Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 204 No matter how cold the ice is, it will melt when licked

Chapter 204 No matter how cold the ice is, it will melt when licked

Tang Dou does not need to increase his share in the company.

Le Dou Company initially invested about 1000 million in various expenses, all of which were Mi Le's money. Tang Dou and Mi Le shared 1000-25 points. This year, Mi Le invested another [-] million. If Tang Dou does not increase the share, it will only be [-]% .

It doesn't matter, it's all verbal, the two of them don't care about it, just make money together.

This is also the main reason why Tang Dou chose to partner with Mi Le.

In fact, Mi Le wanted to increase the share for Tang Dou, not because he was worried that Tang Dou would not pay attention to the company or let go. The company's current existence depends entirely on Tang Dou's decision-making, and giving Tang Dou 50.00% of the share is a matter of course.

"Don't worry, you don't need to repay the debt with your body, it's still fifty-fifty."

Mi Le crossed Erlang's legs and said.

"Whatever." Tang Dou imitated Mr. Ma and said, "Anyway, I'm not interested in money. I've never touched money."

"I really admire your indifferent attitude."

It was not easy to keep this Crouching Dragon in charge, Mi Le didn't understand why Tang Dou was so calm.

Tang Dou shook his head.

You can't take it with you in life and you can't take it with you in death. He has experienced it himself. Before rebirth, there were still more than 1000 million in the account.

Miller also died the last time and understood.

Moreover, Tang Dou also has a beautiful wife who does not dislike the poor and loves the rich. Tang Dou has no motivation to fight. Instead of working hard, why not enjoy the life with Mu Wanying more.

"Let's also express it to the beauties in our company on Girls' Day."

Mi Le thought for a while and continued, "Give them some motivation, and you will tell them later."

"How do you say, what do you give?"

Tang Dou has no objection. After school starts, the company mainly relies on employees. This is a young group. With the help of these small festivals, the office can be kept alive, their work enthusiasm can be stimulated, and the company's cohesion can be enhanced.

"With less than 500 yuan per person, let them make their own wishes and send me the link of what they want to pay for."

There are only six girls in the company now, and each of them is five hundred or three thousand. This amount of money is negligible to Mi Le. Mi Le finds a box of stickers from the drawer and throws it to Tang Dou.

"What holidays do boys have, except Singles' Day."

Tang Dou thought about it.


Mi Le rolled his eyes, "Boys can celebrate Labor Day, Valentine's Day, Chinese Valentine's Day, and Christmas."

What the hell is Labor Day? Tang Dou doesn't quite understand what Mi Le means.

"Valentine's Day, Chinese Valentine's Day, and Christmas are all celebrated by boys for girls, right? There's also Singles' Day, when girls sweep the goods and boys pay."

Mi Le said: "Only boys who have girlfriends have a chance."


Tang Dou used to be taken care of by Mu Wanying, and Mu Wanying paid for the meals, Mu Wanying paid for the clothes, and Mu Wanying paid for the house, he was gentle and virtuous.

I have something to do at school this afternoon.Classes start tomorrow, and Tang Dou and Mi Le will mainly work online.

So the company has some things to arrange in advance.

Zhang Yadong is also in charge of the investment business, and Guo Jing is in charge of the financial aspect. Regardless of experience, seniority, or age, these two are the big brothers and sisters in the office, and they are prudent in their dealings, and no one is dissatisfied.

".Happy Girls' Day to my sisters in advance."

"Sister Yanhong, Sister Mai, Sister Qiong, Sister Wenwen. It's okay to pass 3.7." After the work arrangement, Tang Dou looked at Guo Jing, Hu Yanhong, Qiao Mai and other girls, and finally his eyes stayed on Guo Jing and said with a smile:

"Brother Jing is 3.7 or 3.8, choose one."

"29 is really an embarrassing age." Guo Jing sighed in embarrassment but gracefully, "Let's experience a little girl for the last time before 30."

"It's nice to be a girl."

Wang Zhennan and other boys sighed.

"Brother Wang will wear women's clothes for you at work tomorrow. Anyone of you who wants to celebrate Girls' Day can wear women's clothes."

Mi Le smiled at the boys.

"Would you like to lend you some clothes?"

