Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 238 I haven't eaten candy for a long time

Chapter 238 I haven't eaten candy for a long time
Tang Xiaodou's natural curly hair was ruthlessly pulled out by Mu Wanying.

Tang Dou cried out in pain, the decibel was not high, but in the quiet reading room where there was only the sound of flipping books, it was particularly ear-piercing, attracting pairs of dissatisfied and curious eyes, Tang Dou quickly covered his mouth and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

Seeing the natural curly hair in her hand, Mu Wanying felt that she was good or bad, so she lay down on the table and whispered:
"I thought it was the thread of the clothes."

"You can't draw the end of the thread like this, just tear my clothes off."

Tang Dou rubbed Tang Xiaodou, then pulled Mu Wanying's face.

Mu Wanying has obsessive-compulsive disorder in this aspect, and she wants to pull the thread on her clothes, regardless of 21, Mu Wanying smiles embarrassedly, Tang Xiaodou's natural roll can't be thrown anywhere, she puts it in her notebook.

"Too bad for you, this hurts more than pulling your hair out."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's hand and rubbed it.

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and smiled without speaking.

After reading until nine o'clock, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went to the playground for a run.

There are quite a lot of people on the playground at this point, running alone or in small groups, the plan for a year is in spring, the next sentence for college students is 'the plan for a day is in the evening', sleep late in the morning, go to self-study at night, run running.

Brother Ritian often said that waking up late will ruin the morning, and waking up early will ruin the day. This is the reason for him to sleep late.

For some people, it may not be true. Waking up early is like fighting chicken blood. Sleeping too much will make you sluggish.

If there is an object, add another item.

It is completely possible to learn about love in college, and Mu Wanying has deeply realized this now, and Mu Wanying has truly experienced the joy of studying, nourished by love, and studying is no longer as boring as high school.

Mu Wanying's phone vibrated, she took it out to check, "Your mother called."

Tang Dou looked at his mobile phone, there was no missed call, "You answer it, it's just for you."

"Auntie." Mu Wanying connected.

Shen Yun: "Wanying, let's be at school."

Mu Wanying: "Here I am, Auntie."

Shen Yun: "Does Doudou fool around outside? He often sees you once a few days?"

Mu Wanying: "Dou Dou is very good, we basically meet every day, and now Dou Dou will accompany me to run."

Shen Yun: "Well, Wanying, take care of yourself. Be careful when it gets dark. If something happens, let Doudou find you. Don't run away alone."

Mu Wanying: "Yes, Auntie, I know."


"Your mother might as well be at ease with you and let me control you strictly."

Mu Wanying hung up the phone and said.

"This means that other people's children will always be more sensible than their own children." Tang Dou said.

"It seems that my mother is always worried about me."

Mu Wanying nodded and said:
"When I was a child, when I saw that I was not pleasing to the eye, I said, look at other people's children, look at you, I talk back, then give me away to raise other people's children, my mother will let me go, I will go away , my mother said don’t come back after leaving, I didn’t turn my head back, my mother yelled, try to take another step, if you dare to step out of the door, you will be interrupted.”

"When my father is around, I will continue to fight against my mother. If my father is not around, I will endure it."

"You were also a bear when you were a child."

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying from behind, "Don't I give you away now, and post it upside down."

When Mu Wanying heard that her hair was blown up, she wanted to show Tang Dou some color. After struggling to break free, she bit Tang Dou's wrist and said, "Believe it or not, I asked my mother to recruit a son-in-law?"

"It doesn't matter to me, it can be with your last name."

Tang Dou looked indifferent.

After hearing this, Mu Wanying felt relieved. She thought that Doudou would have no fear and said, "Go and find someone else." Mu Wanying smiled and said, "White-eyed wolf, no wonder your sister often says that about you."

After speaking, Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's thigh, trying to lift her back.

"Dou Dou, did your mother often beat you when you were young?"

"Occasionally before the age of ten." Tang Dou said: "Believe it or not, my sister was beaten more than me. I haven't been beaten at home since I was ten years old. My sister is 13 years old, in the second grade of junior high school. She was spanked once by my mother." son."

