Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 252 A Beautiful Day Starts in the Other Party's Arms

Chapter 252 A Beautiful Day Starts in the Other Party's Arms

Late at night, in front of the window under the moon.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying sit and enjoy the music in the clouds, lie drunk and lie in the gentle country, have a good night and can't sleep, they sleep together and talk about love.

After cuddling the lazy cat, Tang Dou sat up and put her pajamas on, otherwise she would have a stomachache when sleeping.Mu Wanying twitched and Tang Dou put on the trousers. When she got to the jacket, Mu Wanying stretched out her arms, and Tang Dou pulled it up. Mu Wanying shook her head and couldn't remember. Then put it on your head.

"You lazy pig, why don't you let me take care of everything for you."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying who was slouching on her crooked body.

Ya has a lot of problems, Tang Dou undresses her and has to wait for her to dress.

"Okay, you will take care of my life from now on, Doudou, do you think I'm troublesome?"

Mu Wanying hooked Tang Dou's neck with her arms, pulled Tang Dou to lie down and said in a soft voice, her face was rosy now, her eyes blinked lightly, she was obviously lingering like a child, but she was blooming like a sweet aunt laugh.

"I like your sticky dependence on me, which makes me feel very present."

Every time afterwards, Mu Wanying was very attached to Tang Dou, even a little hypocritical, Tang Dou tried to be patient.

Everyone has their own way of expressing love, and Mu Wanying's way is like this. While she is giving, she is also taking from Tang Dou in this way. This is not to gain a sense of security.

The most satisfying and sweetest time is also the easiest to be disappointed.

Tang Dou understood, so he remained patient.

"You are so nice, I often think that I won't be angry with you, that there will be no unhappiness between us, and I remind myself like this, but sometimes I get angry inexplicably, just like just now, I know in my heart that you don't feel I meant frivolously, but I still couldn't control my emotions, and made cold, violent and grotesque noises at you."

Mu Wanying opened her heart.

"A quarrel not aimed at breaking up is a show of affection."

Tang Dou rubbed her head, "Actually, you are quite cute when you are angry."

Of course, Tang Dou thinks it's cute because it's easy to coax. If she gets angry endlessly, it's not cute.

"Goose Ho Goose Doudou, what should I do if I can't stop loving you, I'm stupid and can't express it well."

Mu Wanying's voice was full of long tears, wishing to show her heart to Doudou.

If you turn on the light, you can see that her eyes really shine.

"Wanying, I found out that I was your husband when you needed me, and you kept yelling and refusing to listen to me. I was afraid that I wouldn't hear you. When you didn't need me, you just called me by my first name. What's going on? Am I your tool?" people."

Tang Dou pretended to be dissatisfied.

Every time, in order to make Mu Wanying call her husband a few more times, Tang Dou counted silently in his heart. Just now Mu Wanying called fifteen times and then sixteen times, or maybe seventeen or eight times, because the more Mu Wanying shouted, the sweeter she was. , Tang Dou couldn't keep up.

I can't help it when it's hot!

"If you still talk about me, you seldom call my wife, but always call me by my name."

Mu Wanying shyly put her head on Tang Dou's chin and said:
"In my heart, you are my beloved husband at all times. Your phone number, QQ, and WeChat nicknames are all husbands on my mobile phone, and I pay special attention to them. The profile picture, screen, and background are all photos of the two of us."

"I see yours."

Mu Wanying turned on one of Tang Dou's cell phones.

Both of them took a group photo on the lock screen and on the desktop, and they were nicknamed 'Mai Dog' on the phone, 'Mai Dog' on QQ, and also on WeChat.

A photo of the two of them.

QQ pays special attention.

"Maigou, you are so ugly, you have been shouting for three years in high school."

Mu Wanying changed her nickname to, what to change it to, Mu Wanying thought about it, changed it to 'daughter-in-law', simple and clear.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to promise each other. Swallows fly in the sky, south and north, old wings experience cold and heat, joy and joy, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children in the midst. You should have something to say, ten thousand miles of stratus clouds, thousands of mountains and evening snow, Who do you want to go to?"

Holding Mu Wanying in his arms, Tang Dou recited a poem out of emotion.

"Come to me." Mu Wanying said: "When I heard about love in the world, I thought of Li Mochou, which woman do you like most in the sculpture?"

"Green calyx."

Tang Dou thought about it. When he was young, he liked Aunt, Xiang'er, and Wushuang. When he grew up, he thought Lu'e was better, and then Li Mochou.

Mu Wanying was surprised, she didn't put Lue in the option, she didn't expect this role, she thought Doudou would choose Guo Xiang, this should be the ideal type of girl in most boys' minds.

