceited, drives a big G, thinks he is superior, and can tell nonsense with his eyes open. If he is smoking and you say you don't like smoking boys, he puts the cigarette Throw it away, and then spread your hands and say that I don’t smoke, he is this kind of person, if you think he is rich, you should tolerate his shortcomings.”

"Can you think of it?"

Sun Ying looked at Tang Dou.

"Yes, I just feel that if I have money, I can do whatever I want."

Tang Dou nodded, typical rich and willful.

"Right, that is it."

"My family also arranged a blind date for me a few years ago. The man looked quite honest and responsible, but he had a good chat. We had a meal together. I accidentally dropped my chopsticks on the ground. His first time The first reaction was not to help me pick up the chopsticks, but to stare at me in a daze."

Sun Ying looked sad, "It's either arrogant or perverted, the more blind date you get, the more disappointed you become."

"I think it's understandable for boys to be sensual. Senior sister looks like this. Do you believe people say that they don't want your beauty?
I think that if a boy loves his girlfriend and only loves her alone, there is no disadvantage in sex. "

In this situation, Tang Dou was still on the boy's side, and he looked at Mu Wanying in a daze.

In the first year of high school, he ran in the yard in front of the teaching building. There were two light poles in the yard. When Tang Dou was running, he often stared at Mu Wanying's back and bumped into the light poles from time to time.

Of course, Tang Dou wasn't so obsessed, it was just pleasing to the eye.

"Well, maybe I'm being extreme in this regard."

Sun Ying, who was depressed, felt a lot better after being flattered by Tang Dou. She glanced at Tang Dou, feeling inexplicably untimely.

Helping Sun Ying until after five o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Ying treats guests.

"After you go back, count whether the students have arrived, and hold a class meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday."

Sun Ying said to Tang Dou.

Tang Dou sent a message on the class group, asking the dormitory to reply after confirmation.

After dinner, Mu Wanying called and said that the dinner with her roommate might be late, and asked where Tang Dou would stay at night.

Tang Dou said that he didn't want to go to the hotel alone, so he went back to the dormitory first, and let's talk after Mu Wanying and her roommates got together.

412 Others also came.

When Tang Dou returned to the dormitory, he saw An Qi's sad face, Li Hao was smiling, and Li Xiongxiong was very indifferent.

An Qi failed two subjects, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong each failed one subject. After checking the results, the three of them were very worried, but when they heard that An Qi failed two subjects, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong instantly felt relieved, because An Qi is a dormitory student. Xueba.

And An Qi was even more worried.

There is no happiness without contrast.

There is no harm without comparison.

Tang Dou, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong haven't done their own homework for half a year, they copied it to the end, and they didn't listen to it in class. Section did not hang up.

In this comparison, An Qi is particularly painful. The squad leader may have privileges, but what about Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong?

In fact, Tang Dou didn't use the privilege of the monitor at all. In the eyes of university teachers, what was the monitor?

Tang Dou, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong cheated on their strength.

It is very common for students like An Qi to be distressed in college. He doesn't usually study, he just consciously writes and writes when he has homework, that is, writes and writes.

So An Qi's own writing mistakes are not as good as other people's copying.

An image of the wrong answer remains in the mind of the questions that have been done, which is Angie.

"I won't study anymore."

Angie said angrily.

"You didn't study much at first, you just wrote homework by yourself, and you often made mistakes. I didn't dare to copy yours after copying a few times. The subject I failed was the one that copied your homework and copied the wrong one. I feel that the teacher It was on purpose."

"Xiongxiong also failed in that subject." Li Hao sneered at An Qi: "It's cheating, harming others and yourself."

An Qi scolded: "Get out, I didn't ask you to copy it."

Li Hao: "Silly son."

Tang Dou smiled. Fortunately, he had the foresight to find out that An Qi's homework was unreliable and didn't copy it. Otherwise, with the character of xxxx teacher, every dormitory in this subject would be wiped out.

"Qiqi, change your attitude. If you want to learn, study hard, and if you don't study, just have fun."

Li Xiongxiong persuaded An Qi.

"Stop studying, copy homework later."

Angie thought about it too.

"Xiong Xiong and Zhao Rui should be on vacation soon, how are you doing now?"

Li Hao looked at Li Xiongxiong.

Li Xiongxiong said: "She went to my house the day before yesterday, she came to school together."

An Qi: "Meet the parents, you guys are making too much progress."

"My mother really likes Zhao Rui."

Li Xiongxiong is calm and calm. After dating, he found that Zhao Rui is not bad. He dares to love and do things.

In fact, Zhao Rui is also temporarily making up lessons.

One of Zhao Rui's cousins ​​is a cook, and they opened a small restaurant at home. Zhao Rui worked as a waiter for free during the winter vacation. She learned from her cousin for a vacation, just to conquer her future mother-in-law in one fell swoop, and she succeeded.

For the male parents now, girls can get a lot of points if they get the kitchen.

If Zhao Rui doesn't make a move, it's fine, but if he makes a move, it will be extraordinary.

"Xiong Xiong and Dou Dou have a really smooth relationship. My girlfriend can even quarrel with me on the phone during the horse riding holiday. I can't get in touch for a few days after the quarrel. I am really tired. I wanted to go to her house for New Year's greetings in the first month, but I was rejected."

Li Hao had a bitter face.

An Qi said: "That's just right, and it can save you some money."

"Fool. Can this kind of money be saved? Dividing it will save more money."

Li Hao scolded, according to this kind of development, what was spent before would have to be wasted.

On the next day, Monday, classes did not officially start, and the school was fine in the morning, so Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company.

"You asked the finance to transfer 50 to me."

In the car, Tang Dou suddenly said to Mi Le.

 Thank you Dandan for being sad and slightly sad, follow me to L, there is no name, 5510, fortunately not here, Ah Yu's night, an unknown classmate Liu gave a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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