Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 215 The Company's Second Expansion Plan

Chapter 215 The Company's Second Expansion Plan
After lunch, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying took a lunch break in the love nest without rushing back to school.

Couldn't sleep either, Mu Wanying brought her diary, Tang Dou wanted to read it, Mu Wanying hesitated to open it and chose one to read together.

"Today is sunny, but my heart is clouded.

Why can't I know that question, but Tang Doudou solved it so quickly 2010.11.9."

"Do you remember Doudou? How did you come up with that question?"

Mu Wanying was so competitive that she couldn't bear to ask Tang Dou, she thought about it for a class before she figured it out.

"My physics is no worse than yours!"

Tang Dou said proudly.

"It's okay for you to use a little bit of effort to get into Qinghua Jingda University. I told you to study hard, but you just didn't listen."

Acknowledging that Tang Dou is smarter than herself, Mu Wanying is not jealous, but feels pity for him.

"There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, Wanying, I am willing to be a salted fish in your pond, and I will just teach my children what I want to pursue."

Tang Dou lay in Mu Wanying's arms and said calmly.

If you marry Mu Wanying, you will have a house and a car. As long as you take good care of Mu Wanying and the teacher and wife, you will still have a flat after the teacher and wife leave, as well as the savings and pension of the second elder.
Starting a business with Mi Le is a helpless way to escape reality when you are confused.

If Mu Wanying had tied him up earlier, Tang Dou would not have worked hard in this life.

"Then you disbanded the company."

Mu Wanying hugged Tang Dou's head and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I quit college after I graduated."


There are classes in the afternoon, and the two go to school by bike at 01:30.

"Wanying, I look very worried when you are riding a bicycle! You can squeeze the brakes slowly in advance, and don't pinch to death suddenly. If there is water on the road, you will easily overturn if you squeeze the brakes too quickly."

Tang Dou watched Mu Wanying brake quickly when she was riding a bicycle, and was very worried about her.

"Oh, I know."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Dou as she spoke.

To keep Mu Wanying in mind, Tang Dou demonstrated it himself.

There was water on the road outside the car wash shop ahead, Tang Dou accelerated to overtake Mu Wanying, and slammed on the brakes at the place where there was water, the tires of the car skidded, if Tang Dou hadn't for his long legs and preparedness, he would be ashamed .

"did you see it?"

Tang Dou stopped and said to Mu Wanying.

"It's so serious!"

Mu Wanying didn't take it seriously just now, but after watching Doudou's demonstration, well, I learned physics for nothing, if I were to change to her, I would definitely slip and fall.

"There is a big difference in friction between water and water. My car has wider tires, but yours will be worse."

Tang Dou rode his bicycle again, and he leaned out, letting Mu Wanying lean on the sidewalk.

"I'll pay attention in the future."


Passing by an adult goods store, Tang Dou's car stopped, smiled at Mu Wanying, turned around and walked into the store.

Outside Mu Wanying guessed what Tang Dou was going to buy, her heart was a little complicated, her heart was beating wildly, her legs were a little weak, and she had a pre-love phobia, but since she had already agreed to Dou Dou, she would not back down .


Mu Wanying was both looking forward to and dreading this day, so she shouldn't be so entangled when the raw rice is cooked.But when Doudou bites, it feels really wonderful, especially at the end, I really want to do anything for Doudou.

It was awkward at first, but gradually became quite interesting.

Tang Dou came back a moment later, holding a box of small umbrellas in his hand and dangling in front of Mu Wanying's eyes.

"Damn it, put it in."

Mu Wanying patted Tang Dou and said, "Today is only Monday."

"Be prepared early!"

Seeing that Mu Wanying was struggling, Tang Dou didn't comfort her. It wasn't that he was in a hurry, but since it was on the agenda and it was Mu Wanying's initiative, then he had to be firm in his attitude as a boy. It doesn't matter, we love you when you are ready, and forget it if you are not ready, which will make the other party feel insecure.

Even sad and angry, just like last week, Mu Wanying burst into tears.

"Anyway, you will marry me sooner or later, so be my bride sooner!"

Tang Dou smiled.

"Being a bride now, I'll be an old woman after graduation and marriage."

Mu Wanying said with a flat mouth.

"Call your old lady, do you dare to agree?"

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying's thick skin.

"You shout."

Mu Wanying said with a playful smile.


Mu Wanying was really too embarrassed to agree, she laughed again and said:
"Call the queen mother."

