Chapter 233

Shen Yun got up early in the morning to make dumpling stuffing, then made dumplings with Lao Tang and chatted.

The two of them spoke lightly and heavily, and it wasn't a quarrel, it was just complaining to each other, and it was more appropriate to fight each other in daily life.

Yesterday it was confirmed that Mu Wanying's family did not want Tang Dou to be their son-in-law, Shen Yun felt much relieved, but after thinking about it all night last night, she had new troubles when she woke up in the morning.

The house that Mu Wanying's family bought for Mu Wanying was in the same neighborhood, separated by two buildings. Shen Yun felt that Tang Dou and Mu Wanying lived there after marriage. It was not much different from living in Mu Wanying's house. The son took care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. No matter where you can take care of your family, you are only a short of your reputation to keep up with the door.

Old Tang said that it doesn't matter, as long as the grandson's surname is Tang, he can live wherever he wants.

Shen Yun was not happy. If her son lived in the house bought by Mu Wanying's family, the grandparents in front of her would naturally take care of her son. She would have to look at Feng Qinglan's face when she went to see her. It's always awkward to go to an in-law's house, and it's even more awkward to live there.

It is enough to understand Tang Dou if Mu Wanying's family does not want Tang Dou to visit. Mu Wanying wants to be closer to home. If Tang Dou's family also buys a house for Tang Dou at their doorstep, it can be said that there is no better or equal choice. Tang Dou has no The reason is to reject Mu Wanying's wish.

After listening to Shen Yun's analysis, Old Tang said: "People are so good to Dou Dou, how can we still hinder the two of them because of where the child will live after marriage? You are looking for troubles all day long."

"I also told my family that as long as Doudou is not allowed to come to the door, I will try my best to meet whatever request Wanying asks. I really like this child Wanying."

Shen Yun sighed.

Tang Dou wakes up at seven o'clock, his biological clock is very regular, whether he sets the alarm clock or not, he will wake up once at this o'clock, then turn over, wrap up the quilt, recall the dream of last night in the bed, and stay for a while, which is better than going to sleep directly Waking up at eight or nine feels much better.

Tang Dou felt that this was the way to enjoy a lazy sleep. Sleeping until eight or nine o'clock was like Bajie eating fruit, and he couldn't experience the real satisfaction brought by a lazy sleep.

Tang Dou turned on his phone and browsed around Mu Wanying's space.

The latest message is from Tang Tang last night, saying: "Good night sister-in-law (Moon)."

Mu Wanying returned a shy expression.

The mouth is so sweet, Tang Dou glanced at the old girl who was still sleeping soundly, and covered her shoulders.

In the afternoon, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying returned to school.

It was past [-]:[-] in the evening in Kyoto, and I went to the school district to eat something casually after [-]:[-], and there was class tomorrow morning, and the two went back to school directly. Tang Dou first sent Mu Wanying to Zhongcai. At the school gate, Mu Wanying held Tang Dou's hand. Let go.

"Let's go, go back and call you."

Tang Dou raised his hand to pinch Mu Wanying's cheeky cheek.

"Yeah." Mu Wanying nodded, "Let's have dinner together tomorrow afternoon, and accompany me to read and run in the evening."

"Okay, I'll come when you call."

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying, buried his face in her neck and took a deep breath.

Dormitory 412 has a similar style every day, attending classes, eating, sleeping, dating, and playing games.

They traveled in Kyoto during the Qingming holiday. They went out on Friday and came back this afternoon.

On this April day in the world, it is not bad to go out with friends in groups.

Now Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong are playing a game.

An Qi was doing her homework at the desk while watching the live broadcast. The young lady’s live broadcast was just a small and refreshing live broadcast of telling fans jokes and singing songs. Tang Dou went over and said, “Is this something boys with girlfriends should watch? ?”

"That's right, this is the live broadcast only for single nerds watching."

Li Hao looked back and said:

"I just said that, but the silly son still doesn't admit it, saying I'm boring."

"What does this have to do with whether you're in a relationship or not." An Qi retorted, "You play games all day, so it's a sign that you have a girlfriend?"

