Chapter 251 You Are My End
After Tang Dou finished talking about his views on love, he listened carefully to Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying said that Jack fell in love with Ruth at first sight without a doubt, and love at first sight is mostly an impulsive behavior of human minds. Jack was obsessed with Ruth's beauty and nobility at first, then flirted with her, and finally proved that he really liked Ruth, or was obsessed After all, we haven't known each other for a few days, but as long as you are willing to give your life for the other party, whether it is infatuation, impulsiveness or rational decision, there is no need to doubt their feelings.

"But what about Ruth?"

Mu Wanying drank her saliva and continued:

"Both people in love should be selfless. Jack is very selfless, even to the point of stupidity. It may also be his kindness and simplicity unique to the lower class. Ruth was tired of the hypocrisy of the upper class at the time, but she may not always be able to adapt to Jack. The hardships of the lower society, the ordinary life of the lower society, after the novelty is over, and the hardships of the lower society, she may still choose to return to the hypocritical upper society.

"If I were Ruth, in the most helpless and desperate situation, I would never leave Jack, and I wouldn't let Jack suffer that despair alone. This is my view on love."

Mu Wanying expressed her opinion seriously, Tang Dou thought only boys would have this kind of understanding.

"You want to live and die together!"

Tang Dou wrapped his left arm around Mu Wanying's neck, and held her right hand to his mouth with his right hand, loving her so much.Although Mu Wanying might not have watched it carefully when watching 3D in the cinema, but her love view of Tang Dou was very moving.

Mu Wanying said and fast forwarded the movie to Farewell to Life and Death and said:
"This situation must be very helpless. I will not let the person I love face this kind of fear and coldness alone. If we are in this environment, I can only feel safe by staying by your side, even if it is only a dead end. one."

This is like Mu Wanying's idealist view of love. They don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. Nowadays, it is very rare among men, let alone men and women. Tang Dou rubbed his finger against Mu Wanying's. Face said:
"Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they will fly separately. Maybe I will leave you alone."

"Then I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go. I will drag you to death, and I will hold you back even to death. I have a companion on the road to hell. Love, sometimes you have to be selfless, and sometimes you have to be selfish."

Mu Wanying clenched her small fist, full of prehistoric power, and punched Tang Dou in the face.

"Marrying a girl like you is worse than a disaster." Tang Dou lamented, "Wanying, you are my doomsday."

Mu Wanying waved her hand and patted Tang Dou's mouth, signaling Tang Dou not to say such unbearable words again, otherwise let him see what domestic violence is.

Unable to say, Tang Dou sang a song silently in his heart:

At that time, I thought that what I loved was life, and I knew what was suitable and what was not. Recently, I still tried my best to match your personality and tortured each other to the point of graying out. I was determined not to let go of sadness. After I started entanglement, I was magnified by others. Freedom, yours The violence is too gentle, and the feelings are both painful and enjoyable.
Tang Dou especially likes a few lines in this song, such as 'torture each other to the point of graying, and never let go of sadness', and his favorite lines are 'emotional pain and enjoyment' and 'Once you appear on stage, others are just like that'.

Although "pain" is not enough for Tang Dou, it is more appropriate to change it to "both helpless and enjoyable".

After listening to Mu Wanying's film reviews, Tang Dou couldn't stand such a good movie as "Titanic". After that, I couldn’t help but wonder why the prison didn’t transfer prisoners to dormitories for 20 years. Even if they were transferred once, Andy would still jj.
Alright, shithead.

Tang Dou pulled the teddy bear over and lay down, whistled softly, repeating the melody of "Not to Be".

Turn on the phone, there is a message from my mother.

I thought that after Tang Dou and Mu Wanying quarreled, his mother shared with him links to articles on how to get along with each other, such as "A good wife is like a treasure", "A good man knows how to love his wife", "Love your wife and love your children" are all messed up.

Tang Dou didn't even bother to watch it, uncles and aunts liked to watch these.

