Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 264 Xu Mumu's Classic Quotations

Chapter 264 Xu Mumu's Classic Quotations

After Wang Xue and her boyfriend Wang Lei quarreled the day before yesterday, under disappointment, exhaustion, anger, and hope, they made up their minds to end their five-year relationship since their sophomore year.

Wang Xue also thought about breaking up before, but it was not so easy to end the relationship for several years. Although the life was not good, the two got to know each other deeply, and they would rather leave than start from scratch with another person.

I have always done it and cherished it.

After speaking out in anger the day before yesterday, Wang Xue felt physically and mentally relaxed, and then she realized what her best friend said. In the face of reality, feelings are just a burden.

Wang Lei would keep calling and sending messages, which made Wang Xue extremely irritable, so she went out to reply to the messages.

"Xiaoxue, where are you?"

Upon receiving the reply, Wang Lei said eagerly.


Wang Xueqiang pretended to be calm and said.

Wang Lei: "Where is your company?"

Wang Xue: "We're done, what do you care about so much."

Wang Lei: "We've been together for so long, is it over when we say it's over?"

"I don't want to procrastinate, and I don't want to delay you." Wang Xue: "I'm really tired, you let me be quiet for a while, don't talk, I have to work, if you trouble me to block you, I hope you Be mature, you won't be able to make friends who don't make trouble."

Seeing Wang Xue's news, Wang Lei frowned, typed a few words, hesitated, and put away the phone first.

After going to the bathroom to calm down, Wang Xue returned to the office, thinking that he should apologize to Mr. Tang for lying and concealing his emotional state in the last interview, but he couldn't open his mouth, and if he said it, Mrs. Tang would feel that he was being sentimental.

Tang Dou and Mi Le have an assistant who can avoid too much communication with other people in the office.

Naturally, many favors can be avoided.

As a boss, it is not a good thing to have too much favor with employees.

Some staff are sociable.

Some employees have a low-key personality, but their work is practical, and they only know how to work hard.

Employees who are good at sociability may have poorer work ability and work attitude than employees with a low-key personality, but they have a good relationship with their bosses. Sometimes it is difficult for bosses to employ people because they are not good at treating people equally.

For example, this time the company expanded its adjustments to Chen Wenwen.

Chen Wenwen has been at work for less than two months, and she will have to ask for a month's leave. It is not certain whether she will come or not. The company will reserve her position. Normally, she will not be referred from the front desk to the position of human resources assistant.

But during this period of time, Chen Wenwen was working part-time as assistant to Tang Dou and Mi Le.

Cleaning up the office every day, bringing tea and water to Tang Dou and Mi Le, etc. Chen Wenwen did everything, and Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't arrange for her to be ashamed.

There are also Zhang Yadong, Guo Jing, Qiao Mai and others who can only go to Tang Dou and Mi Le directly for big and small matters. Sometimes their work is not very good, and there are some problems with materials and reports. It's easy to say, if the problem is not big, you can modify it yourself, or you can survive.

There is an assistant in the middle. For other people's trivial matters, or to submit materials that need to be reviewed and signed, just give it to the assistant.

If the problem is not serious, ask the assistant to correct it. The review is only to point out the problem and ask the assistant to reject it.

The secretary is like the father-in-law of the ancient emperor.

In short, it is the secretary who has something to do.

Considering these aspects, it is actually not easy to be a secretary. You have to act according to the face of the boss, and you have to look at the faces of other people.

Tang Dou looked through the description of the secretary in the 'Company Management' book when he had nothing to do, and lamented that Mi Le's vision in selecting and employing people was indeed higher than his.

"Secretary Wang, here is the investment report in the morning and the plan in the afternoon, let Mr. Tang review it."

Zhang Yadong came over and said.

"Okay Brother Zhang, just call me Xiaoxue." Wang Xue tilted slightly, and said to the others in the office: "Everyone can call me Xiaoxue from now on."

Liu Yuan smiled and said, "I think Xue'er speaks fluently, does Xiaoxue mind?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Wang Xueqiang smiled happily, sent the investment report in the morning to Tang Dou, and stood by the side waiting for a reply.

