Chapter 263 The New Little Secret

Tang Dou flipped through his resume.

Wang Xue's was also in there, Tang Dou excluded Wang Xue's, and ordered the generals to randomly draw a share.

Li Xintong, 24 years old
Tang Dou glanced at the basic information and threw it to Mi Le.

"It's a pity for Wang Xue. She may have an impure mind, but such a girl is willing to contribute to her work and is self-motivated. From a work perspective, she can become a competent employee. As for what you think, she is plotting against you. That's entirely up to you, if you behave properly, she can still kidnap you."

"You are so young and capable, it's no wonder that the female employees of the company have no idea about you."

"It's not good for an assistant to be too lofty or polite. The assistant's work is relatively casual. Sometimes she needs to run errands, serve tea and water, and she is thin-skinned and hard to control. Don't mention what you ask her to do. Maybe she is worried about it when she is working normally. Or you can't let go of your face, for fear of being misunderstood, and being awkward makes people think too much."

Mi Le looked at Li Xintong's resume and said.

Tang Dou picked up Wang Xue's resume again. Apart from concealing her emotional state during the interview, she had no other problems.

"You interviewed the others, how was it?"

"It's not that good. Let's just choose Li Xintong. She's a bit, not arrogant. She's a bit independent, maybe not very gregarious. It's not certain whether she will come or not."

Mi Le shook his head and continued:

"Also, Wang Xue lied about not having a boyfriend. This doesn't mean anything. It may be to pass the interview smoothly. Generally, male unmarried job seekers from different places also say that they are single, which seems to be a stable job."

"You see."

Tang Dou handed his resume to Mi Le. The reason he changed Wang Xue's image was because Wang Xue lied about his emotional state. Looking back, it's normal for unmarried people to conceal their emotional state during the interview.

"Then try it out for a while."

Mi Le sent Wang Xue's resume to Qiao Mai.

Wang Xue resigned from her original job after the interview that day, and waited for the notification from Le Dou Company. After a few days, there was no news, and she thought it was over. When she received the news, she was overjoyed, and ended up having an argument with her boyfriend at night.

"I'm tired from work and want to take a good rest. You think I quit my job and stay idle all day. Now that I've found a job again, you say, are you annoying?"

Wang Xue said loudly to her boyfriend Wang Lei.

"I mean why didn't you discuss it with me beforehand."

Wang Lei said with a suppressed voice.

"Will you support me after discussing? I said last time that I don't want to go to work. Do you pay attention to me?"

Wang Xue yelled loudly.

Wang Lei said, "I asked you what you wanted to do, how did you answer?"

Wang Xuedao: "I said I don't want to work hard anymore, I want to stay. You said why don't I lie down? Are you talking about it?"

Wang Lei said, "Don't be so capricious, okay?"

"Why am I self-willed? I've been busy for several years. Is there anything wrong with taking a break? Even if I stay all day, I spend my own money. When have I ever dragged you down?"

Wang Xue erupted instantly.

At night, in the small basement room, the two of them were arguing a lot.

The heavy pressure of life and work has crushed the relationship between the two for several years. This is the reality.

The six new employees were settled, and Qiao Mai asked them to report on April 21, which is next Monday.

The company's car distribution has been completed by Qiao Mai. Usually, Guo Jing often needs to go to the bank and pay taxes, and she holds the car keys.

The basic system of the company has been finalized. There are old employees leading teams in important positions, and each position can enable the elderly to lead newcomers. Therefore, after this expansion, it is not as messy as before, and everything is in order.

After the company expanded.

Zhang Yadong is the investment director and Liu Yuan is the investment assistant. There are two independent investment groups under it. Wang Zhennan and Zhang Tao are the directors of the two investment groups respectively.

Guo Jing is the chief financial officer, and Hui Qiong is the assistant temporarily.

Hu Yanhong is acting as the chief financial officer.

Qiao Mai's position remains the same, still in charge of personnel, assistant to Chen Wenwen.

The newcomer Hye Won is the front desk.

Secretary Wang Xue was led by Qiao Mai to familiarize herself with the company's business and work.

From now on, Tang Dou and Mi Le's private offices will be taken care of by Wang Xue.

Going to work on Monday morning, Tang Dou and Mi Le came to the company for an all-hands meeting. Tang Dou had to go back to school for the third and fourth periods of the school. After the meeting, he took a taxi to go back to class. sentence.

What a good teacher, focusing on caring for students who like to skip classes.

Tang Dou went to the company in the afternoon, and made plans with Mi Le for this week and some things before May [-]st, because the school sports meeting will start next week, he will definitely not be able to go to the company for three or four days, and many tasks need to be arranged in advance.

"Good afternoon Mr. Tang, would you like a cup of tea or coffee?"

When Tang Dou just arrived at the company's public office, Wang Xue greeted her with a smile. She was wearing a formal business attire today, with a white shirt, black high-waist skirt, black stockings, and high heels. It is the most beautiful scenery in the office now.As she walked, the Office's eyes followed those legs.

Wang Xue was already tall, and her net height should be around [-]. Wearing high heels at an altitude above [-], Tang Dou, who was just [-], was very stressed standing in front of her.

"White water will do."

Tang Dou froze for a moment, said something and went straight to the private office, he was still used to doing it himself.

"Okay, Mr. Tang."

Wang Xue nodded with a smile, went to pour water, and sent it to the office.

"Wheat finally opened his eyes."

Wang Zhennan and others gave Qiao Mai a thumbs up.

"In terms of appearance, brother Jing is no worse than her, and brother Jing is much better than her in temperament."

Qiao Mai whispered, no matter how she looked at Wang Xue, she smelled like green tea, maybe she was prejudiced against the position of secretary.

Guo Jing on the side is really comfortable listening, this girl has such a sweet mouth.

Liu Yuan said: "Wang Xue is young."

Guo Jing was not very happy to hear that, is she 29 years old?

Zhang Tao said: "In the future, I will have the opportunity to recruit more young and beautiful girls or sunny and handsome boys. Solving the personal problems within the company will also benefit the company's development."

Wang Xue was the same age as them, and their chance finally came.

Mr. Tang has a girlfriend, and Mr. Tang doesn't look like a playboy. Besides, Mr. Wang Xue is six years old. As Mr. Tang, he only has a heart. If he can't find any girls, how can he treat Wang Xue who is six years older? have a thought.

"The most important thing is to solve Brother Jing's personal problems now, and Xiaomai needs to work harder."

Qiao Mai said: "Brother Jing has no shortage of suitors, it's just a matter of whether Brother Jing likes it or not."

In the private office, Mi Le hasn't come back from dinner yet, Tang Dou opens the work plan she made in the morning on the computer and has a look.

Wang Xue organizes the file cabinet.

"Sister Xue, the company isn't that serious. If it's inconvenient, you don't have to wear high heels to work."

Glancing at those swaying stocking legs, Tang Dou said implicitly.

If you don't wear high heels, you don't need to wear stockings and professional attire, so Tang Dou's implication is to let Wang Xue wear casual clothes to work, otherwise, if this continues, the group of werewolves in the office will become two or five eyes sooner or later.

After reacting, Wang Xue blushed and said, "Thank you Mr. Tang for your concern."

Wang Xue's cell phone kept vibrating, Wang Xue cut it off directly, and it vibrated again after a while, Wang Xue was very irritable, she glanced at the new news, and said to Tang Dou embarrassedly:

"Mr. Tang, can I go out for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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