If it wasn't for his mother, he would have been blocked.

Tang Tang took a picture of a physics problem and asked Tang Dou how to do it. Tang Dou probably glanced at it. This question needs to use his brain. He threw it to Mu Wanying. Sugar replied.

Tang Tang: "Brother Beer."

"I'm your sister-in-law."

She was blamed by her family for killing Doudou last night, so Mu Wanying will make amends and reply a voice message.At home, Shen Yun checked the homework in front of Tang Tang, and heard Mu Wanying's voice, which was pleasant, like the sound of nature.

"I just said, how can my brother solve it so quickly."

After Tang Tang replied, she said to her mother: "Mom, it's past ten o'clock, my brother and Mu Wanying are still together, won't you go to the room?"

Shen Yun thought so too, the relationship between the two has reached this point, it's okay to go to a room on the weekend.


"Trick me again."

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's butt with the back of his hand.

Mu Wanying said: "No, I want to let your family know that we are fine, so that they can rest assured."

Tang Dou said: "At this point, my sister will definitely think that we did something bad at night."

"I don't care. Are you afraid that your family will know our relationship now?"

Mu Wanying looked at it.

"No, I don't want my sister to know."

Tang Dou was lying down, but he didn't see a trace of displeasure on Mu Wanying's face.

After hearing this, Mu Wanying stopped talking, put her phone in front of Tang Dou, and stared at the computer screen.

Knowing that Doudou didn't mean to offend her, Mu Wanying still felt a little uncomfortable.

Only then did Tang Dou realize that Mu Wanying was emotional. He stretched out his hand to pinch Mu Wanying's face, but Mu Wanying didn't move away or respond, and let Tang Dou pinch her face.

Nizi was still in a bad mood, Tang Dou said:
"Actually, it's nothing. My younger sister has already passed the youthful rebellious period. Speaking of which, my elder brother has never been a role model for her to learn from. She has always been a negative example. Whatever I do, she learns from it. In her heart, you are already a sister-in-law, and everything we do is normal."


Mu Wanying replied indifferently, she was very wronged in her heart, she thought that I was a bad girl who offered to send you to your door, and even lived with you as an unmarried girl, so don't let your sister follow suit.

Tang Dou pretended to react, turned over and hugged Mu Wanying's shoulder, "Wanying, are you secretly angry again? I didn't mean that, just"

Mu Wanying was indifferent, Tang Dou was a bit at a loss for words, this kind of misunderstanding is really hard to explain.

"It's just that I said something wrong, Wanying, please slap your mouth."

The more explanations became more chaotic, Tang Dou simply stopped looking for reasons, grabbed Mu Wanying's hand and smacked his mouth.

"Okay, I'm being sensitive."

Of course Mu Wanying wouldn't start arguing, so she stopped.

"Wanying, let me give you a quick brain teaser."

Tang Dou bit Mu Wanying's finger and said.


Mu Wanying asked curiously.

Tang Dou said: "Why can the ugly duckling turn into a white swan?"

"Because it works hard."

Mu Wanying didn't think about it.

"Wrong, they said brain teasers." Tang Dou said, "Because its parents are white swans."

"Your brain teasers are a bit poisonous."

Mu Wanying understood something. It turned out that she was deceived by her teacher when she was a child, and she was deceived so thoroughly that she didn't realize her mistake after studying biogenetics in high school.

Not wanting to watch movies anymore, Mu Wanying turned off the computer, picked up two adhesive hooks, pasted them on the wall inside the bed, and hung the clothes of the two of them on them, so that they would not have to wake up in the morning to see the clothes falling all over the floor.

Then turn on the small table lamp by the bed, go down and turn off the big light, go up and lie on the bucket shoulders, Mu Wanying turns the lamp over so that the light on the side of the bed is very dark, only two black shadows stick together, after a while, Tearing each other, the shadows are still sticking.

(End of this chapter)

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