Chapter 216 Sports Meeting Training

After eating with Mi Le, Tang Dou went to Zhongcai to read as usual, and ran back to school with Mu Wanying in the evening.

Ma Jiang sent Tang Dou the list of students from Class Two who participated in the sports meeting.

Tang Dou looked at the two boys, himself and Ma Jiang, and the girls Tao Minmin and Zhou Tian.

"Zhou Tian participated in the women's 100 meters and 500 meters, An Qi, won't you participate?"

"I cheer her on."

An Qi, who just went to college, was still a treasured boy in the sports department, and now she has crippled her legs.

Li Haodao: "Doudou, our three royal relatives also want to write a newsletter?"

"Write, my emperor is going to run."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Fifty copies, how can you write so much?"

"Copy it from the Internet, change it a little bit, for example, this article, youth is a song, beautiful and beautiful, youth is a poem, endless aftertaste, the green field is the stage for you to sway your youth. Come on, Tang Doudou, class two, we Cheers to you, proud of you."

"Don't write Class Two when you write it. If you write the announcer like that, you might read it like that."

Thinking of this question, Tang Dou reminded the group not to let the "Secondary Secondary Class" resound throughout the campus at the sports meeting.

Sports day training started on Tuesday morning.

Tang Dou didn't want to participate at first, but Sun Ying asked him to participate, saying that he would resign from the position of squad leader voluntarily if he didn't get two medals.

So Tang Dou reported 100 meters, 200 meters, 800 meters, 500 meters, and high jump.

These are reported for the time being, and will be adjusted according to the competition schedule at that time.

Tang Dou attended training on time in the morning.

"Can you still get volunteer places?"

Tao Minmin came to ask Tang Dou in private, she signed up for the cheerleading team, but she felt that there was little hope after thinking about it, so she wanted to sign up as a volunteer again, but the three places were full, and there was nothing else to participate in the competition.

Tao Minmin has carefully planned her university.

Starting from the class committee, the freshman will receive the inspirational scholarship or the national scholarship, the sophomore will take the test, and the junior will review the postgraduate entrance examination.

The competition for scholarships in Class [-] is fierce.

Although the class leader's grades are not outstanding, he still has a lot of bonus points. As long as he doesn't fail any subjects and ranks in the top ten in the class in cultural subjects, if he gets two more times in the sports meeting, he can basically lock in a quota for inspirational scholarships.

Su Yuwei's cultural class scores are better than hers, and there are a lot of bonus points, such as military training, singing competitions, poetry competitions, etc.There are also Wang Xuehan and Zhou Tian who are very competitive.

So in addition to studying this semester, Tao Minmin has to participate in as many activities as possible to earn credits, and if you don't get a place in the competition and have no credits, it may be useless to participate.

"No, three is already the upper limit, and some classes only have two."

Tang Dou was helpless.

"Then who, Su Yuwei doesn't want to participate? Can I replace you?"

Tao Minmin put his mind on Su Yuwei.

"Ask her, it's okay if she wants to."

Tang Dou said without emotion, and didn't intend to let Su Yuwei cherish the opportunity. He can do so much, and it is impossible to consider everything for her like in his previous life. Gao Meng probably won't let Su Yuwei agree to Tao Minmin.

Some people miss opportunities by not being proactive.

Tao Minmin is very active, but sometimes she is a little brainless, with dark skin, average figure, and average appearance, but she is confident enough to sign up for the cheerleading team. How could she be selected in the Chinese Department where there are so many beauties.

In contrast, Wang Xuehan is much more sober. Although she is very beautiful, she has self-knowledge and feels that she is not tall enough to be a cheerleader, so she must book a volunteer spot first. If she is selected as a cheerleader, she will not be a volunteer.

Tao Minmin sent Su Yuwei a message about being a volunteer for her.

Su Yuwei didn't reply to Tao Minmin immediately, she glanced at the figure of the boy on the playground, lowered her head and hesitated for a few seconds, really wanted to see him run, and replied:

"I also want to participate."

"Okay, come on then."

Tao Minmin was so disappointed, she thought it must be Gao Meng who caused the trouble, otherwise it would be impossible for Su Yuwei to refuse with Su Yuwei's character.