"No way!"

Mu Wanying was speechless and said:

"Is your mother so partial?"

"It's not that my mother is biased, it's that my sister is too stubborn. When my mother hit me, I ran away when I saw something was wrong. , my mother hit her and she stayed where she was, and if she was stubborn, you beat me to death. To be honest, I blocked guns for my sister more than I provoked my mother to run away and get beaten. After being sensible, under my guidance, my sister will Those who know how to understand current affairs are heroes."

To the playground, Tang Dou explained while running.

"Well, this looks like your sister's personality. We are really similar in this way. You were pretty badass when you were young."

Mu Wanying couldn't help but smile.

"My mother is true," Tang Dou said with a wry smile, unable to speak:
"In order to prevent my sister and I from falling in love early, my mother often bought the same clothes for us when we were young. I didn't understand at that time. I was happy to wear new clothes. Until the second day of junior high, my deskmate asked me if I didn't wash them often. Clothes, I realized that my mother had thought very hard, and when I got home and counted, I actually had three sets of the same sportswear and three pairs of jeans.”

"Ahem. Your mother is so cute, you can think of such a method. You are indeed a real mother."

"Wearing the same clothes often does have a special impact on the image. It makes people feel that they never change their clothes. It's very dirty. No matter how handsome or beautiful they can't stand such blackness."

Mu Wanying suddenly lost her temper with laughter, stopped to support Tang Dou, bent down and patted her chest, got up and said:
"And then? You don't wear it anymore?"

"No, three sets of clothes are not enough for me to change and wash." Tang Dou shook his head, "My mother scolded me for rolling around on the ground every day, so I will negotiate with her, and she is not allowed to buy me the same clothes again, or I will roll around with candy .”

"But I went to high school, and my sister was required to wear a school uniform after she transferred to another school in the second year of junior high school."

"Goose ho ho ho."

Mu Wanying couldn't stop laughing, "Your home is so interesting. I'm very curious about your mother's mood after you saw through her thoughts. I will definitely ask when I get a chance. Did you have a puppy love in junior high school?"

"There is no puppy love in junior high school. When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I was called a parent when I pulled a girl's hand in a self-study class."

Tang Dou didn't tell the truth to Mu Wanying, it wasn't because of holding someone's hand that time, it was because of hugging, and he was used to holding hands.

After hugging the girl, he complained to the teacher crying.

The homeroom teacher first hit Tang Dou's palm, and then asked to call the parents. Tang Dou dared not tell his mother that at that time, his mother would be a tiger mother in today's terms. At that time, his aunt happened to work in a hospital in Tangdu, so Tang Dou found his aunt.

Anyway, "Boys should be bold" was taught by my aunt, so it's only natural for my aunt to take the blame.

After the matter was resolved, my aunt praised Tang Dou as a teachable child. It was a real compliment. My aunt thought it was not shameful. The boy was cowardly when he was young, and he was probably useless when he grew up.

"I'm particularly suspicious of you. It's the same in high school. I don't believe you didn't fool around in junior high school."

Mu Wanying pinched Tang Doudao.

"I didn't meet you in junior high school. I didn't hang out with anyone else except you in high school."

"I was a good student in high school, so I didn't fool around with you."

"Which high school three-star girl wears the underwear given by the boy."

Mu Wanying was speechless. Thinking about it now, she was really not a good girl in high school. She skipped computer class to play basketball, wrote a crush diary, wrote love letters to Tang Tang, and went to black Internet cafes with Doudou on weekends.

The college entrance examination is so good, it is purely a high IQ.

Mu Wanying was a little uncomfortable today, she only ran two laps, and rested on the sidelines after the run, Tang Dou leaned against the guardrail, put his hands in the back pockets of Mu Wanying's jeans, pulled gently, Mu Wanying lay on top of him, Hook him around the neck.

"It's been a long time since I ate candy."

Mu Wanying pouted and looked at Tang Dou.

 Thanks to Ah Ye for the rain, I love Zhong Chuhong, 21200721113754904 for tipping.

(End of this chapter)

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