Chapter 234

Li Hao's suggestion is very good.

Tang Dou also wanted to overcome the psychological effect, taste what it tastes like to eat scorpion skewers, and experience the feeling of being fearless at the top of the real food chain, but he just opened his mouth and smelled the smell and couldn't stand it, so he covered his mouth and backed away.

"No, now when I close my eyes, my mind is full of crawling live scorpions."

Tang Dou still couldn't overcome it, he would rather eat Mu Wanying's shi than scorpions.

"Okay, maybe the atmosphere in the dormitory is not good. It's better to see other people eating in the store, and eat those bugs. Damn, it's really similar to the maggots in the dry toilet. I really can't eat those things. Look. It's disgusting."

Li Hao ate the scorpion himself.

An Qi glanced at it and said, "There are things you dare not eat, haven't you eaten bats?"

"It's not that I dare not eat it, it's that it's disgusting."

"Does your girlfriend kiss you when she sees you eating scorpion skewers?"

Tang Dou suddenly asked curiously.

Li Hao sniffled and didn't speak.

An Qi suddenly understood something, no wonder Zhou Tian didn't date when she came back this afternoon.

Li Xiongxiong himself was not interested in this today, and he didn't pay attention to Zhao Rui's reaction.


"I'm starving to death, who has anything to eat."

After the game was over, Li Xiongxiong got up to search for food.

"Eat whatever you want."

Angie gave him the scorpion.

"Enjoy it yourself." Li Xiongxiong said, "Don't mention this to me, I won't eat it even if I starve to death."

Tang Dou ate dumplings at home and his mother brought a box. She originally planned to let Mu Wanying take it back to the rented room after class tomorrow morning to taste it warmly. Forget it, let's help the roommates first.

"I love you, Doudou."

Li Xiongxiong found out the artifacts in the dormitory, the electric hot pot and the voltage converter.

412 is complete with electrical appliances, including hair dryers, portable water heaters, electric hot pots and other contraband.

To prevent tripping, I also bought a voltage converter, which is very convenient.

Tang Dou is most envious of his cousin Shen Jie’s university dormitory. It costs 150 yuan to ask an electrician to change the electricity in the dormitory. There is no need for a voltage converter, and high-power appliances can be used directly. Their dormitory bought an induction cooker, a frying pan, and seasoning , I just cook, and occasionally eat hot pot. Eating hot pot in a university dormitory is simply a fairy life.

My cousin said that university should be like this, which can not only acquire knowledge, but also improve survival skills.But there are also dangers. There was a female dormitory that was completely burned down. The girls in the dormitory said that the mobile phone charger was burned, maybe.

The light in Tang Dou’s dormitory was broken and asked the electrician to change it when it was repaired.

"I'm hungry too."

An Qi got up and smelled the dumplings.

Li Xiongxiong said: "Go away, I haven't eaten all day."

"It's okay, I still have ham sausage and instant noodles here, you don't have enough to cook."

Li Hao took out his food storage, "I'm homesick too, please take a leave of absence during the Doudou Games."

"You ask the counselor for approval."

Tang Dou shook his head. The university is not so strict. According to the school regulations, it is enough to ask a fake counselor to approve it within three days. Some students don’t want to go to class and don’t want to find a counselor, so they just imitate the counselor and sign. If nothing happens, it’s okay.

Students asked for a class or two temporarily without writing a leave note, and Tang Dou didn't ask them either.

It's fine if you don't roll your name in class.

The teacher called Tang Dou to cover him, and when it was over, just let the leave slip be filled.

The university is like this, students don’t come to school for ten and a half months, even if they are absent from school until the holidays, the teachers will not bother your parents, at most they won’t give you a degree certificate in your senior year, and you will be responsible for the consequences.

You are all grown up, the school will not spoil you.

Li Hao wanted to ask for three or four days off, but Tang Dou didn't have so much authority.

"If you don't give a holiday during the sports meeting, you're treating the playground as a spectator. Doudou, you won't be able to leave anyway, and you have a competition. Let your partner come and sit in my class to make up the number for me, and I can cheer you on."

"You think so beautifully. They don't need to be spectators during the days of college games?"

An Qi interrupted Li Hao.

