Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 208 What is brighter than the sun is her smiling face

Chapter 208 What is brighter than the sun is her smiling face
"Next time, let's draw lots!"

Li Hao feels that rock-paper-scissors is not just a matter of probability, it also tests one's hand speed.

Li Xiongxiong doesn't care.

Tang Dou looked for a leave note and wrote it to Mi Le, and thought about changing classes with Li Hao. Tang Dou had class tomorrow morning, and skipped class in the afternoon. In conjunction with the evening, he happened to be going to the company in the afternoon.

Of course Li Hao is happy, stay up all night and sleep late in the morning, why not do it.

Something happened at the company on Thursday afternoon. Mi Le was not feeling well, so Tang Dou went to the company to deal with it.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, Tang Dou is going to pick up the car from Mi Le first, and take yesterday’s report by the way. It is more convenient to drive to the company. Mi Le calls and asks Tang Dou to bring a meal and a pack of sanitary napkins by the way. .

Tang Dou had only bought things like aunt's towels for his younger sister and Mu Wanying before, and it always felt abnormal to buy them for other girls.

But it's hard to refuse, no matter whether Mi Le really didn't prepare in advance or did it on purpose.

Outside the community, Tang Dou went to the restaurant to pack a meal, and passed by the supermarket to buy a package of Seven Degrees of Space.

When I arrived at Mi Le's house, Mi Le opened the door. She had disheveled hair and was wearing plush pajamas. She yawned, "Thank you."

"I don't prepare this kind of thing in advance."

Tang Dou threw the sanitary napkin on the sofa.

"I thought I had it at home, but I found out it was gone after I used it in the morning. Now I just use toilet paper to make do with it."

Mi Le's voice was a little weak to explain.

"It doesn't need to be so detailed."

Tang Dou was speechless.

"Tch, you also dislike Mu Wanying these days?"

Mi Le rolled his eyes, tore open the package, took a piece and went to the bathroom first.

Tang Dou didn't stay long, waited for her to come out, took the car keys and left.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, the industrial and commercial department will come to the company for inspection. As the person in charge, Tang Dou must be present. After arriving at the company, Tang Dou first checks the company's finances during this period, knowing what to expect.

"Why are you suddenly targeted by the industry and commerce?"

Tang Dou was a little puzzled.

"Yuanmeng Investment Company, which we cooperated with before, was investigated because of illegal fundraising. It may have been found that we had a phone call with us. In addition, the company's rapid development has attracted the attention of the district administration."

Guo Jing explained that there are only two possibilities.

You can lie down if you make money quietly.

"This is also normal. The big tree attracts the wind. Don't worry, Mr. Tang. We have no financial problems."

Guo Jing stood in front of the station and said confidently: "The accounts and taxation of December and January are all reported for audit. The financial report for February has just been compiled, and it can be filed after Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi audit."

Standing in front of her long legs in stockings dazzled, Tang Dou pointed to the opposite chair and said:
"Brother Jing sat down and said."

Guo Jing smiled and nodded, went over to help her skirt and sat down.

"The company's current focus is on finance, and the risk lies in the investment business, but now as long as it is conservative and follow the steps, there will be no major problems. Don't be careless about finances. You must not only be clear about finances, but also pay attention to the company's capital chain and budget for cash flow. balance with reserve funds, and reduce the impact of investment risks on the company.”

Tang Dou talked eloquently.

"So, Brother Jing, pay more attention to finances."

"This is my job. Don't worry, Mr. Tang. I will definitely not disappoint Mr. Tang's trust."

Guo Jing nodded and listened carefully. The heavier the burden on her shoulders, the more motivated she was.

Zhang Yadong had something to report. He walked outside Tang Dou's office and raised his hand to knock on the door. When he heard Guo Jing inside, he hesitated and put down his hand to return. He sent a message on his mobile phone to Tang Dou to report.

After dismissing the industrial and commercial personnel, Qiao Mai took the new office decoration plan and equipment procurement list to Tang Dou for review.

Tang Dou looked at it and found that there was no problem. After signing, Qiao Mai asked the financial manager Guo Jing to sign and approve the money.

"Mr. Tang, a girlfriend of mine is getting married the day after tomorrow. I want to take a day off tomorrow to go back."

The company is busy now, Qiao Mai was very embarrassed to speak, and finally said hesitatingly.

"Okay, then you can arrange the work at hand this afternoon."

Tang Dou had no reason to refuse, no one had relatives or friends.

"Thank you Mr. Tang, should I tell Mr. Mi?"

Qiao Mai said that it was too much to ask. Mi Le is the director of the office, and she must approve the leave.

"Give her a call."

Tang Dou's approval is of course no problem, Mi Le won't say anything, and he won't have any ideas, but the form still has to go, or else everyone will look for him in the future and make Mi Le empty.


