Chapter 261 Wang Li Quenches Thirst
After eating the 'sweet dates', Mu Wanying was impeccably gentle and considerate.

Tang Dou thought he should coax her more in the future.

After five laps, Mu Wanying supported Tang Dou to stand on the same spot, walked slowly to find the exit, passed by the garden grove to rest, Tang Dou sat on the bench, and Mu Wanying sat on his lap, not like other couples Like glue like paint.

"It's embarrassing to come in alone at night."

Looking at a couple not far away, Mu Wanying whispered.

"Our school's overall atmosphere is good, and some school dog food can't be hidden unless it is in the dormitory."

Tang Dou put his left arm on Mu Wanying's shoulder, and put his right hand on her lap. If he didn't plan to go back to the love nest at night, he wouldn't tease her.

"When I called you in the dormitory, my roommate said that you couldn't escape the dormitory."

"We don't seem to talk on the phone often."

"Because we are basically together in our spare time, either you are at my school or I am studying at you, or at home."

Mu Wanying put her head on Tang Dou's neck and murmured: Hold me tight, hold me tight until I feel a warm feeling, I really need you to love me, like a child.
Mu Wanying especially likes to listen to the songs of Tang Dou's playlist recently. Her voice is very loud. When she sings, her voice is very different from her speech. When she sings, her voice is very delicate and soft. There doesn't seem to be a trace of noise.

Tang Dou understands that An Qi likes to watch the young lady sing live with tone-deficient, and likes the freshness.Of course it has to look sweet and sound sweet.If it is an original singer or a professional singer singing live, you may not like to listen to it.

"Hold me, hold me until I feel a warm feeling, I really need you to understand me"

Mu Wanying only memorized these two lines of lyrics, and sang them repeatedly, looking self-indulgent.

She nestled in Tang Dou's arms, like a deer, Tang Dou hugged her tightly, shaking gently like coaxing a child.

"It feels warm and comfortable."

Mu Wanying smirked goofily, "Doudou, will you still hold a big baby like this when you have a baby?"

"I hold you, you hold the baby."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Yeah." Mu Wanying groaned twice, "It's great, I'm looking forward to it, I find that when I'm sad, life feels like years, and when I'm particularly happy, it's like three autumns a day, just like this meeting, I'm very happy, but I hope that time will pass hurry up."

"Cherish it well, after you graduate and get married and have a baby, you will definitely fall out of favor."

Tang Dou sighed.

"You are ruthless and you are indifferent."

Mu Wanying squeezed out a few words, but in her heart she said to each other, if you are ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

After sitting for a while, Mu Wanying raised her head and pouted vigorously, got up and lifted her skirt, and sent Tang Dou out of the school gate. It was past ten o'clock, she opened her schoolbag, took out Tang Dou's fourth-level questions, thought about it and then Put it back on, "You probably don't even look at it when you take it back, so let me hold it for you, I take it with me every day, and review it together in self-study."

Of course Tang Dou can do it, Wanying is really thoughtful, if he takes it back to the dormitory by himself, nine times out of ten he won't take it out.

On the importance of having a high school wife.

If he was in the same class as Mu Wanying, Tang Dou wouldn't need to worry about the exam, why would he use cheat sheets, mobile phone Baidu, and fight wits with the invigilator in order to get 60 points in the exam, just like Ling Lingqi in the college exam.

After leaving the school gate, Mu Wanying's cell phone rang, and she answered, "Hello, sing."

Liu Ge: "Is Wanying coming back tonight?"

Mu Wanying: "Come back, I'll be back in a while."

Liu Ge: "Bring me a package of dry noodles"

Mu Wanying: "Where's Nana?"

Liu Ge switched to speakerphone and asked who wanted to buy something.

Liu Qian's voice came from the phone: "Don't mention food to me, Liu Ge, if you don't eat at night, you will starve to death?"

Liu Ge: "I didn't eat in the afternoon!"

"Be patient, for my plan to lose weight."

It turned out that Liu Qian was a foodie in Mu Wanying's dormitory. She had to eat something before going to bed every night, and she also ate something in the morning. As a result, she ate herself fat in half a year. Now she dare not let go of her meal, and she is afraid that her roommates will eat food at night .

"Feel the pain of fat people?"

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wanying said:
"Qianqian looks so pitiful if she wants to eat or not. Now I don't ask her when I buy things for the dormitory, and I don't put pressure on her. So Doudou, your physique is not to mention that girls are more envious. From the first year of high school to now I know I've never seen you gain weight."

Mu Wanying went back to the supermarket in the apartment area to buy things. She sent Tang Dou off first, "I won't let you go back to the dormitory alone so late after the sports meeting. Be careful on the way, don't run the red light, and call me when you go back."

"Then I'll run with you every day."

Tang Dou sat on the car, boo, kissed Mu Wanying, and then pedaled the car back.

Mu Wanying watched him disappear from the night, then turned and walked into the school gate.

Dormitory 412 will be chatting together, seeing them posting photos in the group, with a mess of hot strips, melon seeds, and peanuts on the table, Tang Dou rides his bicycle to a fruit stand outside the school, and buys some fruit back.

The two girls squatting next to me also bought fruit.

One looks at cherries.

One is picking pears and has already picked three.

Tang Dou coughed, almost drooling from his mouth, and quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I'll go, haven't you seen a girl?"

The girl who picked the cherry was straighter and said with a grin.

The girl picking pears just moved her lips and moved her feet.

"I've seen a lot of girls, but I've never seen beautiful women."

Against his conscience, Tang Dou smiled calmly.

"Come on, no matter how nicely you say it, it can't hide the wretchedness in your heart."

The girl who picked the cherries was stunned for a moment, and when she said this, she looked at Tang Dou differently in her heart, thinking that this guy was a bit perverted, but it wasn't that annoying, and it wasn't considered perverted, it was romantic and quite handsome.

The girl who picks pears is relatively quiet, she doesn't like this, she glances at Tang Dou, and then moves over.

To praise you, you are still proud, Tang Dou ignored her, looked at the pear in the hand of the quieter girl beside him and said:
"Look for pears to quench your thirst."

The girl reacted and said, "Is this pear very sour?"

"It's far from a lemon."

In front of the boss, Tang Dou didn't directly say it was sour, but just swallowed his saliva. Although he was tricked last week, the boss said that the pears were very sweet. Tang Dou bought five of them, but he didn't die of sourness. , no one eats.

The girl also swallowed, and silently took out the packed pears and put them back.

The boss couldn't react for a long time, and told the girl that the pear was very sweet.

The girls who bought cherries asked the boss to cut them up with a fruit knife for them to taste, and the boss took a large yellow pear that had been cut in different varieties.

"It's too sweet to eat."

The girl took a tooth and ate it.

The quiet girl snickered, the boss dared to play tricks with his girlfriends.

The girl who bought cherries thought Tang Dou was interesting, so she asked, "Are you from the capital too?"

Tang Dou nodded and said yes.

"How old is it?"


"I'm also a freshman, Japanese, Kong Nijiva, then add a friend."

The girl asked for a relationship, and turned on the phone while talking.

The other girl is confused, dear, didn't you just accept a senior two days ago?

"You don't really think you're a beauty, do you?"

Tang Doukou was merciless.

The other girl laughed, and she deserved it.

"It's up to you whether it's beautiful or not."

The girl gritted her teeth, originally she wanted to treat you to some fruit, so go eat your fart, she paid the bill and slapped her ass and left.

Tang Dou didn't even look at her arrogant figure, just pretending to be fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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