Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 207 The rules I set myself will be carried out even if I cry

Chapter 207 The rules I set myself will be carried out even if I cry
"Where do you want to live?"

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and asked back.

Mu Wanying said: "If you don't want to go back, go to the hotel."

"There are classes tomorrow morning, so let's go back to school, I live with you and I don't want to get up in the morning."

Tang Dou thought for a while and said, it's okay to be alone, but it's too uncomfortable to get up early when someone warms the bed.Tang Dou is like this, but Mu Wanying is actually going too far.In Tang Dou's previous life, Mu Wanying had to get up for school before seven o'clock in the morning. Seeing that Tang Dou could sleep until he woke up naturally every day, she was very envious and jealous. All kinds of tricks made Tang Dou get up and drive her to work.

This will make Mu Wanying feel inexplicably disappointed.

Although she also felt the same, there would be classes tomorrow morning, and it would be very hasty to live outside, and it was getting late now.

But it's so greedy and warm.

Doudou, you have to persevere, Mu Wanying said with a tangled heart.

In fact, Tang Dou also thought in his heart that Mu Wanying would just persevere, so that she would not think about the big deal of skipping class tomorrow morning.

Mu Wanying was confused.

Tang Dou knew that as long as he made a request, Mu Wanying would try his best to satisfy it, but he didn't want Mu Wanying to be reluctant, so he was very straightforward, and he rarely chose difficult things.

Tomorrow Thursday, and the day after tomorrow Friday will be free, so bear with it.

For couples, it will be sweeter and more attached if you keep some hope, and a proper distance can enhance your relationship.

Mu Wanying has already experienced the itch of lovesickness.

At the steamed stuffed bun shop opposite the school gate, Tang Dou ordered a meat bun, a bean paste steamed bun, two sauerkraut steamed stuffed buns, and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, while Mu Wanying only wanted a bowl of seaweed egg drop soup.

After running in the evening, eat some "Chinese style" supper, the warmth in the stomach is really comfortable.

"Wanying, don't you want a bun? You didn't eat well in the afternoon."

Tang Douwen took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun and asked Mu Wanying.

"Tell me to eat at night again."

Mu Wanying glanced at the steamed stuffed bun, thinking she couldn't eat it, but a different sound came from her stomach.

"You're not fat, so why be so serious. Besides, it makes sense to lose weight after eating. Those who know how to exercise will drink some calories to replenish energy before exercising."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said:

"Just don't eat sweet and greasy ones."

What Dou Dou said makes sense.

Mu Wanying was a little shaken.

Roommate Liu Qian put on [-] catties in half a year because she was too lazy to cook. Every night, it was either wow haha ​​or cake. Meat was eaten for three meals a day, and she didn’t exercise. Sometimes she didn’t go out for two days on weekends. After eating, continue to lie down, and sometimes eat while lying down, except for going to the toilet, Liu Qian can not get out of bed for two days, stay up late at night to watch dramas, sleep during the day, it is simply a self-destructive lifestyle, it is strange if she is not fat.

Mu Wanying was frightened by Liu Qian gaining fifteen catties in half a year.

Thinking about it, my life is so regular, and I can control my weight with a normal diet. I stayed at home for nearly two months during the winter vacation, and I didn’t eat less food for nearly a month before and after the Chinese New Year. I only gained less than three catties. In fact, it may be possible Not fat, she wore slippers and pajamas when she weighed at home during the holidays, and wore sneakers and thick clothes when she weighed two days ago.

"I eat a pickled cabbage, which pickled cabbage?"

Mu Wanying still compromised on the food.


Tang Dou pointed with his chopsticks.

"Do you have enough, Doudou? I'll give you two more."

Mu Wanying took a sauerkraut bun.

Tang Dou said: "That's enough, I already asked for it for you."

"You are determined to let me eat with you."

Mu Wanying was speechless. With such a boyfriend, she would be fattened sooner or later.

"I will run with you, and you will eat with me."


After eating, Mu Wanying went to check out, took out a handful of change from the front pocket of her trousers, paid the boss 12 yuan and left. When she came out of the restaurant, it was already 10:30, and Mu Wanying held Tang Dou's arm for a long time. Do not let go.

"Are you looking for me tomorrow?"

"We have class tomorrow night, and the first and second periods the day after tomorrow, but you can skip class, if you want me to come, I will come."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Forget it, take classes well, try not to fail in the next six months, and get an inspirational scholarship as soon as possible."

Mu Wanying reluctantly let go of Tang Dou.

"See you on Friday."

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying's head and kissed it. Mu Wanying will have a class tomorrow, and he will also have class in the evening.

"Well, I don't have class on Friday afternoon, so I came to see you."

Mu Wanying nodded, "Go back and send a message."

Farewell to Mu Wanying, Tang Dou went back to school, Mi Le drove and waited at the school gate, after Tang Dou got into the car, Mi Le handed over the materials that needed to be signed.

"I thought you were staying in a hotel with Mu Wanying, and you were planning to go there to find you, but was driven back by Mu Wanying?"


"I don't have class tomorrow morning, please write me a leave note."

Miller rolled his eyes.

Tang Dou said: "The company has nothing important, what are you going to do, did you fail last year?"

