第250章 70减1与68加1
"It's so ugly, I'm going to be a cat, and the cat is going to hunt."

"Meow meow meow!"

Hearing that the puppy was still a little twisted, and the cat was so cute, Mu Wanying patted the mask on her face, and the cat knelt down on the bed with her little hands and rushed over.

Tang Dou helped the cat to sit in his arms, and watched a movie first. After applying the mask, Mu Wanying got up and threw it in the trash can. Tang Dou's pajamas were taken out of the closet and thrown on the bed, saying:

"Doudou, haven't you washed your feet yet?"

"Well, wash it off."

Tang Dou paused the playback, put down the computer, and picked up his pajamas to change into.

"Don't get up, I'll wash it for you."

Mu Wanying said to fetch water, brought it in and put it under the bed, Tang Dou sat by the bed, stretched out her feet, Mu Wanying pretended to be smelly, slapped her nose, and pressed Tang Dou's feet into the basin, her hands were very tender, rubbing them together The feet are very comfortable.

"Why do you wash your feet every day? Mine has no smell, but yours does."

Mu Wanying said.

"That's because you can't smell it yourself, and I can't smell mine."

Tang Dou retorted sharply.

"You often bite me, I thought you didn't."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips, a strange smile appeared on her face.

"It's just that I don't dislike you. I won't in the future, and I won't touch your stinky hoof again."

Seeing Mu Wanying's strange smile, Tang Dou said angrily.

"I didn't mean that, and I don't dislike you either."

Mu Wanying explained, and patted Tang Dou's wet instep.

"That's about the same. If you love me, just kiss me."

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's head affectionately, thinking in his heart.

Is it true that Mu Wanying and Mu Wanying have this kind of hobby, like-mindedness, it shouldn't be counted, it's normal not to dislike your husband and wife, but you still expect to be sick and hospitalized to take care of each other or depend on each other when you get old, if you dislike it, it will be very miserable in the future.

When I was a child, I went to my grandparents' house, and the paralyzed old people in the village were really pitiful.

My wife hates being separated, so I leave food and drink at mealtime so that I won't starve to death.

As for the children, they simply hide away, out of sight and out of mind, and occasionally send some food and drink if they are better.

The paralyzed old people feel that life is worse than death. They not only suffer from the pain of illness, but also feel desolate in their hearts.

Whose fault is this? I'm afraid it's not just the unfilial children.There are certain things that children learn as parents do. If you dislike your parents, husband or wife, your children may dislike you in the future.

Practice is the best way of education.

Mu Wanying squatted down and washed Tang Dou's feet earnestly. She wore a pink coral fleece headband on her head and a big bow in front. Just after applying the mask, her face was tender and supple. Squeeze out the water.

Tang Dou flicked his fingers lightly.

Mu Wanying turned her head and opened her mouth to bite.

"You really treat yourself like a cat, you only bite people's cats."

Tang Dou flicked her cheek again.

Mu Wanying said: "I'm a biting cat, you are a fish, it's only natural for cats to eat fish."

Tang Dou said: "Obviously you are a fish."

"Yes, you are a cat, you are only greedy for cats, come on, meow like a cat."

Mu Wanying smiled wickedly.

"Silly daughter-in-law, it's hopeless." Tang Dou shook his head, and immediately said, "Wanying, what kind of love pose do you like best?"

"Amount 70 minus 1."


Tang Dou sniffled, he thought he was an old driver, Mu Wanying's words were so good to him, he had nothing to say.

"What about you, Doudou?"

Mu Wanying couldn't help laughing herself.

"Me!" Tang Dou thought for a while, "68+1."

"Goose ho ho, is there still 67 plus 2, 71 minus 2, plus three minus three plus four minus four!"

Mu Wanying smiled from ear to ear, the two of them had a tacit understanding.It was awkward to talk about it at first, but after getting used to it, it’s quite interesting to talk to someone I like and likes me.

It was almost ten o'clock at night, and there were laughter and laughter in the room.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying lived a more lively life than the four in the school dormitory.

Mu Wanying said: "Doudou, do you have no classes on Wednesday, July and Eighth?"

Tang Dou said: "No for two weeks."

"When there is no class, you accompany me to take elective courses. I don't know anyone in the elective class. It's so boring."

Mu Wanying said.

After soaking Tang Dou's feet, Mu Wanying poured out the water, turned the basin upside down after washing it, put another washbasin on it, went to the bathroom, got up and thought about it, unplugged the water heater, and then went out to boil the pot Water, close the window in the living room, draw the curtains, boil the water, soak two cups of honey and lemon, put it in the bedroom and put it on the bedside, then go to the living room and take the sticky hooks I bought at noon to the bedroom, and wash two creative spoons in the kitchen. Come out and turn off the kitchen light and close the door.

The small spoon is slender and made of stainless steel. The spoon part is heart-shaped, and one end is in the shape of a cat and the other is in the shape of a fish.

When buying them, Mu Wanying picked out cat spoons for herself, and Tang Dou's fish spoons, which gave Mu Wanying a different idea.

"Which one do you use?"

Back in the bedroom, Mu Wanying said nastyly with one hand, "Are you a cat or a fish?"

"Wanying, you are getting worse and worse."

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying over and knocked her down, and plunged into the lotus pond to fish.

"Farewell, I didn't wash the dates when I came back tonight."

Mu Wanying pushed Tang Dou away, rolled away, and clicked on the computer to continue playing the movie. It was "Titanic".

Tang Dou slammed his head on Mu Wanying's buttocks, and lay next to Mu Wanying to watch together.

The year before last, it should be spring, and before the third year of high school, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went to the cinema to have a movie. It was the first 3D movie they made. The shock was quite shocking at the time. I never thought that the movie could be watched like this. Mu Wanying was so dizzy after watching it.

"Dou Dou, what do you think of the love between Jack and Ruth?"

Mu Wanying brought honey and lemon, mixed it with a small fish spoon and drank it.

"How should I put it, many Western concepts are very different from ours, including the concept of love, some of which I don't quite understand."

Tang Dou didn't want to talk about this.

"Then what is your view on love?"

Mu Wanying looked at it with great interest.

"The two of them love and cherish each other. After years of trials, whether they will be able to have a beginning and an end, at least they are willing to lead each other into the palace of marriage. If my girlfriend is not willing to marry me, I don't believe she loves me."

Tang Dou said frankly.

"Maybe people started talking to you for the purpose of getting married. After we got together, you behaved like a disappointment to them, but you didn't change. If you let people down again and again, they wouldn't want to marry you."

Mu Wanying also said whatever she wanted.

The two of them were not emotional, just communicating.

When Mu Wanying asked about her relationship before college, Tang Dou always evaded the matter, or avoided talking about it, saying that Mu Wanying was too hypocritical. Gradually, he felt that it would be helpful for the two of them to exchange views on love and so on. Understanding each other.

"I have confidence in myself, I will not let you down, I will become what you like."

There is no problem with what Mu Wanying said, Tang Dou smiled.

"I hope you live the way you like. I will marry a chicken and follow a chicken and marry a dog as a dog."

Mu Wanying kissed Tang Dou on the cheek, then looked at the computer screen and said, "This movie, how should I put it, the first time I watched it, I felt that the love between Jack and Ruth was very great and touching. Thinking, I am not so moved, to be precise, I was only moved by Jack."

"Huh? Tell me carefully."

Tang Dou's heart was a little touched, and he resonated with Mu Wanying.

(End of this chapter)

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