Chapter 253
"You can do whatever is convenient for you."

Mu Wanying didn't know what she wanted to eat, and she felt sick to her stomach if she didn't eat.

Tang Dou said: "There seems to be nothing to eat at home."

"Dou Dou, draw me two pieces of paper."

Mu Wanying said that the girl who was bullied was a little cold.

Tang Dou even threw the paper bag to her, and went to look in the refrigerator. There were eggs, tomatoes, green peppers, and onions, which were not easy to make, so he went to the kitchen to see that there were only potatoes. Tang Dou thought about it, looked at the flour, and made a mix Soup bar.

Take the tomatoes and bell peppers.

Wash, cut, stir-fry, add appropriate amount of water, then pour some flour into the basin, mix with chopsticks while pouring water, and mix the dry flour into even crumbs, the water must be poured slowly, not too much, After the water in the pot boils, beat an egg in a bowl, mix well and sprinkle it in evenly, so that the egg becomes egg flower, sprinkle in the flour crumbs, and cook for about 3 minutes.

It took a total of less than 15 minutes to get it done.

Just filled two bowls, poured two drops of sesame oil and vinegar in each, Tang Dou brought it into the bedroom, Mu Wanying sat up and said:

"What did you do so quickly?"

"Soup, does your school have it?"

Tang Dou put the bowl on the bedside table.

"Yes, I ate it once and didn't eat it again. Your cooking is delicious."

Mu Wanying crawled over and smelled it, and found that Doudou is really omnipotent.

Tang Dou felt that something was missing, "Less green leaves."

Mu Wanying piled the quilt aside, and her mistress on the bed pressed the cat shit into the quilt again, went down to the bathroom, washed her hands, tied up her hair with a rubber band, and ran back to the bedroom to eat breakfast.

"It's delicious. When I was a child, my grandmother often made me soup. It tastes like my grandmother's."

Mu Wanying leaned against the head of the bed, put the bowl on her knees, took a sip of the mixed soup with her small fish spoon, and smacked her mouth.

"When my sister and I were young, my grandma made it. When I made it, I put some fried sesame seeds, which is very fragrant."

Tang Dou sat across from Mu Wanying, eating with a bowl.


Mu Wanying gave Tang Dou a small spoonful.

After eating, Mu Wanying took the initiative to wash the dishes, and Tang Dou lay on the bed and watched the NBA live broadcast. Although he hadn't entered the playoffs yet, the competition was intense.

Someone in the dormitory group asked them to sing at noon, and Zhao Rui and others in their dormitory asked Li Xiongxiong to call 412 when he was free.

The sky was gloomy, Tang Dou went to the balcony to have a look, it was raining outside today, and it was still Sunday, so the room was especially suitable for staying.

Three meals for two people in four seasons, shopping on sunny days and having sex on rainy days is Tang Dou’s ideal weekend life. Yesterday, he went shopping with Mu Wanying on a sunny Saturday. Today, it’s rainy and they stay at home for a day, which is also quite comfortable.

So I stopped singing.

Mu Wanying came back from washing the dishes and watched the football game with Tang Dou. Although she couldn't understand, she still watched it seriously.

Mu Wanying said: "Are these people really jumping so high? Or are they rebounding low?"

Tang Dou said: "The height is tall, and the jump is also high. There are very few of them below 1.9 meters, and two meters is not particularly high among them."

"Okay." Mu Wanying nodded, Tang Dou lay down on Mu Wanying's lap and said, "What's for lunch?"

"Eat casually at noon, let's have hot pot in the afternoon."

I haven't eaten hot pot for more than half a month, and Mu Wanying misses it very much.

Tang Dou said: "Then I will leave the lunch to you."

"How about cooking instant noodles?"

Mu Wanying put her hand on Tang Dou's face and said.

"Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time, and I really want to eat it." Tang Dou thought about it, "I don't have noodles at home, who will buy it?"