Li Hao said: "Why is it not like, boys, games and girlfriends don't conflict, you haven't logged in to the dungeon, you can ask Zhou Tian, ​​let you play games or watch beauties, choose one, and see which one Zhou Tian asks you to choose. "

"If you ask Zhou Tian such a question, Zhou Tian will slap Qiqi in the face, mouse, the wild area is gone."

Li Xiongxiong clattered his hands on the keyboard, talking and laughing freely.

"I see, the trash blind dares to come against me, he is sending it off, I rely on it, two people, and the ice-riding horse is also here." Li Hao just showed his head and was hit by the ice bullet, and the screen went black in a blink of an eye, Li Hao drank She drooled and said to An Qi:

"Let Zhou Tian know that you are watching Miss Sister's live broadcast in the dormitory, and she will dump you thousands of miles away."

"I'm just bored with homework, listen to jokes."

An Qi exited the live broadcast room, and took the oil paper bag in the table bucket to Tang Dou and said:
"I brought you something good, do you want to challenge your taste buds?"


Tang Dou took it and opened it to see that the scorpions were skewered.

Suddenly my stomach rolled.

"How about it, do you dare to try it? I ate one last November, and today I ate a bunch."

Angie smiled.

"Spicy chicken, only three on a skewer."

Li Hao said disdainfully.

Tang Dou took out a bunch to try, looking at the scorpion's tail, legs, clips, especially the flat and round fat belly, Tang Dou's scalp was numb, and his stomach screamed, "Is this really edible?"
"I can't enjoy it, it's exciting enough to pass the eye addiction."

Tang Dou put the scorpion back on the skewer.

"Doudou can't do it, Qiqi, Xiongxiong have overcome their psychological influences. In fact, the taste is not bad. You can taste it. You can bite it and swallow it directly. If you can't swallow it, you can spit it out. Try it twice. Overcome, the girls in our class, Nawho and Xiaozi, are braver than the boys, taking selfies while eating and biting scorpions."

Li Hao looked back and said.

"Those two girls are really cowhide, I'm ashamed of myself."

Angie was amazed.

"Doudou don't want to eat, don't eat. I gritted my teeth and ate a bunch at noon, and vomited all the food on the spot. I felt like vomiting when I saw the food in the afternoon. My stomach is still empty. When I think about eating, I feel sick to my stomach. A scorpion."

Li Xiongxiong rubbed his stomach and said.

"It's just a psychological effect." An Qi said, "It was the same when I ate it for the first time last year. Time can dilute everything."

"I have a deep impression of this thing. My grandfather's hometown has scorpions caught and sold for money. I have seen densely packed live scorpions in a basin. It is not only scary, but also disgusting."

Tang Dou shook his head.

"I've seen it too. When I was in junior high school in our hometown, my two buddies went to the ditch to look for scorpions. After getting rid of the scorpion's tail thorns, I caught them with my hands. I even used them to scare the female students in the class. I cried."

"Men, you don't have the willpower at all. Soldiers attack the master and eat rat meat. I'll show you the way."

Li Hao got up and took the skewers, bared his teeth and started chewing.

"It's much more disgusting than rat meat. I'm most afraid of animals with many legs and no legs. Some are not afraid, such as spiders, insects and centipedes. I can't describe the feeling."

Seeing him eat with relish, Tang Dou really admired him, as expected of a southerner.

Chen Yu, a recognized foodie in the second class, said that in the world of foodies, everything can be eaten, but she still hesitated in front of the scorpion skewers. Compared with the foodies in the south, the foodies in the north are too weak.

Li Hao is the real foodie, fearless.

Li Xiongxiong said: "Those with many legs and those without legs, Doudou's summary is too incisive. I am also afraid of snakes the most."

"Your hearts are not strong enough, think about Ning Caichen, Xu Xian, Tang San, Xiao Yan."

Li Hao ate it again as he spoke, "It was fried to a crisp, no different from fried chicken wings, not as difficult as imagined."

"Give me a female ghost, I'm not afraid of the rabbit demon either."

Tang Dou looked at Li Hao, a foodie, and added Luo Shiyi next year.

"I'll fight for you, you close your eyes and open your mouth, thinking I'll feed you mutton skewers."

There was only one scorpion left on the bamboo stick, so Li Hao hid behind him first.

(End of this chapter)

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