"Sister Xue doesn't need to be so cautious, you can sit down if you have nothing to do, or communicate with them more, and get familiar with the familiar environment."

Standing next to a pair of long black silk legs is not very enjoyable for Tang Dou who likes to pinch his legs.

"Thank you Mr. Tang."

Wang Xue's heart warmed up, and her gloomy mood improved a lot.

Tang Dou looked at the report and found that there was nothing wrong with it. After signing it, he asked Wang Xue to send it to Zhang Yadong, and it was carried out as planned in the afternoon.

Mi Le came back after eating, brought two cups of coffee, and put one in front of Tang Dou.

"How about it, there is a little sister waiting for you."

“very convenient”

Tang Dou nodded, took a sip of coffee.

"I'm also much more relaxed, and I don't have to find other people for everything." Mi Le sat across from Tang Dou, and continued to work on the plan made in the morning, "Do you want to organize some activities on May Day, such as organizing a group tour or something. "

"No, what's the point of this kind of activity where employees superficially obey their inner rejection? Give each of them a [-] shopping voucher and they will be grateful. If it's a vacation during work, it's okay."

Tang Dou drank his coffee and shook his head.

Miller also said casually.

After get off work at 04:30 p.m., Tang Dou was about to withdraw before [-]:[-], because Mu Wanying had no class in the seven or eight p.m., and forgot to bring the key when she went back to the two people's nest, so she sent a message to ask her husband if it was convenient to go back early. It was convenient for Tang Dou to get it when she went back to school. People didn't live for Mai Sakurajima, he lived for Mu Wanying.

"If you leave early, your salary will be deducted for one year."

Mi Le said sourly: "I found such an interesting little secretary for you, you still don't feel at ease working."

"I still like the smell of Mu Wanying, I like it obsessively." Tang Dou said with a smile: "By the way, tell Wang Xue to wear less perfume in the future."

"Say it yourself."

Mi Le glanced and ignored. Together with Tang Dou, she often doubted life, and often wondered what is the point of Tang Dou indulging in a girl's world all day long in such a big world, "Wait, Tang Dou, what do you think people are alive?" Significant?"

"To be meaningful is to live well, and to live well is to be meaningful."

Tang Dou casually said a classic quote from Xu Mumu.

"I understand you with the idea of ​​being at ease with the situation, but being at ease with the situation is precisely a negative attitude towards life."

Miller cut his voice.

"I don't just feel at ease, I only feel at ease when I meet Mu Wanying."

Tang Dou didn't explain too much.

How lucky it is to meet a person who is worth letting you give up your freedom and who is a prisoner of your heart. Instead of going to such lengths to have an affair, why not manage your relationship with Mu Wanying well and let Mu Wanying lick her comfortably alone? .

How could Mi Le, a single dog, experience this feeling.

Tang Dou turned around with a flash of a smiling face, and walked away.

After going out to take a taxi and going back to the rental complex, Mu Wanying was sitting on the table under the tree in front of the building, with a book under her buttocks, her schoolbag in her arms, and the freshly bought vegetables beside her.

The afternoon sun shone right behind her, making her very peaceful.

Tang Dou passed by from behind, ready to give Tranquility a gentle hug from her back. Before she got close, Mu Wanying looked back, with a wide smile on her face, which was extraordinarily bright under the sun. She stood up and patted the book to pack it into her bag .

"What are you going to cook?"

Tang Dou took Mu Wanying's schoolbag, and Mu Wanying carried the vegetables.

"Potato chicken nuggets, I bought chicken legs, potatoes, what else is there?"

Mu Wanying held Tang Dou in one arm.

Tang Dou said: "Is there any at Cong's house?"


"That's not bad."

"You do it or I do it?"

Mu Wanying asked sweetly.

"Recently, you did it, but today I will do it."

Entering the elevator, Tang Dou kissed Mu Wanying's forehead.

"Do together."

(End of this chapter)

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