Chapter 236
"You feed me dog food and don't allow me to eat melons? Are single dogs so humble in the eyes of you dogs and men?"

Mi Le looked resentful, feeling greatly insulted and offended.

"no no."

"I'll teach you how to be a noble dog. You should eat more dog food and bark less, wag your tail more and bite less."

Tang Dou waved quickly.

As he spoke, he made a chirping sound, and threw out a melon seed, which just fell into Mi Le's mouth.


"I may be a bit of a dog when I'm single. Tang Doudou, you are a real dog, a mad dog."

Mi Le turned her head and vomited, clenched her fists, looking furious, wishing to pounce on Tang Dou by force, a flash of inspiration flashed in her head.

Tang Dou stimulated her so much, so it was not a way of "seduce", to irritate her, let her bite (take the bait), and naturally 'fight' started, and it was inevitable that the fight would go wrong, so-called flirting.

Tang Dou High School really treated Mu Wanying like this, they were able to accurately grasp Mu Wanying's temper, and tried repeatedly.

However, there were also tragic times, when Mu Wanying beat her to shame, it was a real beating.

Forget about Mi Le, Tang Dou is purely a dog abuser, and will not give her a chance to bite him.

Thinking of this, just as Mi Le was about to pounce, Tang Dou raised one leg to block her.

Mi Le swallowed, sat back fiercely, calmed down and said seriously:

"To be honest, Tang Doudou, have you ever thought that people have to be good at making choices, and sometimes they can get more by giving up some people or things, such as Mu Wanying."

Mi Le took a sip of water and continued:
"I admit that Mu Wanying is a rare good girl who will become a good wife and mother and will be loyal to you for the rest of her life, but you chose Mu Wanying, not to mention the spiritual level, your body can only surround her obediently. "

"Mu Wanying is good, but she's too idealistic. She's the kind of person who won't turn a blind eye to a man just because he's capable, rich, or prestigious. Even if you become the richest man in the world."

"Her strong desire to possess and control is almost naive. Being with such a person is not a kind of suffering. Do you think you can bear it for a lifetime? If you can't and don't let go early, it will hurt the two of you."

Mi Le really sees Mu Wanying very clearly, it seems that he has done enough homework in order to poach her.

Tang Dou listened quietly without speaking, thinking in his heart:

Eat small hot pot with Mu Wanying in the afternoon, then read a book with Mu Wanying, go for a run after self-study, and should not go back to the rented room at night, because there will be classes tomorrow morning, and you may have noodles, rice or steamed buns at noon tomorrow.Mu Wanying has class tomorrow night, so he should go to the Zhongcai Library to read. Today is Monday, No. 12, and she may not be able to have sex this week. Mu Wanying should have her period tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so she can’t eat spicy food for these two days. I can’t eat hot pot this afternoon, so what are we going to eat? Dumplings filled with stuffing on Sunday.
"Life is too short."

Seeing Tang Dou pondering, Mi Le thought that Tang Dou's heart was shaken, and continued:
"And you give up her and choose me."

Mi Le shook his head, "You don't need to choose me. It's fine for me to be the third, fourth, and fifth, and I will be loyal to you for the rest of my life. With your ability and current worth, you can live like an emperor. Why bother in a pond?" Let me tell you something shady, XXXX is a beautiful girl group, the members are all under the account of the boss of XX Entertainment, live in a big villa together, share the blessings, the boss helps XXXX earn money, and at the same time relies on XXXX to make money."

"No wonder this foreign girl group did so well in our country two years ago."

Tang Dou was surprised.

"No matter when you have money, you can really do whatever you want. Are you tempted?"

Mi Le looked at Tang Dou.

"Is there?"

Tang Dou shook his head, and spoke the dialect of his aunt.

People can't live forever and stay young forever. Is it really so good to live like an "emperor"?
It would be bad enough to think about facing an old woman decades later, but Tang Dou couldn't fall in love with a group of people.

Furthermore, putting aside the secular world, can children of half-parents live in harmony in today's society?

Can you accept such a family when you grow up?
Will there be a fight over family property?

Will the son follow his father's example and become a scumbag?

Will the daughter learn from her mother to be a mistress?

If this is the case, Tang Dou may write "Tang Mou's Dog-blooded Life" instead of "Tang Mou's Merry Life" in his later years.

So Mi Le's hype was pure nonsense to Tang Dou.

Instead of giving up Mu Wanying and living a chic and unrestrained life as Mi Le said, Tang Dou might as well marry Mu Wanying after graduation and get divorced in a few years. Then grew up.
"I won't tell Mu Wanying, so what did you think so seriously just now?"

Mi Le couldn't believe that he didn't listen to a word of Tang Dou after he said so much.

"I'm thinking about what to eat with Mu Wanying in the afternoon, and how to hand in homework in the evening. We like Liujiu the most,"

"It's disgusting, you are so cheap and hopeless."

Mi Le was disgusted for a while, feeling that he had been playing the piano to the cow for a long time.

"This is both refined and popular. Couples sometimes use the appropriate vulgar point to get closer to each other's souls."

Tang Dou smiled and shook his head. How can Mi Le, a bystander, see the relationship between him and Mu Wanying? Mi Le also only saw the surface of Mu Wanying's character. What she said was too idealistic about feelings, almost naive, very possessive, but very rational, and not very controlling.

The most precious thing is Mu Wanying's funny soul.

Even if Tang Dou was like in his previous life, the souls of the two can still resonate.

Cherish only when you lose it, that's a crime.

The company's detailed financial report for the first quarter came out. Guo Jing printed it out and sent it to the office. Mi Le kept the financial report. After reviewing the salary in March, she signed it and gave it to Guo Jing so that the salary could be paid normally.

"Another 20 yuan will be set aside as a reward for the first quarter, and it will be distributed according to the current position."

Mi Le said to Guo Jing.

"Okay, Mr. Mi." Guo Jing nodded, "How many people are in the internship period?"

"Give each of them five hundred on top of their salary." During the internship period, there was only a basic salary, and there were no benefits such as rewards. Mi Le thought for a while and said, "Let's use it as a regular bonus, including Chen Wenwen, don't count it in the 20 Miles."


Guo Jing nodded, feeling a little turbulent in her heart. Apart from Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi in front of her, her position and salary were second only to Zhang Yadong. She could get more than 20 of the [-] reward, equivalent to more than a month's salary.

It's just a quarterly reward, and the year-end reward is really exciting.

"The report meeting for the first quarter, and the company's second expansion plan in May will be planned by Maimai. Specifically, Brother Jing and Zhang Yadong will be in charge. Prepare the materials you need."

Mi Le continued to tell Guo Jing.

Recently, the company has two major events. The first quarter report and the company's second expansion are put together.

"Brother Jing, are you getting paid today?"

After Guo Jing went out, Qiao Mai came over and asked in a low voice, what Qiao Mai is most excited about every month is the two days before and after NO. .

March is the first month of Qiao Mai's promotion, and she is particularly looking forward to her salary.

Guo Jing showed Qiao Mai the audit form signed and stamped by Mi Le.

Twenty-one thousand, Qiao Mai almost cried out.

When Mi Le checked the first quarter financial report, she was not too excited. She personally checked the company's daily income.She finished watching and threw it to Tang Dou, but Tang Dou didn't bother to read it, as if he didn't have his money.

After get off work in the afternoon, Tang Dou went to find Mu Wanying.

(End of this chapter)

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