"You go." Mu Wanying said without thinking, "It's a lot of trouble for me to go out once, wash my face, comb my hair, and change my clothes."

"It's also troublesome for me to go out."

Tang Dou tugged at Mu Wanying's face, he didn't want to go out even on rainy days, "Rock paper scissors."


Mu Wanying clenched her small fists.


Tang Dou stone, Mu Wanying scissors.

"This doesn't count, Doudou, you didn't even move your hands."

Mu Wanying started playing tricks again.

Tang Dou didn't care about it either. In fact, he was like that. When Mu Wanying pulled out the scissors, he simply didn't move.

"There's a lot of shit."

"Hey, let's do it again, rock scissors." Mu Wanying paused and said, "Cloth."

This is reversed, Tang Dou scissors, Mu Wanying rock.

Before Tang Dou could speak, Mu Wanying said:

"I was planning to cast stones, and the outcome will be determined in one game. If you lose in Doudou, I would like to bet and admit defeat."

"Wanying, you are too double-standard. If you say that I am a rock, it doesn't count if I don't move. Your rock is a rock."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, and Nizi Laipi seemed invincible, and said that she was stupid, and she was really the king of mouth.

"Dou Dou, if you lose, you lose. If you can't get rocks out of the first hit, how can you get out scissors?"

Mu Wanying said confidently.

What you said makes sense. If you can't get a rock at the first blow, then only scissors and cloth are left. If you get out scissors, you will be invincible. Seeing Mu Wanying's ghostly smile, how does Tang Dou feel that he is being beaten? How could he not have thought of such an obvious truth.

"Whoever wins will go."

Tang Dou said lightly.

"Dou Dou, don't play tricks. You say that the outcome will be determined in one round, and whoever loses will go."

Mu Wanying refused to give in and defended her victory.

"Who said you lost?"

Tang Dou never said such a rule. Under normal circumstances, he would lose by default. If he didn't make it clear, if he lost, he would definitely win. Of course, the winner would not give up. If he tried again, at least there would be room for redemption.

"I said it, I said I would lose from the beginning."

Mu Wanying blushed and said without panting:
"If a man loses, he loses. Doudou, don't mess around."

"I won't go, and I won't go without lunch."

It's reasonable for Nizi to play tricks on people, and to mess around with others, so Tang Dou simply used the most invincible moves.

Having been repeatedly humiliated by Mu Wanying's crotch, Tang Dou didn't care about a man who can be killed but not humiliated, a gentleman who keeps his word, he only knows that a man can bend and stretch, and a man who understands current affairs is a hero.


Mu Wanying pouted, pushed Tang Dou's head away, and refused to let her sleep.

Tang Dou smiled, and was willing to bet against defeat.

I slept at one o'clock last night, and got up early again in the morning. I just had breakfast and Tang Dou was a little sleepy. I put down my phone and went to bed. Turn the phone to silent and have fun, and keep sliding your fingers on the phone screen.

Tang Dou slept until ten o'clock, woke up and saw Mu Wanying changing clothes on the ground, he stretched his waist and said:
"Where is Wanying going?"

"Go shopping."

Mu Wanying lifted her jeans, looked back and said.

"I go."

Tang Dou sat up and said.

"It's okay, you sleep for a while, I'll call you when I'm back when the meal is ready."

Mu Wanying took out a vest from the closet to wear.

"I can't sleep anymore, I want to go out to get some air."

"Then let's go together, and buy the hot pot ingredients for the afternoon by the way."

Mu Wanying changed her clothes and combed her hair.

Tang Dou didn't say much, and got up to tidy up.

At noon, Mu Wanying cooked instant noodles, and stayed home after eating.

Having a hot pot for two at night will end this weekend perfectly.

On Monday morning, Tang Dou participated in the sports meeting training on time. After the company's second expansion officially started, it will be busy for a while.

After training, he went back to the dormitory and took a shower, then contacted Mi Le to go to the company together.

(End of this chapter)

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