Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 203 Keep Your Dog's Eyes Open

Chapter 203 Keep Your Dog's Eyes Open
Tang Dou asked for 50 directly, but Mi Le asked in a daze.

"Why do you want so much money?"

"3.7 Buy a small gift for Mu Wanying."

Tang Dou said frankly.

I haven't given Mu Wanying anything decent for so long, and I didn't accompany Mu Wanying on Valentine's Day, so I'll make up for it on Girls' Day.

"It's just for Girls' Day, what about it?"

Mi Le cut his voice, "You can just go to the finance department directly."

"There is no boss who directly asks for money from the financial department." Tang Dou said: "Isn't my identity as a fake rich second generation exposed."

"You are self-aware."

Mi Le was very upset. This guy didn’t want any money or wages. If he wanted to, he would open his mouth and give his girlfriend a small gift. 50 yuan would buy a small gift. If he gave a big gift, would he sell the company?

"The partner settles the accounts clearly. If you spend money on your girlfriend, the company won't pay the bill, and it will be deducted from your personal property."

"I'll use your money to buy my girlfriend a present?"

Tang Dou laughed, he didn't even want to use the money that flew in.

Mi Le: "What are you going to give Mu Wanying? A watch?"

"Well, what are the options for around 50?"

Tang Dou nodded.

Mu Wanying is very self-disciplined, and the motto posted on the desk in high school is "punctuality".

It's a good idea to give her a watch.

Tang Dou High School gave Mu Wanying a watch and electronic watch once, but Mu Wanying accidentally dropped the water basin.

"I guess it is, nothing new."

Mi Le felt very sour, and said disdainfully: "There are many choices under 50, Rolex."

"Rolex is too word-of-mouth."

Tang Dou interrupted Mi Le, saying that the name Rolex did not fit Mu Wanying's temperament.

"Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe." Mi Le deliberately sarcastically said: "Although Mu Wanying is beautiful, she is simple and rustic. These watches are not suitable for her to wear. An Omega bought for tens of thousands is just right."

"Your family is full of fools."

Tang Dou said lightly.

Although he often said that about Mu Wanying, it was only him.

Audemars Piguet doesn’t understand Tang Dou, he only knows Rolex, Vacheron Constantin and Patek Emerald for high-end watches, but Audemars Piguet sounds like a good name, Bi, the meaning of the other party, Audemars Piguet, love you, Tang Dou turned on his phone and looked it up.

really not bad.


Miller rolled his eyes and said:

"To be honest, Mu Wanying gives people the impression that she is silly and sweet. Do boys like this type?"

"Scumbag girls and boys like you also like it."

Tang Dou spoke very calmly.

Miller was speechless.

Didn't you just say a bad word about Mu Wanying, and you didn't want to be in front of Mu Wanying, so what are you doing?

"To buy this kind of watch, you'd better make an appointment to show your status, so that the other party can arrange service in advance."

Mi Le still reminded Tang Dou.

After the morning meeting at the company, Tang Dou left the company after the matter was settled, and drove to the Audemars Piguet store in Wangfujing.

XXXX basement floor.

Entering the door, the first impression is quiet, then elegant, and then luxurious.

The quiet one is the lobby environment, the elegant ones are the European-style retro artworks displayed all around, and the luxurious ones are the exquisite watches on the booth. In such an environment, luxurious watches give people a very low-key feeling.

Entering the door is the information desk, and the English name and LOGO "AP" of Audemars Piguet are on the background wall.

Tang Dou went in, and an elegant and beautiful lady walked over with a smile.

"My surname is Tang. I made an appointment in the morning."

Tang Dou took the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Tang, do you need to go to the reception hall to have a cup of tea and take a rest, and explain to you the history, development, and services of Audemars Piguet."

Although Tang Dou's clothes were ordinary and his temperament was not noble, the other party was still very respectful and enthusiastic.

"Thank you, I have something to do in the afternoon, can I just look at my watch?"

Tang Dou wasn't too interested, he came here just to buy a watch, and he didn't have time or interest to listen to anything else.

"Okay, please come with me."

When I arrived at the exhibition hall, the lady asked as she walked: "Mr. Tang, you said that you are not optimistic about the specific style, do you need to provide a picture book?"

"Okay, I'll take a look first."

Tang Dou nodded.