After hearing Tang Dou's choice, Mu Wanying looked back at Lue seriously, and in reality, this kind of girl is indeed impeccable.

"Then which woman do you think I look like in the sculpture of the gods?"

Tang Dou said: "Li Mochou."

Mu Wanying pinched Tang Dou vigorously, "Speak seriously."

This stumped Tang Dou.

Mu Wanying has some advantages of Lue, but she is definitely not as perfect as the characters in the book. If Tang Dou can't answer well, Mu Wanying will definitely say that she is not Tang Dou's ideal type of girl.

With Mu Wanying's character of breaking the casserole and asking the end, there will be a series of tortures, such as why she is not the ideal type, why should she choose, and whether she should not be abandoned when she meets the ideal type in the future.

"let me see."

Tang Dou thought about it seriously. If she firmly insisted that Mu Wanying was like Li Mochou, it would be fine. Mu Wanying would be so angry that she would not continue to pester her. She would never think that Doudou's ideal type of girl is Li Mochou, the murderer. Mo Chou, but Tang Dou didn't want Mu Wanying to think he was perfunctory, he wanted Mu Wanying to listen comfortably, so he had an idea:

"You look like no one."

"I think Lue is good because she has some of your advantages, such as being gentle and considerate, gentle and generous, understanding, and reasonable."

Tang Dou compared Mu Wanying and Lu'e in reverse, and it was perfect.

It sounds good, and set up a few memorial archways for Mu Wanying, so as to control Mu Wanying's emotions to death.

Mu Wanying really felt very comfortable listening to it. Thinking about it carefully, this is the case. She is indeed not like anyone in the Condor God. Gongsun Lue has some advantages of her.

No wonder Doudou is so obsessed with himself, it turns out that he is his ideal type of girl.

Mu Wanying was very happy in her heart, and she reflected on herself: "I don't have some advantages in Lue, for example, my temper is not as good as hers."

"No one is perfect."

It was getting late, and Mu Wanying curled up in Tang Dou's arms, ready to fall asleep contentedly after a good night kiss.

Tang Dou reached out and turned off the desk lamp.

The next morning, both of them woke up at seven o'clock. Mu Wanying looked up at Tang Dou and asked what she wanted to eat for breakfast.

Tang Dou didn't speak, raised his brows, looked down, Mu Wanying couldn't help laughing and said, "Dou Dou, you won't really fight with the baby in the future, will you?"

"I'm really curious about how it tastes. If it's good, I might grab it."

Tang Dou said cheekily, I don't know how many fathers are like this, anyway, he is not ashamed, there is no shame in grabbing food from his own children.When he was ten years old, he even snatched his aunt from Hao Yuan, of course he was behind his back.

"Hey, I won't let you compete with the baby. Only if the baby can't finish eating will you have a share."

Mu Wanying smiled and rolled up Yifu, don't starve this big baby to death.

Tang Dou was impolite, his head sank into the quilt.

A good day starts with eating.

"I just can't understand why some women prefer to give their children milk powder. Children are so young and fragile, so I don't feel at ease giving them milk powder."

Mu Wanying said with the quilt pulled tightly.

"Most office workers don't have time, because life forces them."

Tang Dou paused.

"The cost of good milk powder is not small, and if there is something wrong with the child, it can't be remedied by earning tens of thousands of 10,000+ money. If it is serious, it will not only ruin the child's life, but also the parents. As long as life is not difficult, I will take a long vacation or resign after I have a child, and we will talk about weaning the child."

Mu Wanying said incomprehensibly.

"How can life be difficult with a wife like you?"

Tang Dou raised his head and boasted, but at best he didn't say anything.

Tang Dou especially likes the traditional maternity brilliance in her. In Tang Dou's previous life, Mu Wanying's plan was to work hard after graduation for a few years to experience the experience. When she was 25 years old, she would have children, and gradually she would focus on having children.

"So you have to cherish me, once you lose me, don't try to get it back."

Mu Wanying gently put her arms around Tang Dou's head, she couldn't help thinking about the future, hugging one on the left and one on the right, it's too difficult for a woman, the corners of Mu Wanying's mouth raised unconsciously, she looked down, put the clothes down, blinded dead husband.

After a while, Tang fights up, mouth dry and tongue dry.

"I wanted to steam egg custard for you, but now I don't want to."

A blush appeared on Mu Wanying's face, she looked at Tang Dou and said lazily.

"I do, what do you want to eat?"

Tang Dou stroked her cheek, stretched and sat up.

 Thanks for mentioning the strokes of Jiangshan for rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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