Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 260 Mu Wanying After Eating 'Sweet Dates'

Chapter 260 Mu Wanying After Eating 'Sweet Dates'
Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's test paper, gave Tang Dou her own and the answer, and the two matched each other's answers.

Facing the answer, Mu Wanying tapped her lips with a pen from time to time, which was punishment for doing wrong questions.

The listening part alone can be completed in a few minutes.

Mu Wanying looked at her, and it was two points less than Doudou's.

Mu Wanying doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe that her English is worse than Doudou's. Even if Doudou's college entrance examination scores are higher than hers, it's just that her Chinese is much higher than hers, and she is lower than her in other subjects, and English is her most confident .

Would it be better than Doudou?
Mu Wanying corrected the answers again, Doudou must have cheated.

Immediately Tang Dou felt the tenderness in his waist ache.

"You look like a nanny."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's claws between his legs, "The overall English is not as good as yours, and your listening may not be worse than yours."

"One time can't explain anything, I corrected three mistakes."

Mu Wanying was not convinced, and a monkey came to steal peaches.

Damn, there is no one who is naughty now.

"Your hands are too cheap." Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's hand to keep it from moving, "Change the habit of liking random changes. If you're not sure, don't change it. Trust your first impression."

Mu Wanying withdrew her hand, and Yazi, who was flushed with displeasure, stood up and went out.

It's not enough to lose your hearing once!
Tang Dou was a little confused.

Review which sentence offended her just now.

Guessing why Mu Wanying was suddenly angry, Tang Dou got up and followed her out.

Mu Wanying stood in front of the window at the entrance of the corridor, with both hands in the pockets of the denim jacket, the buttons of the medium blue denim jacket were unbuttoned, the short skirt was tied around the waist, and the black leggings were slim. Senior sister.

But the current weather is a little flawed in dressing like this.

It would be perfect if you change it to a pair of black skinny pants that don't need a short skirt to prevent exposure.

Tang Dou admired the past, pulled Mu Wanying's arms and said:

"I'm not scolding you,"

Before Tang Dou could finish explaining, Mu Wanying turned around and avoided, her petite appearance was as proud as her own short skirt.

"I said you handed it during the exam," Tang Dou continued, "Forget it, and stop swearing in the future."

After Mu Wanying came out, she realized that she might have thought too much, but she had already expressed her emotions, and she regretted it. Why can't she change her impulsive temper, Mu Wanying lamented in her heart.

"I think too much."

Mu Wanying bumped her head against Tang Dou's shoulder, and said in a mournful voice:

"It is often said that two people who like each other should complement each other. Give me half of your sanity, okay?"

"As for the Tsundere energy just now, I've brewed up a lot of good words before coaxing you to get discouraged by yourself, you're so useless, learn from other girls, and you should speak out confidently if you make a mistake, it's your fault for making me angry .”

Tang Dou likes Mu Wanying very much. She is impulsive, but her temper comes and goes quickly.

"I don't want to be so unreasonable."

Mu Wanying punched Tang Dou and said stubbornly:

"You don't need to coax, just don't bother with me, I won't break up with you anyway, I'm afraid you'll be annoying if you coax too much."

"Speaking like this, if I don't coax you, I will cry and say, 'Dudou, you have changed, you are impatient with me, and you are indifferent to my mood, how can people feel safe', and then sulk and wait for me to comfort you .”

Tang Dou leaned against the window and said.

Take the lines that Mu Wanying might say first, so that she has nothing to say when the time comes.

"would not."

Mu Wanying kept her mouth shut, and said in her heart that Doudou really knew her temper thoroughly.

Tang Dou said: "Then I will try next time."

"The most I can do is complain and complain."

Mu Wanying laughed as she spoke, "Okay, you have to coax and coax, and you can't deal with it coldly. My mother often tells me that we should communicate more with you when we have problems."

"Just give me a step down."

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou and added.

Then you said so many water words earlier?

"How can the steps be enough, I will carry you down directly."

Thinking that there would be no need to waste words in the future, Tang Dou sniffled and hugged Mu Wanying's chin to cushion her neck.

"Farewell, we're in the library."

The learning atmosphere in the library is particularly good. The person who endorsed the book came over. Mu Wanying didn't want to mess around here, so she broke away gently. She pulled down the T-shirt and coat, pulled her bangs and looked at Tang Dou and said:
"I can't even remember when you got angry at me. I really want to see you angry."

"Oh, one time, in the second year of high school, my classmate from junior high school came to Zhe school to take a biology competition exam. After the exam, I invited him to have a meal at Zha school. You said that I broke my promise and had a cold war with me for a long time."

"I'm angry because you let me go."

Tang Dou shook his head.

That day it was agreed to have dinner together after the exam, but after waiting for a long time, Nizi went to eat with other boys. If it weren't for eating with her, he wouldn't have gotten up early to go to school for the exam on Saturdays in winter when he was full of sleep.

If you go to dinner with someone and don't tell him, don't answer the phone, don't reply to the message, and you will wait for nothing.

Tang Dou wanted to get angry at the thought.

"I forgot to charge my phone that night, and it ran out of battery after the exam. And when I kicked you basketball at the beginning of the first year of high school, you hit my ass with it."

"I smashed you to get your attention."

"Ghost letter, then why did you apologize to me two weeks later? I was really angry at that time."

Mu Wanying grinned from ear to ear, and when she became stingy, her eyes were smaller than a pinhole, which was quite cute.

Taking advantage of Mu Wanying's wrongdoing that day, Tang Dou asked her to hold his hand for 5 minutes, but Mu Wanying only let him hold it for 1 minute, and then they went to the back of the teaching building to hold hands, but Tang Dou held her hand for 3 minutes and almost took Mu Wanying away. first kiss.

The two stayed in the corridor for a while, then returned to the study room to continue studying.

Mu Wanying moved the stool in front of Tang Dou, lying down to read Tang Dou's test paper from time to time.

Tang Dou discovered that love is like a glass of honey water, the two of them have been calm and quiet, just like honey water standing still, slowly the honey settles down, the water is naturally not sweet, stirring it makes it sweet, love is also like this, there has been no quarrel The quarrels gradually become less sweet, and you may even feel that you are not far or near. Occasional quarrels will make you more intimate.

The time when Mu Wanying is in the best mood is not when Tang Dou has been angry with her for a long time.

It was a period of time after eating 'sweet dates', like this meeting, almost obedient.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying finished a set of questions. It was 09:30 in the evening. They got the correct answer and easily passed 425 points. When it was Mu Wanying's running time, the two packed their things and left the library to go to the playground for a run.

"About running with me every night, it's been almost a year, Doudou, are you bothered?"

Mu Wanying said while running, "Speak from the bottom of my heart, I can understand."

"I was annoyed sometimes last year, not because of trouble running back and forth, but because of that kind of annoyance, physiological."

When Mu Wanying told her to speak her mind, Tang Dou told the truth.

"It's just that you don't get bored in your heart."

Mu Wanying ran while dragging Tang Dou's arm. She might not understand Tang Dou's troubles last year, but after getting to know boys during this time, she can understand.

"I didn't notice your emotions for half a year last year. Doudou, don't deliberately hide your emotions from me. If you are in a bad mood, just tell me. Whether it's because of me or if you are unhappy, tell me. I am your girlfriend. , I can't do anything for you, I feel so superfluous."

(End of this chapter)

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