Chapter 205

Wednesday is 3.7 Girls' Day.

Tang Dou has no class in the afternoon.

Mu Wanying has classes in the fifth and sixth periods in the afternoon, but not in the seventh and eighth periods.

Tang Dou went to the hotel after lunch, and the rented room was still a few days away. Tang Dou considered whether to renew the lease, or rent a room in a community not far from himself and Mu Wanying's school. house.

If you buy it, the house here is not something you can buy with money.

There are still more than three years left in college. If financial conditions permit, it will be convenient to rent an apartment if you have a girlfriend.

When the two of them are not in class, they cook and spend a sweet weekend, which is much warmer than a hotel.And if Mu Wanying didn't go home during the summer vacation, she couldn't stay in a hotel every day. Not to mention the temperature, it would be unsafe to mix with fish and dragons.

Tang Dou was going to talk to Mu Wanying in the afternoon.

Mu Wanying didn't go back to the dormitory after class at four o'clock, so she went directly to the hotel to find Tang Dou.

Tang Dou was watching TV in his room when he heard a knock on the door and got up to open it.Mu Wanying was standing outside the pretty door. She was wearing that thick black sweater, blue skinny jeans, white sneakers, and a schoolbag on her back.

Full of youthful vigor.

"We have a lot of classes this semester, [-] classes per week and [-] classes every week, not counting my two elective courses." Mu Wanying looked tired, hooked Tang Dou's neck and said: " How about you guys?"

"Almost, the freshman year is the time with the most classes."

Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying's small waist and pulled into the room, bickering and walking backwards. After a while, parting his numb mouth, Tang Dou gave Mu Wanying a delicate white paper bag, "Happy holidays, Mai dog."

It contained the watch I bought the day before yesterday.

"What did Doudou buy for me? A watch?"

Mu Wanying smiled brightly, she got up from Tang Dou and sat down, first took out a box more than ten centimeters long, wide and high in her bag, opened it carefully, her eyes lit up, "Wow, it's so beautiful, how much is it for Dou Dou?" of."

"When someone gave you a gift, when did your first reaction of caring about money change?"

Tang Dou tugged at the corner of Mu Wanying's upturned mouth.

"You're not an outsider. Besides, isn't it normal to care about money? If it's someone else, the gift is too expensive and you can't accept it."

Mu Wanying couldn't tell what brand this watch was, but it looked very expensive. She put the watch aside and took out the certificate in her pocket. She was a little dumbfounded when she saw it, "Doudou really cost 52?"

"Can I still buy you a fake one and make a fake certificate?"

Tang Dou didn't want to give the watch certificate to Mu Wanying at first, he was worried about scaring her, but he didn't let Mu Wanying know the value of the watch, for fear that she wouldn't cherish it, so if she gave her a digital watch worth more than 100 in the second year of high school, she would Accidentally, I often put the table bucket on the table and take it with me to wash my face, and finally fell into the water and scrapped it, which is very annoying.

But Tang Dou didn't say anything, that watch wasn't a gift to Mu Wanying, it was sold.

At that time, Mu Wanying refused to accept her.

Tang Dou said that he bought everything, women's ones, I can't wear them myself.So Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou how much he bought it for, and Tang Dou said two hundred.Mu Wanying stuffed Tang Dou with 200 yuan, and then took the watch.

Tang Dou regretted not buying more batches.

Mu Wanying was worried that if she didn't want it, Doudou might give it to another girl. It's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing before. On Christmas Day in the first year of high school, Doudou bought a pair of gloves for her, but she didn't want them. The next day, he found that pair of gloves were on Dai Yuan's hands.

Mu Wanying swore at that time that she would never talk to Tang Dou again.

In fact, Tang Dou did not give Dai Yuan those gloves, but Dai Yuan saw it and asked, "Did brother buy it for me?"

Dai Yuan, a dry girl, was very kind to Tang Dou in high school. She was about to catch up with Tang Dou and Mu Wanying. Tang Dou just gave her the gloves. Dai Yuan knew that Tang Dou bought it for Mu Wanying, so she was very happy "Cutting off Hu".

