Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 209 Of course you should give the things you like to the person you like

Chapter 209 Of course you should give the things you like to the person you like

When he arrived at the cinema, Tang Dou went to line up to buy tickets.

Mu Wanying went to buy two cups of hot tea and a bucket of popcorn.

This is how a happy weekend should start.

Mu Wanying bought a cup of black tea and a cup of milk tea, and they didn't share with Tang Dou, they drank them in exchange.

There were quite a lot of people watching movies on Friday night. Mu Wanying came back from shopping and stood next to Tang Dou. Tang Dou moved forward in line, and she also moved forward, staying close to Tang Dou's side.

After buying the movie tickets, the two went to sit on the sofa in the rest area.

Mu Wanying squeezed into Tang Dou's arms, holding the ticket in her left hand, and taking a selfie with her mobile phone in her right hand, posting on Moments.

"This year's class is very busy, but your company and protection make everything less boring. When I see you, I feel at ease; when I don't see you, I look forward to it. Every time I make an appointment with you, Make my life full of hope. You are like a pair of invisible wings, leaning on your shoulders, I have no tears."

Well edited, Mu Wanying read it again and again, felt good about herself, and then published it.

"Doudou, how do you see my circle of friends?"

"It's so well written."

Mu Wanying's show of affection is too good.Tang Dou immediately liked and commented:
"Holding your hand, I have nothing to fear."

"Dou Dou, do you mean that no matter how much pressure you face in the future, you will never let go of any challenge?"

It only took Mu Wanying two seconds to decipher Tang Dou's implication.

"Getting smarter."

Tang Dou rubbed his face against Mu Wanying's head.

Mu Wanying looked up at Tang Dou with a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of love.

"Wanying learned from Tang Doudou and now she is also eloquent, so she can take advantage of Tang Doudou."

Seeing Mu Wanying's circle of friends, Feng Qinglan silently gave Mu Jinhua a thumbs up after letting Mu Jinhua read it.

Mu Jinhua remained invisible as always.

Shen Yun and Tang Tang added Mu Wanying as friends, and being able to see Mu Wanying's dynamics, Shen Yun was very pleased, and also liked Mu Wanying, and then took a screenshot and sent it to the relative group, so that relatives can see this For childhood sweethearts.

After Tang Tang liked it, she commented, "Sister Wanying, I miss you so much."

"Your mother also liked me."

Mu Wanying clicked on Moments to show Tang Dou.

The movie starts at eight o'clock, and Tang Dou and Mu Wanying are waiting in the lobby for a while.There is an entertainment place in the lobby, Mu Wanying looked towards the claw machine, and suddenly had a sudden impulse, "Doudou, I want to catch the doll."

"Go, let's play."

Tang Dou stood up carrying Mu Wanying's bag, and went to buy ten coins first.

"Which Doudou do you like?"

Mu Wanying gave Tang Dou the drink and popcorn, pointed to the doll inside and asked.

"Whoever can be caught counts."

Mu Wanying is a handicapped party member, Tang Dou doesn't have much hope for her.

"I want that Pikachu."

Mu Wanying is always confident in herself.

"Don't worry, move slowly."

Mu Wanying failed for the first time, and Tang Dou gave her advice.

"Why are the claws so loose!"

After grabbing Pikachu and shaking it, Mu Wanying complained.

"It's too easy for the boss to lose money, grab it and move it gently."

Tang Dou asked Mu Wanying to come back.


"A little bit closer, Doudou, try it."

After failing to catch Pikachu five times in a row, Mu Wanying was a little discouraged and asked Tang Dou to come. Grabbing the claw machine looks simple and the operation is also simple, but catching Pikachu is another matter. A slight mistake will be wasted.

"It has a big head, and its neck is stuck."

Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's clothes and gesticulated.

"You knocked it down, it's not easy to catch."

Tang Dou carefully adjusted the angle.

"Yeah, just a little bit."

Pikachu fell to the exit and fell back again, what a pity for Mu Wanying.

"Move it out, too."

Tang Dou must capture Pikachu for Mu Wanying today.

He also failed twice, and finally got Pikachu out for Mu Wanying the third time.

"Two people succeeded eight times."

Mu Wanying picked up Pikachu, rubbed it and stuffed it for Tang Dou, and continued to grab it by herself.

Caught a rabbit for the last time.

Mu Wanying stopped playing the claw machine. Tang Dou looked at the shooting game next to her. The rules of the game were very simple. The walls inside were covered with balloons, and she paid 20 yuan to shoot ten times. Different prizes were obtained according to the number of balloons broken.