"It's getting more and more silly."

Tang Dou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Wanying looked like she was nothing.

"Wanying, I'm thinking about how to prepare for the first time, add a sense of ceremony, and commemorate our first blood in life."

"I don't care about the sense of ritual, as long as you treat me sincerely."

Mu Wanying said seriously.


Mi Le went to work at two o'clock and returned to school after three o'clock. She didn't drive when she came back, she took a taxi to school, and left the car key in the office for Tang Dou to drive when he got off work.

Tang Dou went to the company after class at four o'clock, and all the staff were there.

Qiao Mai went to his best friend's wedding on the weekend, and when he came back, he brought some specialties from his best friend's hometown to Tang Dou. He learned from Guo Jing during this period, and now Qiao Mai is very good at doing things.

The renovation of the office next door has already begun, and Qiao Mai personally inspected and supervised the equipment.

Tang Dou went over to check the progress.

"Mr. Tang."

Qiao Mai, who is wearing a denim jacket and skinny jeans, comes over.

Tang Dou nodded, looked back.

Zhang Yadong came to briefly report on the company's situation today. After the report, he said that he wanted to take a week off next week. His wife gave birth to a second child, and he wanted to go back to take care of it for a few days.

Paternity belongs to the rights of male employees, and it is also the obligation of men as husbands and fathers. Women take maternity leave and men only take paternity leave once or twice in a lifetime. Of course, Tang Dou can't take it away. He approves and sends blessings on the spot.

"Congratulations in advance, Brother Zhang."

"Thank you Mr. Tang."

Zhang Yadong will ask for leave next week, Tang Dou and Mi Le will have to work out who will take over for him temporarily.

It's almost April, and the company should be able to complete the first small goal in mid-May. When the company expands again, it will definitely need to promote some people. There are limited senior management positions. How to employ people should not only consider personal ability, but also deal with the emotions of old employees question.

It was almost six o'clock when Tang Dou got off work and finished handling the company's affairs, so he drove to Mi Le's place.

Mi Le took the initiative to answer a question in the seventh period of class and left a picture for the teacher, but the eighth period skipped.

Her skipping class is different from some people. Some people see that the teacher didn’t call the roll and skip class with a fluke mentality. If Mi Le is not going to skip class, he will just sit down obediently. .

University teachers don't often roll their names, but once they do, they may count up to three times. Students' absenteeism also depends on luck.

Some teachers will mark the students who answer the questions on the attendance sheet every time. The teacher asks someone to answer the question.For example, Mi Le took the initiative to answer a question in the first section, and the teacher would not click her to answer in the second section. This not only left a good image of the students for the teacher, but also avoided the risk of being clicked.

When Tang Dou went to Mi Le's house, he smelled a burning smell.

"What did you do, you won't set the house on fire?"

"Attempt to cook failed."

Mi Le pretended to be careless, the self-disgusting in his heart, the fried meat was fried into jerky, and now he only knows how to cook noodles, what a shame.

Tang Dou said with a smile: "Failure is success damn it, just fail a few more times."

"Teach me when you have time." Mi Le glanced at him and said, "You didn't eat, I bought rice."

Tang Dou was not too polite, so he ate with Mi Le, "Did I tell you about Zhang Yadong's leave?"

"Speaking of which, who do you think is suitable to replace him next week?"

Mi Le picked up the chopsticks and glanced at Tang Dou.

"Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan, and Wang Zhennan are all fine. I hope these three can be promoted together, but the positions are limited."

Tang Dou should throw the blame away, "You are the director of the office, you have the final say."

"Then let them be responsible together. After the next expansion, Zhang Yadong will be promoted to the director of the office. Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan and Wang Zhennan will each be the assistant to the director, and the two will be the investment directors of the two offices."

"Guo Jing has been promoted to be the chief financial officer."

"There is no need to separate human resources in the two offices, and Qiao Mai will continue to be in charge of human resources."

"Others don't have to think about it that much. Hu Yanhong can be promoted to the financial supervisor of the first office, and the financial supervisor of the second office will be recruited separately. As for financial assistants, Hui Qiong and Zhao Lulu are too young, mainly due to lack of experience. We will see when the time comes."

Mi Le seems to have everything under control, and she already knows the personnel arrangement for the company's next expansion.

Tang Dou and Mi Le had dinner while roughly finalizing the company's second expansion plan.

(End of this chapter)

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