In exchange, Mu Wanying looked at her coldly for two days.

Mu Wanying didn't say a word to Tang Dou for two days.

Tang Dou bought her breakfast and didn't eat it, didn't drink the water she received, didn't talk about homework problems, didn't eat or walk together after school, she didn't eat or go when Tang Dou followed her, didn't eat oil and salt, didn't hit back and scolded her Don't fight back.

On the third day, Tang Dou couldn't bear it any longer, so he came to insist, and followed Mu Wanying to the back of the building, while no one hugged her.

Mu Wanying: Tang Doudou, what are you doing.

Tang Dou: Hug you!

Mu Wanying struggled: let go.

Tang Dou: Wanying, let's make up, I'll let you go if you settle down with me.

Mu Wanying couldn't help it, and couldn't bear it anymore, so she agreed with great reluctance.

In fact, Mu Wanying knew that Doudou was following, but she just pretended not to know, and wanted to find a chance to accept Doudou's apology, and then get back together. Although Doudou did nothing wrong, she just didn't expect Tang Dou to be a hooligan.

"Why don't you gamble more, let me hug you more."

Tang Dou grinned and took out the yogurt that he hadn't delivered just now.

Mu Wanying slashed her eyes with a red face, and confiscated the yogurt.

"I haven't given you anything decent for so long"

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said.

"Doudou, I understand what you mean, but there is no need to buy such an expensive one."

Unsurprisingly, Mu Wanying started nagging again.

"Okay, I don't give you gifts often." Tang Dou pressed Mu Wanying's forehead and said, "I don't feel sorry for spending any money on you, and what would I do with my money if I don't spend it on you."

"You're just big, and you can spend it on others. In high school, you even lied to me and your sister's money to spend on the girls in our class."

Mu Wanying didn't talk too much anymore. If it were someone else, she would not want such an expensive gift. If Doudou gave it now, she would accept it with peace of mind. If she didn't accept it, she would appear unreasonable, which would hurt Doudou's heart.

Anyway, the little girl has nothing to repay, the worst is to promise her with her body.

"How can you compare with them? Don't you lose your worth? If I only have 100 yuan, I may be willing to spend it all for them, but I have 100 million, so I still spend 100 for them. And you, I only have 100 yuan. I’m willing to sell the pot and sell the iron, and borrow money to spend more for you, I have [-] million, and I will directly buy you a house and a car.”

Tang Dou smiled.

"Your mouth is really incomprehensible. But don't be so lavish in the future, I will be satisfied as long as you are with me." Mu Wanying was speechless again, and stretched out her white and tender right hand for Tang Dou to give it to her. Wear a watch.

"You are asking extravagantly."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's right hand, felt something wrong halfway through wearing the watch, and slapped Mu Wanying's hand away.

"Oh, the watch seems to be worn on the left hand."

After realizing it, Mu Wanying stretched out her left hand with a silly smile.

"It's getting more and more stupid."

Tang Dou shook his head and put on Mu Wanying's watch. Mu Wanying's temperament really matched the watch.The watch has a rose gold frame, a silver-gray dial, and a rose-red leather strap. It is low-key and elegant, and Mu Wanying is gentle and generous.

"You take the certificate, and you can get the watch back if you regret it someday."

Mu Wanying looked at her wrist and felt that Cinderella had become a princess directly.

"Your name signed on the certificate is already completely your personal property. The more you talk about it, the more stupid you are."

Tang Dou shook his head and sighed.

"Be stupid if you're stupid. Stupid people are blessed with stupidity. Wearing such an expensive watch feels so stressful. What if you lose it?" Mu Wanying blinked her big eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly dimpled. Just be careless."

"Just don't lose people."

Tang Dou bit the tip of Mu Wanying's nose and said.

"Dou Dou is so kind of you."

"Call husband."

"Husband, mua."

(End of this chapter)

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