Break ten balloons ten times to choose a 1.6-meter-tall doll.

The fewer balloons popped, the smaller the reward, a pack of fifty cents paper for five or less.

It seems simple, but it is actually quite tricky. Players need to break down more than nine balloons to make it worthwhile.

With Tang Dou's eyesight, this game can be played until the boss goes bankrupt. He came over to make a wave. The gun has a magnification lens, but it is very blurry, but it is enough for Tang Dou.

"Dou Dou, you are amazing, I will try too."

Mu Wanying admired it so much, she couldn't wait to try it herself.

Tang Dou said: "You can do it next time."

Mu Wanying thinks about it, if she misses the fight, the fight will be in vain.

When Tang Dou smashed eight balloons in a row, the boss' expression was no longer calm, and he would lose money if he hit another one.

Tang Dou continued to hit the last two rounds, all ten rounds were hit, the boss was bleeding in his heart, he looked at Tang Dou, and said to the boy, don't continue.

Seeing that the boss was distressed, Tang Dou stopped going.

He just wanted to win a big rag doll for Mu Wanying, it wouldn't be interesting if there were too many.

"I want that chocolate teddy bear."

Mu Wanying pointed to the large teddy bear on the shelf, she was very excited, and felt that winning the game was more meaningful than buying it.

The boss took down the teddy bear heartbroken, and Mu Wanying put it into her arms mercilessly, "Wow, Doudou, this bear's legs are almost as tall as me, so you don't have to worry about catching cold on the wall when you put it on the bed."

"I want to buy you a one that is more than two meters long. It won't fit on the bed in the dormitory."

Tang Dou looked at it, and there was still a gap between the quality of this doll and the ones bought in the store. For this kind of game, the boss must have bought a cheap one.

Next, Mu Wanying also played around, hit three balloons ten times, and happily picked up a bag of fifty cents paper.

"I thought it would be easy."

"There is a way. If you aim at the three dots and one line, you will miss."

"Yes, the bullet goes out in a parabola."

Mu Wanying suddenly realized.

"Today's harvest is really good. This rabbit is fluffy and cute. I want them all."

Back in the rest area, Mu Wanying hugged the big teddy bear, and the little white rabbit played with Pikachu for a while, then gave Pikachu to Tang Dou.

Tang Dou said: "Don't you like Pikachu?"

"Of course, what you like should be given to the person you like."

Mu Wanying said with a sweet smile.

"Your mouth is so sweet, I wonder if you have stolen candy."

When Mu Wanying said this, Tang Dou felt itchy in his heart. He put his arms around Mu Wanying's neck and kissed. Mu Wanying had just drank milk tea, and her small mouth was very sweet.As usual, Mu Wanying poked her tongue out in response, soft and entangled.

The most recent show is a romance movie, and there are mostly couples around this point, cuddling and hugging, and kissing will not hurt others.

Mu Wanying leaned on the sofa, resting her head on Tang Dou's neck and looking at her phone, she saw the space prompt and asked:
"Dou Dou, is your sister's birthday next week?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot again if you didn't tell me, what to give her?"

Tang Dou suddenly remembered.

"I also want to ask you what I gave her."

Mu Wanying frowned and thought, Tang Tang's first birthday after confirming the relationship with Doudou, she should express something, "I'll give her an electronic dictionary, you can think about it yourself."

"How about Doudou? You can also look up ancient Chinese and idioms."

Mu Wanying clicked on a HYT electronic dictionary and showed it to Tang Dou.

"More than 2000."

Tang Dou glanced at it.

"It's okay, you will support me after I spend all my living expenses."

Mu Wanying didn't care. She received more than 5000 red envelopes during the Chinese New Year and kept them all for herself.

"I can't think of what my sister lacks, so let's take this electronic dictionary and say we gave it."

Tang Dou couldn't think of what birthday gift to give to his old sister, and he was too lazy to think about it, so he and Mu Wanying could give him a good electronic dictionary together.

"You are really a brother."

Mu Wanying was speechless to Tang Dou, a brother, but after thinking about it, this was something her own brother could say.

"In my sister's eyes, I've already become a pick-up. For you, I betrayed everyone at home."

Tang Dou pinched Mu Wanying's face and said.

"It's okay, the door of my house is always open for you."

Mu Wanying laughed ho ho ho.

(End of this chapter)

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