Chapter 239 Report Meeting

"Do you want a lollipop or a lollipop? Huh?"

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's jeans with his hand in the back pocket, and asked with a smile.

"I want to eat strawberry flavor,"

Mu Wanying seemed to understand something, she said strangely:
"Dou Dou, you are too bad."

"Silly daughter-in-law, why are you so cute? There is no candy today, but you are the sweetest candy to me."

Tang Dou smiled and said:
"And I never get tired of eating it."

"Also the hardest candy, but it melts just for you."

Mu Wanying blinked her big eyes and said with a smile.

"How sweet mouth."

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying tightly, and mumbled.

Tang Dou felt that the most gentle touch in the world was the touch of the tip of a lover's tongue.


After a while, Mu Wanying asked with a smile.

Tang Dou tasted it carefully again, nodded, it was so sweet.

It was almost ten o'clock, Mu Wanying sent Tang Dou out of the school, Tang Dou accompanied her to the supermarket to buy some things, and then went back.

On Tuesday night, Su Yuwei and Tao Minmin from the second class participated in the promotion competition of the poetry competition in the department. Sun Ying asked Tang Dou to organize fifteen students to watch the competition.

Activities that have nothing to do with them in the university have no credits. Generally, students do not want to waste time as spectators. They would rather stay in the dormitory and play games.

Whether you can lead it or not depends on the face of the class leader, which also reflects the ability of the class leader. A class with more than 30 people can't even organize a dozen people, and the class leader is also a failure.

Tang Dou took the lead, and it was easy to call 30 people. It was a matter of posting a message on the group.

At 07:30 in the evening, they arrived at the competition room on time.Tao Minmin's roommates Zhang Yao, Zhao Rui and Xiao Zi all came.Su Yuwei's roommates Chen Yu, Gao Meng, and Zheng Xiaoxia also came.

Zhang Yao and Zhao Rui have a very good relationship. Seeing Li Xiongxiong, Zhao Rui told Zhang Yao to look for him.

There were two rounds in the promotion competition. Tao Minmin had a dangerous pass in the first round, but was eliminated in the second round.

Su Yuwei advanced easily. This kind of word memory game, as long as she dares to stand up boldly, it will be her stage. From the selection of the poetry competition in the class to the present, she has almost finished memorizing three hundred Tang poems.

"Yuwei is too good. We often test her in the dormitory. She can answer the first sentence and the next sentence with a certain word. I suspect that she has a central processing unit installed in her brain."

The game is not over yet, Chen Yu whispered.

Tang Dou said: "Isn't the brain the central processing unit? As long as you remember enough and are familiar with it, you can do it too."

"That's also different. Some people have 16G in their brains, while others may only have 6G."

"I only have 6G. I didn't want to memorize Chinese in high school. I couldn't calm down when I went to college. I couldn't remember anything. High school has already filled my brain memory. It's useless to wait for automatic deletion."

Chen Yu sighed to himself.

Gao Meng said: "As long as the university can study quietly and put in one-thirtieth of the effort of our high school, we can stand out. It is much easier than high school. Yuwei has put in the same effort as high school."

"Tao Minmin also worked hard. She thought she could win, but she was so reluctant in the first round, and was hanged and beaten in the second round. She was in a mess just now, and her mentality was too bad."

"Tao Minmin's mind is flexible enough, but she is not as solid as Yuwei at all, and she is so ambitious. Will Yuwei be very calm, as if she doesn't care about the result."

Talking about other people's topics, Tang Dou doesn't illustrate, he just listens and eats melons quietly.

Tao Minmin was very disappointed, she still wanted to go all the way, rush out of the campus, enter the national competition, and appear on CCTV. She may have thought more and memorized less, while Su Yuwei had thought less and memorized more, this is the difference.

Le Dou Company's first quarterly report meeting and second expansion plan will be held on Friday afternoon.

Tang Dou and Mi Le went over at noon to prepare some materials in advance.

"What do I need to prepare?"

Office, Tang Dou asked Mi Le.

"Just sum it up."

Mi Le glanced at him and said, "Affirm the past, plan the present, and look forward to the future. The company is getting bigger and bigger. It's inconvenient for you to have no assistant. I can't do things like writing manuscripts and preparing materials. I'll hire you a secretary next time." .”

"as you like."

Tang Dou can do whatever he wants. Anyway, he doesn’t usually stay in the company much. If he has an assistant, he may go to the office even less. If there is something for the assistant to do, or the assistant will come to find him.

"What do you want? Gender, height, appearance."

"It's not about looking for a partner, as long as you know how to do things, don't hire an assistant and ask me to teach you everything. You see, anyway, I only come to you when I have something to do."

Tang Dou said while familiarizing himself with the information.

"Let me just say, you are very depressed when you are with Mu Wanying, you are afraid of being misunderstood, and you are not afraid of the shadow of your body. Do you need to be so deliberate, just hire a secretary, and you are guilty of doing so."

Miller was a little dizzy.

Tang Dou didn't explain to her either, he wasn't worried about Mu Wanying thinking too much, but for his own sake, if he didn't want to play with those, he wouldn't find temptation for himself.

"Actually, I also want an assistant. I don't have to run around by myself. If you let me see, I'll find a handsome guy." Tang Dou didn't speak, and Mi Le continued after thinking about it: "I'll give the company a job at that time." A car."

Tang Dou was at a loss.

As the head of the company, he couldn't speak two sentences well. The usual meetings were relatively simple and casual, but this time it was very formal and involved various aspects. He picked up the pen and typed up a draft first.

"I'll send you a video for you to watch."

Seeing Tang Dou frowning, Mi Le sent a video to Tang Dou.

Tang Dou clicked on XX's speech, "The world is unfair. How can you compare with the people born in the Gates family when you were born in a commoner family? Some people are successful before they are born, and some people may not be able to succeed if they work hard all their lives. success"

After watching it, Tang Dou wanted to say, if you succeed, you can say anything, but if you don’t succeed, others will think you are nonsense.

"Show me what this is for?"

"Let you set up a B-style. The boss's speech does not need to be professional or rigorous. If you don't know how to summarize the meeting, just give a speech, get some chicken blood, pour some chicken soup, and it's over. The details are left to the backbone."


Tang Dou thinks about how to make some non-toxic chicken soup, he is really not good at these, what do you say, I regret founding Le Dou?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting began.

The first quarter report will mainly report the results of the company in the first quarter, and summarize experience and lessons.

The meeting was planned by Qiao Mai, and she hosted it.

After the opening, the first report will be the results of the first quarter, which will be reported by Guo Jing, the financial supervisor.

In the office today, except for Tang Dou and Mi Le, everyone is dressed very formally.

Guo Jing was dressed in professional suits, black silk high heels, the head of the eldest sister in the office, and the financial director, showing her proper image and temperament. She prepared a ppt in advance, and detailed statistics of the company's financial information from January to March.

Including capital operation, daily rate of return, monthly growth rate, net income, current assets, etc., introduce the completion of the first small goal.

Zhang Yadong reported on the investment business, including summarizing experience and lessons. He took the company's Black Wednesday as a case to analyze how to control risks.

Le Dou's second expansion plan is the focus of today's meeting, and everyone is most concerned about it.

Because it involves the expansion of positions and promotion of personnel.

Planning is reported in detail by Miller.

(End of this chapter)

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