Tang Dou didn't say anything, that's the thing about the school sports meeting, if you don't want to be a spectator, just withdraw, what can you do if you register in the student union, at worst, your attendance credit will be deducted, and only 1 point will be deducted. How can the school not let you graduate because of this?

As the class monitor, Tang Dou certainly couldn't say that. Sun Ying would eat Tang Dou, the class monitor, after a class finished.

There were not enough chopsticks in the dormitory. After the dumplings were hot, Li Hao tore open the instant noodle box and ate the dumplings with a fork.A box of dumplings couldn't hold up to three people, and Li Xiongxiong was not enough, so he boiled Li Hao's instant noodles, "The eggs are gone?"


Li Hao shook his head.

Tang Dou washed his feet and went to bed to rest. There was a message from Mu Wanying. There were only two words, dumpling. Tang Dou replied, "I forgot to give it to you. I ate the ones from my dormitory."

Mu Wanying: "(beat), your mother gave it to me, and you wrap it for me on Sunday."

Tang Dou: "Wednesday, I don't have class in the afternoon on Wednesday this week, so I'll make dumplings for you."

"Sunday, I want to pack with you."

Mu Wanying doesn't really want to eat dumplings, but she just had a sudden whim and wanted to make dumplings with Doudou. She likes the process of making and eating dumplings with Doudou. If she's just greedy, buying a copy is OK.

On Monday morning, Tang Dou attended training on time.

After running 2000 meters, Minister of Sports Zhang Tao asked him to practice high jump and long jump.

These two items are very easy for Tang Dou, and the practice is not as tiring as running. In the high jump, Tang Dou broke the record of the Chinese Department of the sports meeting last year, and the Minister of Sports directly arranged for him to go to the sports meeting.

Generally speaking, the high jump is good, and the long jump is not too bad.

Moreover, Tang Dou's sprint speed is also very fast. He tried the long jump, and he broke the record of the Chinese department with a random jump. In this case, Tang Dou has arranged for the high jump and long jump, and the running event is only reserved for the sprint for the time being.

"Time is limited. Junior Doudou will practice physical fitness first when he comes here, and then focus on high jump and long jump. These two skills are relatively easy to break through. Pay attention to strength during training, and you must avoid injury."

Zhang Tao told Tang Dou and the vice minister of sports who was in charge of training.

At 07:30, the training ended, and the volunteers of each class in the rest area received their breakfast and waited.

"It's so unfair. I think as long as you participate in the sports meeting, you should be given extra credits. It's a waste of time to get credits if you don't get a place in the competition after exhausting training. Volunteers get credits even if they stand."

After running, Tao Minmin was out of breath and complained.

"Life lies in exercise, and it's a waste of time to keep fit."

Ma Jiang laughed.

"Volunteers will add 1 credit, and athletes can accumulate 5 points, which is not counted as 1 point for attendance. Athletes can earn 1 credit for each ranking. The top three items are No. 13.5 points, No. 22.5 points, and No. 32 points, and the athletes are rewarded with money, the upper limit of credits is 5 points, there is no upper limit for points, and 100 yuan is awarded for each point."

Tang Dou explained to Tao Minmin the bonus points and reward details for participating in the sports meeting, and encouraged her, "Based on your test scores, you can earn 2 points for the sports meeting, plus 1 point for attendance, and this year's inspirational award is stable."

"I don't want to be in the top three, I'm satisfied if I can get two top eight."

Thinking about it this way, Tao Minmin didn't seem to be difficult. She applied for three events, and only two of them need to enter the finals.

"By the way, squad leader, why was Su Yuwei the model soldier in last year's military training?"

Tao Minmin avoided Ma Jiang and asked Tang Dou.

Doesn't the excellent pacesetter get 2 credits?

"Before this election, the counselor discussed with me. She said that Su Yuwei has a very low self-esteem. Encourage her."

Tang Dou felt a little disgusted at this meeting and was still thinking about this. Tao Minmin's emotional intelligence was really touching. Asking why he wasn't the squad leader was better than directly involving Su Yuwei, but it was still an explanation without emotion.

Tang Dou habitually throws the blame, and throws it to the counselor when there is any doubt in the class.

Whoever refused to accept went to Sun Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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