Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 237 Wanying, Are You Pulling Weeds?

Chapter 237 Wanying, Are You Pulling Weeds?
Mu Wanying hasn't finished class yet.

Tang Dou watched the sunset outside their teaching building, and a few poems about the sunset came out of his heart.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon;
The writing is really good, in a simple sentence, it vividly describes the loneliness and loneliness of a foreigner.

Tang Dou's deepest image is the sentence "the setting sun is infinitely good, but it's almost dusk".

In his previous life at university, Tang Dou often sat on the steps of the playground at dusk, watching the sunset, full of melancholy, especially in summer, watching couples show affection on the playground, with big white legs dangling around, making people turn into corns.

Tang Dou is the same as single Diaosi.

On the phone, I flipped through Mu Wanying's photos over and over again, scrolled through Mu Wanying's chat records, space talk, and message boards over and over again, or talked to her on the phone to relieve my inner distress.

Going back to the dormitory, I took out Mu Wanying's pangci, appreciating it by myself, chatting for comfort.

Tang Dou looked through Mu Wanying's photos in his mobile phone album, but he didn't feel that way at all.

Now thinking about the misery in a different place in the previous life, it was also a good memory.

Not long after class ended at six o'clock, someone covered Tang Dou's eyes lightly from behind, making a hissing sound.

Obviously to let Tang Dou guess who she is.

Tang Dou felt it carefully. First of all, it wasn't Mu Wanying. Mu Wanying was 1.7 meters tall. When playing this trick, her arms were almost flat on Tang Dou's shoulders. This person's arms were pressed down, and his height should be below [-].

If it wasn't Mu Wanying, it must be Mu Wanying's roommate.

Liu Ge is slightly shorter than Mu Wanying, ruled out; Zhao Na's personality is more restrained, ruled out.

And the chubby hand covering Tang Dou's eyes is the fat girl Liu Qian.

"Xiaoqian, I'm not Caichen."

Tang Dou smiled.

"How do you know it was me?"

Liu Qian let go of her hand, with disbelief written all over her face.

Liu Ge and Zhao Na were also a little surprised. They thought the candy boy would guess Mu Wanying directly, and Xiaoqian and Caichen, the boy was a bit interesting.

"I have a good heart."

Tang Dou turned around and smiled, looking at Mu Wanying. Mu Wanying was wearing a black pullover sweater, blue skinny jeans, and white sneakers, very simple attire.

Liu Qian glanced at Mu Wanying and said:

"Aren't you afraid that Wanying will be jealous if you have a good heart with me?"

Liu Ge said: "The candy boy said that he has a heart-to-heart with Wanying, and Wanying sent the news to him in her heart."

"Really, Candy Boy?"

"Maybe, anyway, someone secretly conveyed his innermost thoughts to me."


"Doudou, how do you know it's Liu Qian?"

After her roommate left, Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou, Doudou guessed that it wasn't her. Mu Wanying could understand, Doudou understood that she wouldn't pose such a problem in front of others, if it was her, of course Doudou guessed right, guess Not right.

Isn't it uncomfortable for yourself?

"If I know it's not you, I'll just say something casually."

Tang Dou carried Mu Wanying's schoolbag on his shoulder as he walked.

"It's really a tacit understanding."

Mu Wanying held Tang Dou's arm and smiled sweetly, "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm going to eat hot pot, I guess you may not be suitable for eating spicy food these two days." Tang Dou said, "Have you arrived yet?"

"You are so accurate. I didn't realize it until I felt unwell in the afternoon."

Mu Wanying was so moved that she couldn't be more moved, she fell in love with her to the death.

"Is your husband qualified?"

Tang Dou put his hand in the pocket of Mu Wanying's pullover sweater, and rubbed her hungry flat stomach.

"Well, keep working hard." Mu Wanying smiled with satisfaction, and then sighed, "I can't eat hot pot, and I don't know what I want to eat. I don't want to eat out after eating the food I made myself. Uh, let's go to the restaurant first. Bar."

