Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 249 Accompaniment and Guardianship

Chapter 249 Accompaniment and Guardianship

Shuaibi tried every means in his heart to do tricks to Tang Dou, but in the face of absolute strength, the tricks were all haha.

Shuaibi has never touched an opponent in billiards, and neither has Tang Dou.

Tang Dou usually plays [-]-[-] with Sun Ying, Li Xiongxiong, Mu Wanying, or strangers in the club. Sometimes he goes to high-end billiard clubs with Mi Le in his spare time after work, and meets many rich people. As long as they are not arrogant, Tang Dou will not take it too seriously. After all, it is entertainment, and not being serious does not mean that there is no Ni Lin.

Today, this handsome guy not only blatantly looks at Mu Wanying in private, but also comes to disgust people, of course Tang Dou will not hold back.

As soon as he came up, let Shuaibi see what the nine-ball prince is.Shuaibi wanted Tang Dou to deny Tang Dou's level in two rounds, and started to get serious in the third round. He was about to win the round, and was won by Tang Dou's "lucky ball".

Tang Dou didn't want to compete with Shuai, so he sent him to kneel five times in less than half an hour.

Seeing the gap, Shuaibi began to doubt life.

At the beginning, Shadiao was still thinking about his eyes, and he kept staring at the table from the fourth game, his face was slapped, wishing to have Qigong to prevent Tang Dou from scoring, although he bet on Shuaibi to lose.

Shuaibi and Shadiao made a private bet before they came, Shuaibi won and got his sister, and Shadiao covered the hotel room fee at night, and Shadiao couldn't drink because he had to drive, and if he lost, he lent a sports car to Shadiao to drive for a week.

The two of them talked verbally, Sha Diao still hoped that Shuaibi would win in his heart, and if Shuaibi won, it wouldn't really cost him money, but if he lost, it wouldn't be so.

The low taste of the rich.

Shuaibi couldn't bear to admit defeat, and started another round. At the end of the sixth round, Shuaibi looked at his phone and said that he had something to stop playing. It's not that he couldn't afford to lose one hundred and eighty thousand. He felt that he had met his opponent today, and it was impossible to win. of.

Tang Dou also wanted to send him the Seven Dead Super Ghost!
No chance, Tang Dou had a long-lost feeling in his heart, that is, when he was spraying pesticides, he had already killed six people, and he ran away from the opposite side when he was about to supernatural.

Shuaibi said that he didn't have that much cash, and asked Tang Dou to go get it together. At night, Mu Wanying was worried about fraud, so she tugged on Tang Dou's clothes and whispered that Doudou was forgetting.

Tang Dou didn't want Mu Wanying to worry, so he asked them to withdraw money and send it up.

Shuaibi said OK with a pleasing expression on his face, thinking that I would kill you if I went out.He wanted to say something else, looked at the watch on Mu Wanying's wrist, frowned and stopped, it's nothing to drive a car worth hundreds of thousands, and wearing a watch worth more than 50 yuan is not easy, it's special, why didn't I notice it earlier.

Shuaibi said that he would bring the money after he took it, and then left with Shadiao. The two came proudly and walked away in disgrace.

As a result, it disappeared naturally after going out.

After finding the car, Shuaibi opened the door and sat directly in the co-pilot, throwing the key to Shadiao.

"Brother Peng isn't going to send money?"

Sha Diao staggered to catch the key with both hands and said.

"Send it to me. I'm a coward, I dare not come to withdraw money"

Shuaibi was cursing and swearing, he was very angry after losing his face today, it was the first time he was so angry.

The silly eagle said: "I just said that you should directly enlarge your moves, maybe you can get that girl right away, if you have to do something extra, it's not too late, as long as you succeed in picking up the girl, you will win."

"Didn't you see what watch she was wearing?"

Shuaibi stared dumbfoundedly and let him drive.

Money ability can not only greatly enhance the attractiveness, but also has a strong defense.

If it weren't for Mu Wanying's watch, she and Tang Dou might be disgusted again.


