Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 248 Shuaibi and Sand Sculpture

Chapter 248 Shuaibi and Sand Sculpture

"What did my mother just call?"

Under the burning sunset, Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou while turning her body halfway.

"Say they ate hot pot outside and went to the movies tonight, so don't call me back today."

Tang Dou said half truth and half lie.

"They really enjoy it."

Mom and Dad are romantic even when they are old, Mu Wanying grinned and said, "We haven't watched a movie for a while, um, I can't do it today, I ate too much, and I'm sure I'll gain weight sitting. Do not sit for hours."

"Let's watch it on the computer tonight."

Mu Wanying maintains such a good figure, thanks to her self-discipline.

Tang Dou still hopes that she will be a little fatter and keep her body shape after marriage in her previous life, which is about 120 pounds, but now she is less than 110 pounds, a bit thin, and the standard weight for a girl is 120 pounds, [-] pounds.

"I take care of you like this, but you are not even under the standard weight, so disappointed."

Mu Wanying asked: "What is the standard weight of [-]?"

"One two five."

Tang Dou deliberately overreported five catties.

"I'm over eight catties thinner. I feel that it's just right now. No matter how fat I am, I can't wear clothes, and no matter how thin I am, it's not easy to buy clothes."

Mu Wanying said as she looked down at her long legs, and continued:
"Doudou, don't you know how painful it is for Liu Qian in my dormitory to wear clothes now. I can't wear ordinary jeans at all. The skinny jeans of her height can't fit her calves. She can only wear leggings or wide-leg pants."

Tang Dou could think of it.

There are also girls with this kind of figure in the second class, and Ma Yaya is fat and puffy.

After a walk, they passed a billiards club, and Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went in.

It's still the old rules. There are no rules when Tang Dou and Mu Wanying play billiards. When Tang Dou plays billiards with high difficulty, he starts to play from number one, then plays number two and then number three. Black Eight is gone.

Mu Wanying was still standing waiting for Tang Dou to continue fighting.

Fighting ghosts.

Tang Dou shook his head and smiled, and took out Hei Ba from his middle pocket.

It wasn't until Mu Wanying realized that she only scored two goals and one was black after playing for a long time.

I'm too picky.

"Give you five shots."

Tang Dou threw Hei Ba on the billiard table at will, said something to Mu Wanying, then turned around and went to the bar to buy two bottles of soda water, put them on the side for Mu Wanying when he came back, he just opened a bottle and took a sip: "Wan Wanying How many shots did Ying hit?"

"Just hit a shot."

Mu Wanying said calmly.

"Why are there two missing balls on the table?"

Tang Dou said with a smile, Nizi said it was a lie, her face was not red and she was not out of breath.

"Can't you get two at once?"

Mu Wanying rolled her eyes, bit her lips and smiled.

"Cough, cough, okay."

Tang Dou almost took a sip of water, leaning against the empty billiard table behind.

"You also scored two at a time."

Mu Wanying chuckled, unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip to continue. She put her braid on her right shoulder, bent over to aim, pong, and hit a lonely white ball with one shot. up.

Mu Wanying stood up, took a small step with her right foot, and carefully observed the angle of the white ball.

Tang Dou went over to arrange the wrinkled blouse on the back of her. Mu Wanying pulled down the hem of the T-shirt and baseball shirt, bent down to aim, pong, and punched the one at the mouth of the middle pocket. She half-turned and proudly said:
"It's alright!"

"Yes, great progress."

Tang Dou turned his head and saw the two people at the opposite table talking and laughing quietly and walking over.

A 'Shuaibi', wearing expensive clothes, Anima and Armani, Tang Dou doesn't know very well, with bright rings on his fingers, strings on his neck and right wrist, and a watch on his left wrist. Like Patek Emerald, Tang Dou didn't know the specific model and style, and he still knew about these furs from Mi Le.

Rich and luxurious from head to toe.

The reason why he gave the symbol 'Shuaibi' is because his clothes are more dazzling than his face.