Walking to the restaurant and looking around, Mu Wanying ordered roasted eggplant rice, and Tang Dou had noodles.

Find an empty table and wait, Mu Wanying's rice bowl is ready first, she ordered two spoons for Tang Dou to eat together.

"Dou Dou, eat more, I'll go on a diet at night."

"Farewell these few days. I'm still thinking about how to make up for you. You'll lose the chain."

Tang Dou ate a piece of roasted eggplant, put down the spoon and said.

"Okay, let me eat well these few days."

Mu Wanying obediently agreed, and originally asked Doudou to help her go on a diet before she ate rice bowls, but Doudou supervised her to eat.

Tang Dou understood that Mu Wanying wanted him to eat more on the other hand, and after the noodles were ready, Tang Dou went to buy another finger cake.

"Ah, give me a bite."

Mu Wanying opened her mouth as she watched Tang Dou grabbing the cake with her hand.

"No rice left."

Tang Dou said that Mu Wanying nodded in agreement, and Tang Dou let her take a bite of the finger cake.

"good to eat."

Mu Wanying smirked.

Buy something to drink after eating, Tang Dou wants a glass of milk, Mu Wanying wants millet porridge.After leaving the restaurant, the two of them walked slowly to meet for dinner.

"Your sister called me sister-in-law, did you ask me to change it?"

Mu Wanying took a sip of Tang Dou's milk and said.

"You call me husband, and my sister calls you sister-in-law, which is justified."

Going to the reading room of the library, Mu Wanying found an empty seat to put her schoolbag first, then went to look for accounting materials, and Tang Dou looked for a novel to read.

The two sat facing each other. Sitting next to Mu Wanying, Tang Dou couldn't control his paws. He didn't want to interfere with Mu Wanying's study, so he sat opposite.

Tang Dou lowered his head and read a book quietly.

Mu Wanying took notes while reading the materials, and looked up at Tang Dou from time to time, noticing that the girl who had just sat next to Tang Dou had electrified eyes, and even deliberately leaned her body to read Tang Dou's book, but Tang Dou was indifferent.

Mu Wanying was very upset when she hit her husband's idea in front of her. She stared straight at the girl, but the girl didn't respond at all, and even gave her a sneaky look.

In fact, this is normal, boys like beautiful women, why don't girls like handsome guys?

But from the perspective of a couple, if you look at my boyfriend/girlfriend, it offends me.

How could a girl be so shameless, Mu Wanying cursed in her heart, and tapped the table lightly with her pen.

Tang Dou looked up, Mu Wanying's lips moved, and she pointed to the seat next to her.

The jealous look was still as cute as ever, Tang Dou took the book and went to Mu Wanying's left to sit, and the woman across from him realized that she was a little embarrassed and changed the table with her water glass.

"She's seducing you right under my nose."

Mu Wanying said in a low voice.

"It's yours and no one can take it away."

Tang Dou smiled.

"In the future, if you see this kind of thing, you will avoid it."

Mu Wanying said angrily.

"I dodged. I dodged when you were not alone with me. Of course you have to snatch it when you are."


Mu Wanying snorted lightly.

"My claws that have nowhere to rest."

Tang Dou's paws were naturally placed between Mu Wanying's legs, which were soft and very comfortable.

"Leave it well."

Mu Wanying pinched her, pressing her right leg against her left to prevent him from moving his hands.

Tang Dou read the book, turned on his phone, and replied to a few messages. The Chinese Department will have a round of poetry competition tomorrow night. The promotion competition of the department will be eligible to participate in the school-level competition. Only Su Yuwei and Tao Minmin in the second class are eligible to participate in this competition. In one round, Tang Dou sent the time and place to the class group, asking students who are free tomorrow night to cheer.

After copying the notes, Mu Wanying flipped through the book with her right hand, and put her left hand in a warm place.

Feeling a little fluffy fingers, Mu Wanying pulled it.

Tang Dou immediately shouted out.

"Wanying, are you pulling weeds?"

(End of this chapter)

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