I can only hope that Wang Xuehan is selected for the cheerleading team, and Tao Minmin sent a message to Tang Dou: "If Wang Xuehan is selected for the cheerleading team, can I be given the volunteer spot?"


Tang Dou replied, it seems that Su Yuwei did not agree to her.

Noticing that Su Yuwei was staring at the phone screen in a daze, Gao Meng glanced at it and saw Tao Minmin's chat content, she was immediately unhappy, her mouth was too cheap, she could speak like this, at least she was a class leader, she wanted to fight for everything.

Gao Meng comforted Su Yuwei:
"See, not everyone has a chance. The class leader is clearly taking care of you. You study so well, so you have to strive for more in this regard. The five thousand encouragement scholarship is enough for your tuition fee for a year. The encouragement scholarship is based on your cultural class scores. Lord, if your grades in cultural subjects are comparable, you will refer to your comprehensive grades. If you can’t get into the top ten in your comprehensive grades, there is basically no hope for inspirational scholarships. Wang Xuehan, Tao Minmin, and Zhou Tian are all good at studying.”

"Our squad leader has nothing to say. Although some things are unfair and unfair, he takes care of the students who really should be taken care of. Even if you don't want to poach someone, you should come and go in the name of your classmates or invite a guest to thank you."

"Next week, I will invite the squad leader to my birthday party, so please give him a toast."

"Tao Minmin is smart. Be careful in front of her and don't talk so easily."

Gao Meng taught Su Yuwei how to behave patiently. Fortunately, she has an enthusiastic class monitor, otherwise girls like Su Yuwei would not have any opportunities in college.

Su Yuwei listened and nodded.

The chubby cute girl Gao Meng is careless, and she is really good to her girlfriends. There is also the female man Chen Yu, and Su Yuwei has such a roommate, which saves Tang Dou a lot of heart.

Zhang Tao, the head of the sports department, supervised the training personally. On the first day today, Gao Wen, the chairman of the student union, also came.

In the freshmen basketball game last year, Tang Dou was the mvp of each field, leading the Chinese department to win the No.As the greatest hero, Tang Dou naturally received more attention.

In particular, the Minister of Physical Education attaches great importance to students with good athletic talents. If he leads the athletes of his department to achieve good results in the sports meeting, it will be extremely beneficial for him to run for the chairman of the student union.

"Junior Tang Dou's jumping is good, and his strength is also good. How about the long jump and pole vault?"

Zhang Tao, director of the Sports Department of the Chinese Department Student Union, also wanted Tang Douduo to participate in the project.

"If the schedule allows, come and try."

Now that I have participated, I don't mind participating in a few more Tang Dou.

"What about shot put, hammer put and discus?"

Gao Wen, the chairman of the student union, is also planning to kill Tang Dou, a freshman.

"The discus and the hammer throw are not good, the students are not heavy enough."

Zhang Tao shook his head.

"Well, being fat has its benefits."

Gao Wen smiled.

"Li Xiongxiong in your class is in good health and can participate in sports such as shot put and discus. Why doesn't he participate?"

Zhang Tao thought of Li Xiongxiong's basketball performance.

Ma Jiang looked at Tang Dou.

"His sister is getting married on May [-]st, so she may have to go back early to help."

Tang Dou casually asked Li Xiongxiong's sister to marry again.

After everyone arrived, Gao Wen held a simple mobilization meeting:

".Come on everyone, keep training for a month, and look forward to your performance at the sports meeting"

Being a cadre in the student union at the university is indeed very tempering. Although Gao Wen is a girl, she has been a member of the student union, the vice minister of the sports department, the director, and now the chairman. She is obviously more capable than most girls. Only Guo Jing can compare.

Therefore, the university has practiced in the student union for three or four years, and the starting point after graduation is much higher than that of ordinary students.

The training is very simple. Now the main thing is to run. Regardless of whether it is 21 or [-], the [-] meters will be arranged first. For Tang Dou, the [-] meters is not stressful, but he does not perform desperately to avoid being "targeted".

After training, people from the sports department brought volunteers to bring breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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