Unlike Tang Dou, whose face is better looking than his clothes, he is wearing 'popular famous brand' clothes, 'never stop' sports shoes, 'everything is possible' sportswear, and wears a leather ring on his wrist as a gift from Mu Wanying.The leather ring was bought by Mu Wanying at a boutique at noon. It cost five yuan. Before buying it, I asked Tang Dou if he liked it. Of course Tang Dou didn't, he was very comfortable wearing it.

The other person followed behind Shuaibi, with a lofty attitude, like a dog leg carved in sand in some novels.

Shuaibi looked at Mu Wanying's back playing, but said politely to Tang Dou:
"My buddy has good skills, here are two."

Mu Wanying put away her cue and walked to Tang Dou's side. She was not surprised. Occasionally someone would compete with Dou Dou during the game, both boys and girls, so it's not surprising. Some people gamble for a small amount of money and simply compete with each other. Doo satisfies them every time.

Tang Douzheng was upset seeing this handsome guy, because he had been looking at Mu Wanying for a while, so he played a couple of games with him.

"How about the number for one game?"

Seeing that Tang Dou agreed, Shuaibi raised his right index finger.

Tang Dou said: "One thousand?"

"Brother, poverty not only covers your eyes, but also restricts your imagination. My buddy is too lazy to make a move if you spend [-] yuan." Sand Sculpture looked at Tang Dou and said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"Can you afford it?"

I'll go, this stupid guy, Tang Dou slandered in his cousin's dialect in his heart.

Don't you just wear a watch worth more than 50 yuan?Very proud?

It doesn't take an hour for a round of [-] to make you lose a watch.

Mu Wanying immediately got angry, and silently rolled up her sleeves, revealing the Audemars Piguet watch that Dou Dou gave her on her wrist, but unfortunately the style was low-key, luxurious and connotative, and the other party's eyesight was poor, so she didn't recognize it.

"No, no, it's just entertainment, and I don't make money from it. I'm a frequent visitor here, and it's the first time I've seen you so skilled."

Shuaibi glanced at the sand sculpture, glanced at Mu Wanying from the corner of his eye, and smiled at Tang Dou:
"You decide."

The two of them sang together, but he didn't hate him, and he felt aggrieved if he didn't hate him, he was really the most disgusting partner.And Shuaibi first praised Tang Dou, although Tang Dou's skills are indeed good, but playing Mu Wanying can show his ass.

It can be seen that Shuai Bi Chengfu is too deep.

"Then listen to your brother."

Tang Dou glanced at the sand sculpture and gave him 'face'.

Shuaibi took out the car keys from his pocket and handed them to the sand sculptures. One of the sand sculptures was not connected properly and fell to the ground. He bent down to pick it up and wiped it on his trouser legs to see if it was smashed. He was afraid that others would not see the black horse on the key. logo.

In fact, Mu Wanying didn't recognize that logo at all.

The famous license plate Mu Wanying only knows Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Porsche. Seeing the black horse logo, Mu Wanying thought it was a Porsche, and felt something was wrong.

Is the car still fake?

Mu Wanying's first reaction was.


Sand Sculpture snapped his fingers at the service desk and asked the waiter to come over and dribble.

Shuaibi is a senior member here. Shadiao told the waiter to let Shuaibi play as a resident of the club. The waiter was fine. Shuaibi was originally a resident VIP of the club and often played on behalf of the club.

"How to play?"

Shuaibi asked Tang Dou, Tang Dou was casual, Shuaibi said again: "The nine balls, keep it simple."

In fact, the pace is fast. As long as you have good skills, you can win or lose with one shot.

"You tee off."

No matter how you play Tang Dou, I will accompany you to the end today.

At the beginning, Shuaibi teeed off, Tang Dou took a sip of water, gave the water bottle to Mu Wanying, and picked up the cue.

Shuaibi has few opponents in billiards. He is very confident in his skills, but he is not in a hurry to win. Instead, he plays leisurely, releases water, and studies Tang Dou's skills. He is going to let Tang Dou play two games first, and then Win one game, handicap another game, win another game, handicap another game, win two more games, handicap another game, win two more games.

It's like gambling.

Give the other party some sweets first, let his appetite expand, and then let him spit out what he ate, and then give some sweets, and then let him spit it out, his heart will slowly sink, it is difficult to extricate himself, and finally he loses everything.

(End of this chapter)

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