"No, thank you for sending me the answer." Mi Le said, "It's not going to the company, I will feel unwell tomorrow."

"Then you wear so little today."

Tang Dou glanced at Mi Le, who had ambiguous eyes, got out of the car and left.

Mi Le sighed and shook his head, started the car and went back.

The 412 dormitory is going to be full of excitement. Li Xiongxiong, Li Hao, and An Qi are back from their appointments. An Qi also bought a computer two days ago. The three of them will play lol. Li Hao and An Qi team up to explore the underground world , laughing and laughing.

Girlfriend or something, there is no game interesting.

Li Xiongxiong has been chasing Zhang Yao for more than two months. Normally, at this time in the evening, he should go to the girls downstairs to deliver things to Zhang Yao. After he stopped chasing Zhang Yao, Li Xiongxiong certainly didn't bother with those thoughts. Li Xiongxiong is now with Zhao Rui. Zhao Rui is neither hypocritical nor vain, and does not need Li Xiongxiong to be so attentive.

The future is long, Zhao Rui is worried that Li Xiongxiong is too tired to talk to him, and he will not have enough stamina.

From the perspective of Zhang Yao, a special bystander, Li Xiongxiong felt that Li Xiongxiong was not interested in Zhao Rui. The reason why Li Xiongxiong chose Zhao Rui was to avenge her and also to forget her. The best way to forget someone is not necessarily to be with Zhao Rui. Another person is together, but this is the fastest way to get out of the emotional pain.

Feeling that Li Xiongxiong is not serious about Zhao Rui, Zhang Yao is very happy, thinking about how to help Zhao Rui play with Li Xiongxiong's feelings and money, and end as soon as she has enough, but it is not good to directly ask Zhao Rui for advice, what should I do.

"Ruirui, these shoes are pretty, did Li Xiongxiong buy them for you?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Yao looked at Zhao Rui's new shoes and asked.

"My mother bought it for me."

Zhao Rui hesitated, saying that he went to Li Xiongxiong's house before school started and Li Xiongxiong's mother bought it.

Let Zhang Yao know how that little heart can bear it, and the relationship between girlfriends is about to break up again.

Zhang Yao wanted to start the conversation and let Xiao Zi and Tao Minmin ask how Zhao Rui and Li Xiongxiong were doing.

But Tao Minmin has never liked gossip, so she is reading a book now.

After the heat passed, Xiaozi was not interested in Zhao Rui and Li Xiongxiong's affairs, as long as Li Xiongxiong didn't add Zhang Yao's evil spirit to encourage Zhang Yao, it didn't matter, and Xiaozi hoped that Li Xiongxiong and Zhao Rui's fake drama would be real.

If the fakes come true, Zhang Yao's face will definitely look good.

"Ruirui, Li Xiongxiong's attitude towards me is very subtle, I think I can dress up now, just be as beautiful as you." Zhao Rui probably guessed what Zhang Yao was thinking, she sighed, and said to Zhang Yao: "Yao Yao, what do you think of the eyebrows I trimmed myself?"

"It's one thing to deal with boys' grooming, but it's more important to learn how to hold boys by the nose"

Zhang Yao finally found the opportunity to speak.

"It exploded without shadow today."

When Tang Dou entered, An Qi said happily.

"Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu In high school, a baby in our class went up all night for a month in a row, brushing the abyss every night, saving up soul stones for a change."

Wuying is the belief of underground fans. Tang Dou also dreamed of it in high school, and it didn't explode until the belief was shattered.

"Tuesday and Thursday are full of classes, and this horse is exhausted all day long. Let's discuss how to skip classes this semester. If Zhou Tian doesn't miss class, Qiqi will definitely not miss class. How come Xiongxiong and Doudou?"

Li Hao suggested.

"If Qiqi doesn't count, let's go three times and two times, don't take turns, draw lots."

Li Xiongxiong said while typing on the keyboard.

Li Hao said: "Yes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, there are two classes in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two in the evening. Let's get rid of tomorrow first. It doesn't matter if there are only two classes on Friday."

"Damn, Xiongxiong, are you not going to accompany Zhao Rui?"

An Qi was very distressed, and he also wanted to skip class, but how could he tell Tiantian.

"What's so good about meeting every day?"

Li Xiongxiong is not entangled at all, and Zhao Rui is not so hypocritical.

Tang Dou was also speechless to the two roommates. He discussed how to pass the classes that he didn't want to fail at the beginning of school, so he discussed how to skip classes in the new semester.

It doesn't matter if Tang Duguang is not Kuang. If he doesn't want to attend lectures, he can read books in the classroom, and he can read books in the library.


Tomorrow morning, Tang Dou and Li Xiongxiong will be absent from class, in the afternoon Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong will be absent from class, and in the evening Tang Dou and Li Xiongxiong will be absent.

"Xiongxiong, are you really going to miss class tomorrow?"

An Qi was dumbfounded, and she was ashamed to miss all four classes a day.

"This method is not good, let's take turns."

Li Hao's ass hurts so much.

"The rules are set by us, and we have to implement them even when we cry. Let's talk about it next time."

Li Xiongxiong smiled helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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