Qiao Mai went out cheerfully and asked Chen Wenwen to arrange work.

Tang Dou stayed at the company until he got off work, took the car to Mi Le, and then went to Mu Wanying for dinner.After returning to school at eight o'clock, I bumped into Zhang Yao and Zhao Rui who skipped class at the school gate.

Zhang Yao has long hair slanting, wearing a small pink jacket, black leggings, and a pleated skirt. She looks very seductive.

Zhao Rui's ponytail, baseball shirt and sweatpants, standing with Zhang Yao looks very rustic.

Zhang Yao and Zhao Rui are now the closest sisters in the dormitory, they are inseparable. Zhang Yao teaches Zhao Rui how to make up, how to flirt, how to dress, and even lends Zhao Rui her own clothes to wear.

I have to say that girls sometimes have simple minds.

Putting aside her pungent side, Zhang Yao is quite interesting as a best friend, but she is not good enough to face Zhao Rui. Seeing Zhang Yao's silly and indistinguishable appearance, Tang Dou feels that she is quite cute.

"The squad leader takes the lead in cutting classes every day. He is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han, so he went to see his girlfriend again?"

Zhang Yao came over and said to Tang Dou.

"After dinner, did the teacher call the roll?"

Tang Dou laughed.

Zhao Rui said: "I didn't call names, but I asked you to answer questions."

Tang Dou said: "Okay."

"Shall I buy something for Li Xiongxiong?"

Zhao Rui asked Zhang Yao in a low voice.

"Okay, it's reciprocal to give a small gift once in a while."

Zhang Yao nodded.

"Squad leader, wait a moment."

Zhao Rui yelled, took Zhang Yao to the opposite fruit shop, and bought some fruits for Tang Dou to bring to Li Xiongxiong.

Zhang Yao bought some apples and gave them to Tang Douliang.

In dormitory 412, Li Xiongxiong was playing games, Tang Dou went back and gave him the fruit Zhao Rui brought.

"Who gave it?"

Li Xiongxiong glanced.

"Who else could it be."

On Friday, Tang Dou had classes in the seven or eighth quarters, but Mu Wanying had no classes in the afternoon.

After class in the morning, Mu Wanying went to the capital to find Tang Dou for dinner, and walked around together after dinner.

Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's hand and wandered aimlessly around the campus.The sun was warm and the breeze was breezy. Enjoy this afternoon slowly without feeling it. The sun shone warm on your back, and Mu Wanying's hands were also warm.

"Squad leader, it's so romantic."

Wang Xuehan and her roommates walked towards each other and said with a smile.

"have already eaten?"

Tang Dou asked with a smile, Mu Wanying let go of his hand, and smiled at Wang Xuehan.

"Just eat, you continue."

Wang Xuehan waved to Mu Wanying and left with her roommate.

There were not many people on the playground, Tang Dou leaned against the fence, with his hands in the back pockets of Mu Wanying's jeans.

"It's so comfortable in the sun."

Mu Wanying stood with her feet side by side, with her outstretched arms hooked around Tang Dou's neck, her smiling face was brighter than the sun.

There was no class in five or six quarters, so Tang Dou asked his roommate to throw the basketball out of the dormitory window and play with Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying is also very stupid when shooting basketball. She shoots away when she shoots. She shoots like a standard woman. She holds the basketball in both hands, jumps forward, pushes the ball out, and does not touch the ball.

Tang Dou retrieved the ball, and Mu Wanying rushed to defend it.

Tang Dou put his left arm half around her shoulder, stepped forward a few steps, and threw the ball in with his right hand.

"Dou Dou, you made a foul."

Mu Wanying picked up the ball and said unconvinced.

"You know the foul."

Tang Dou opened his arms to defend.

Mu Wanying slapped the ball twice and let it go. She picked up her hands and held the ball to make a breakthrough. When she reached the free throw line, she was blocked by Tang Dou.

"Dou Dou, you fouled, and it hit me."

Mu Wanying yelled, picked up the ball and slipped under Tang Dou's arm to shoot.

When it was Tang Dou's turn, Mu Wanying hugged and tugged.

"Wanying, you are a rascal, you are not playing ball, you are wrestling."

Tang Dou was afraid of hurting Mu Wanying, so he didn't force himself, and dragged Mu Wanying to layup slowly.

The boys who play around are so envious. Playing with girls is much more interesting.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Wanying urged Tang Dou to go to class, and she went to the library to read by herself.Tang Dou looked for Mu Wanying after class, and the two had a transfer meeting on campus, and went to eat when the restaurant was less crowded.

It's past seven o'clock after dinner, and I'm going to watch a movie.

 Thank you Huiyuan, Ah Ye's Yu, I think you didn't tip.

(End of this chapter)

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