"It's really shameless. It's disgusting that you can't afford to lose. Fortunately, we didn't go out. Who knows what will happen to them if we go out."

Mu Wanying said angrily after another game with Tang Dou but still no money from the other party.

"Some rich people don't care about face the least. They can spend money like water to hit people, and they are not even afraid of killing people, but they will not easily admit defeat."

Tang Dou shook his head indifferently. When you meet this kind of rich second generation, you will be in trouble if you are serious. When he was in junior high school, one child was serious with another child, but he was thrown by the child with bundles of money. Hard to hit people with cerebral palsy.

"Don't play with people you don't know after Doudou."

Mu Wanying said with a worried face.

"Okay, I will only play with you from now on." Tang Dou rubbed her face, "Do you still want to fight?"

"I don't want to, go back."

Mu Wanying looked at her watch and it was 08:30, she was not in the mood to continue, she went back to wash up early and put on a mask, watch a movie, and then, that's it.

"Are you hungry, Doudou? Would you like something to eat?"

After leaving the club, Mu Wanying rubbed Tang Dou's stomach and said.

"I don't want to eat, I ate too many dumplings in the afternoon."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's slender and tender paws and led them away. He walked in the neon lights of the city. The bright neon lights were radiant, and the light enveloped the stars in the night sky. I don't know how many people are driven crazy, how many people are confused, and how many people are sinking.

Tang Dou felt that he should be crazy in this life, but when he was most confused, these hands held him tightly, keeping him from sinking.

Mu Wanying doesn't understand the helplessness of the reborn, but she knows how to accompany;
Tang Dou yearns for the feeling of Langfei, but there are some things and people that he must protect.

"Dou Dou, go to KTV with F4 and you often sing "Kyoto Kyoto", how does it feel to walk in Kyoto now?"

As Mu Wanying spoke, she turned on the music on her phone and searched for this song.

"How should I put it, Mr. Wang's songs are full of power."

Tang Dou thought for a while, and then said:
"Whether it's 'Flying Higher', 'Blooming Life', 'In Spring', 'Freedom Like a Dream', 'Existence', 'Brave Heart', or you name it, it’s full of strength and fighting spirit. , there is also a kind of unwilling hesitation and loneliness, just like Haiyan shouting alone in the stormy waves of the sea, the storm will come more violently."

Tang Dou said, Mu Wanying listened quietly.

"I used to like listening to these songs very much. Since I was with you, I gradually lost that feeling. Now I like his 'Like a Child' the most. This song sounds tired from hard work and I want to seek comfort. "

I like the change of song style, which is often also the change of heart.

Mu Wanying has heard all the songs that Doudou likes. She listened carefully to Doudou’s MP3 in high school and Mu Wanying also fell in love with them. The memory card of the mobile phone allows Doudou to download songs.

Recently, Doudou often listens to "Like a Child", and Mu Wanying has also listened carefully to these songs. Combining Doudou's understanding of these songs and her own changes in the past six months, Mu Wanying feels that Doudou's heart has stabilized after getting her, so naturally Not so hesitant, impetuous and restless.

Mu Wanying stopped suddenly, turned around and hugged Tang Dou tightly.

"How is it, do you feel warm?"

"It's not warm, but it feels gentle."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying gritted her teeth, let go of her hand, and stuffed it into Tang Dou's hand.

After returning home, Tang Dou washed the underwear that the two of them changed at noon in Mu Wanying's washbasin.

Mu Wanying said: "Dou Dou, take off the socks and I'll wash them."

Tang Dou took off and threw it into the basin. After washing, he returned to the bedroom and turned on Mu Wanying's computer to find a movie.

After Mu Wanying finished washing her clothes, she took half a basin of hot water, rolled up her trouser legs and stood in the basin to soak her feet.

Tang Dou chose the movie and waited in the bedroom. Mu Wanying came in with a mask on her face after washing. Tang Dou said with a smile:
"Wanying, are you ready to be a puppy?"

(End of this chapter)

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