The lady took out a hardcover album and put it on the counter while turning it over to explain. Noticing that Tang Dou's eyes fell directly on the female model, the lady smiled and said, "Mr. Tang, do you want to wear it yourself or give it away?"

Tang Dou said: "Send a girlfriend."

"It's a pleasure to be your girlfriend."

The lady smiled and said: "Your girlfriend should be about the same age as you. There are many options for gifting a girlfriend. I'd be happy to give you a reference. Do you need it?"

"OK, thanks."

Tang Dou also said politely.

Appearance should be considered first when wearing clothes, and temperament should be considered first when wearing accessories. Only by combining clothing with one's own temperament can the beauty be displayed perfectly.After thinking for a while, the lady asked implicitly: "What's your girlfriend's personality like?"

"The same age as me, with a gentle and generous personality."

Tang Dou perfectly summed up Mu Wanying's temperament in one sentence.

".According to your girlfriend's temperament, you can take a look at these models, which are high-end and classy, ​​low-key and luxurious with connotations. They are not available in this store. If you are willing to wait a little longer, I will consult the Swiss headquarters."

The lady nodded, and first glanced at it.

"Look at what's in the store first."

Tang Dou pretended to nod deeply.


The lady smiled, and began to explain one by one, very detailed and professional, material, shape design, internal structure, as well as design concept, source of design inspiration, advantages and disadvantages of different designs, very comprehensive.

Tang Dou is optimistic about a very simple shape in the Audemars Piguet Millennium series.

Silver gray dial, rose gold frame and hands, rose red leather strap.Roman numerals, with a diamond set in the center of the dial, sparkling in the light.Compared with metal straps, leather straps are more casual, light and comfortable.The dial is not round, the upper and lower ends of the link strap are square, and the left and right are oblate.

Low-key luxury and elegance.

As if tailor-made for Mu Wanying, Tang Dou liked it more and more.

"That's all, how much?"

Tang Dou blurted out excitedly, revealing the deepness he had pretended for a long time.

Exposure is exposure, pretending is too tiring, Tang Dou simply stopped pretending, I have a showdown, I have mines.


The sales lady calmly quoted the price, and then said apologetically, "However, Mr. Tang, according to the foreign exchange calculation last Friday, this model is about 3 yuan cheaper at the headquarters than in China, and it is also more than 2 yuan cheaper on Hong Kong Island."

"Please believe that this is not what we did deliberately, we will try our best to provide you with the best service to make up for the price gap."

"Understood, that's it, where to pay?"

Tang Dou nodded in satisfaction.

"plz follow me."

After paying the payment, the first thing that the sales lady thought was, "Little brother is so refreshing".

Next, register the information, apply for the VIP card, sign the certificate and documents, and the name Tang Dou signed Mu Wanying. The service staff delivered exquisite gifts and listened to the sales lady explain the maintenance and after-sales service of the watch.

"I wish you and your girlfriend love each other forever, and it is our honor at Audemars Piguet to witness every moment of yours."

All done, best wishes from the sales lady.

"Thank you."

In less than an hour from entering the store to leaving the store, Tang Dou showed the temperament of mine to the fullest, and for the first time felt the ease of spending money like flowing water.

"So soon, let me see your taste."

When Tang Dou returned to the office at noon, Mi Le extended his hand.

"Need not."

Tang Dou didn't give it to him, but with Mi Le's character, he would definitely put it on after seeing it, which is what most people would do.

Tang Dou, the first show of the new watch, of course had to put it on Mu Wanying's wrist himself.

"Tang Doudou, you are really stingy sometimes. I suspect that you bought a high-quality imitation, and you are worried that I will find out."

"That's just to deceive Mu Wanying into not knowing."

Mi Le withdrew his hand and cursed.

"Keep your dog eyes open."

Tang Dou slapped the invoice and certificate on the table.

"Scary, 52, you are really willing to spend it. It is more expensive than mine. If you give you 50, you spend it, and if you give you 100 million, do you want to buy a piece of 100 million?" Mi Le looked at the invoice, and continued: "The company now only has 20.00% of your five shares, more than 500 million, 3.7 for Mu Wanying's watch on 50, and 500 million for a sports car for Mu Wanying's birthday?"

"According to your way of life, you can't make ends meet. Do you want to repay the debt with your own body to increase the share by 25?"

(End of this chapter)

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