Qiao Mai asked them with a smile.


The office arrangements were made, and Tang Dou and Mi Le went back to school.

Went to Tang Dou at school for a meeting, there was a dinner party in the dormitory in the afternoon, after the meeting Tang Dou directly convened people in the group.

"Squad leader."

Tang Dou was waiting for his roommate in front of the library, when a familiar voice came from behind.

"Student Yuwei, return the book?"

Tang Dou turned around, it was Su Yuwei, she was wearing a long blue sweater, black leggings, and holding two books in her arms.

"Well, is the monitor waiting for someone?"

Su Yuwei nodded and asked.

"Wait for roommate, by the way, you give these two invoices to Chen Yu."

Tang Dou took out the invoices for the prizes purchased for the winners of the poetry competition in the class and gave them to Su Yuwei.


Su Yuwei took the invoice and put it in her pocket, "Is there anything else the monitor can do?"

"It's okay, you can go to work."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Goodbye, monitor."

Seeing roommate Tang Dou coming, Su Yuwei waved her hand, walked into the library, went to the door, and looked back.

For dinner in the dormitory, An Qi brought Zhou Tian, ​​and Li Xiongxiong brought Zhao Rui. Although An Qi and Zhou Tian got back together early and had been dating for half a year, they were still a little shy.Li Xiongxiong and Zhao Rui are more natural, and if you look closely, they are quite compatible.

"Squad leader, don't you bring your girlfriend?"

Zhao Rui came over and smiled.

Li Hao said: "What do you do with your girlfriend for dinner in the dormitory, and the dinner will be shared by each person in the future."

"Your sister is not pressing the head this time, and you never said that when you were here."

Angie scolded him.

Tang Dou was going to find Mu Wanying at night, but he went to sing again after the dinner party. It was past eleven o'clock after the dinner, and he went back to the dormitory directly after drinking some wine.

Mu Wanying felt a little disappointed. In order to wait for Tang Dou, she read in the library until eleven o'clock, but she was not angry. The loss was only because she didn't see Tang Dou today, and she knew that Tang Dou was just busy with school.

Mu Wanying's day was so empty.

I have been with Tang Dou for a few days, and suddenly I don't see her for a day, and I feel that life has lost its color.

Lying on the bed, Mu Wanying flipped through her close album.

Tang Dou returned to the dormitory and sent a message to Mu Wanying, and went to wash up first.

"An Qi, you and Zhou Tian are really incomprehensible. It feels like you two are a lot strangers after a holiday."

Li Hao said to An Qi.

"The two of them were always in the dark. Zhou Tian is not the kind of girl who likes to be clingy. Qiqi is obsequious."

Li Xiongxiong said bluntly.

"Girlfriends are too clingy and annoying, and when they are not clingy, they are tiring. The most hurtful thing is that they are very clingy at the beginning, and gradually become close, but far away."

Li Hao sighed, and then sang: "How can I bear to blame you for making a mistake, I was too free for you."

An Qi said: "What did your girlfriend do to you that I'm sorry for?"

"No, it's just a sigh. If she dared to do that, I would have broken up."

Li Hao blew smoke at An Qi and said:

"Zhou Tian is the kind of girl who is more serious about relationships, but if you don't seize an opportunity to make the relationship between the two of you go further, then it's hard to say. I'm from the perspective of our boys. When you fall in love, it's best to fall in love. Take the initiative before the shortcomings are exposed."

"Although my partner is a bit self-willed now, she is just playing with her temper to find some sense of existence for herself. As long as I have a tougher attitude, she will be obedient immediately."

Li Hao added: "I just don't have the patience to make trouble with her now."

An Qi: "Scumbag, if you get someone, you won't be patient."

"Don't say that if you have experienced it yourself. If Zhou Tian played with you twice in three days, you would always remain very patient? Maybe, you lick the dog like this."

Li Hao sneered.

An Qi lowered her head and stopped talking. Zhou Tian always had a clear-eyed look, and sometimes she was a little cold, which made him very distressed. She hoped that Zhou Tian would act coquettishly and lose her temper.

"Don't be discouraged, no matter how cold the ice is, it will melt when licked."

After washing up, Tang Dou came out to comfort An Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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