Chapter 272 Is it so good

Tang Dou took the Red Wolf pen away without thinking.

"Just to my liking."

Mu Wanying smiled and said narcissistically, "I am your Red Wolf, of course you should choose the Red Wolf pen."

Looking at the beauties from the art department here, the moment Mu Wanying took off the mask, she felt that her best friend was not beautiful. Her appearance, figure, and temperament are all impeccable, and she is one of the best goddesses in the art department .

But if Mu Wanying is really put in the art department, she is also an awkward goddess, with incomplete singing and uncoordinated dancing hands and feet.

Mu Wanying lacked art germs since she was a child, and she was thin-skinned when she was a child.

The wife of the teacher enrolled her in an art class, and after Mu Wanying's singing was ridiculed by the children, she couldn't live or die.

"I'll buy you a frying pan some other day and you can wear it on your waist."

Tang Dou poked Mu Wanying's waist.

"I bought it."

Mu Wanying covered her mouth, and took out two pendants from her schoolbag, a poor gray wolf and a red wolf holding a frying pan. She hung the gray wolf on Tangdou's keychain, and the red wolf on her own keychain. .

"Wanying, I found out that you are really prone to domestic violence. My arm still hurt from beating me the day before yesterday."

Tang Dou lay down on the table, kneading Mu Wanying's leg with his right hand.

"It's because you sometimes deserve too much beating. It's uncomfortable not to be beaten for three days." Mu Wanying grabbed the big pig's trotters and pressed them under her legs. Seeing more and more people around her, she took the pig's trotters away and said: "I want to give you Is your roommate occupying a seat?"

"One is enough."

Tang Dou put his Level [-] test paper on the seat next to him.

Li Xiongxiong has Zhao Rui to occupy a seat, An Qi has Zhou Tian, ​​just give Brother Ritian a seat.

The benefits of having a girlfriend in the same class.

Occupy seats, bring breakfast, copy homework, end-of-semester tutoring.

"The squad leader came so early today."

Gao Meng came to sit in front of Tang Dou, smiled at Mu Wanying, then took out a leave note and said to Tang Dou:

"Yuwei has a poetry competition rehearsal tonight. This is a request for leave. Yuwei has greeted the counselor. The counselor will not be there after class in the afternoon. I want you to sign it."

Sun Ying greeted Tang Dou, and Su Yuwei also sent a message.

Tang Dou directly imitated Sun Ying's handwriting and signed.

Gao Meng said: "It really looks like it. I can't tell it's an imitation. I have also practiced the counselor's signature, but I can't do it well."

Sun Ying's signature is indeed quite difficult to imitate, especially the word 'ying', which Tang Dou practiced many times before he could get it right.

As a monitor, imitating a good counselor's signature is a basic operation, especially for monitors who often skip classes.

Mu Wanying took it and looked at it.

Chen Yu came to take the seat occupied by Gao Meng, opened the shopping cart, and discussed with Tang Dou which hat to buy for the class. Tang Dou looked at it, and Chen Yu pre-selected a black one and a white one, and the price was similar. One is more than five yuan and the other is more than six yuan. Each of the 35 students in the class can do it for less than 200 yuan.

Chen Yu said: "Would you like to discuss it in the group?"

"No, just buy white together."

Tang Dou directly made up his mind, and it wasn't a big deal. After discussing in the group, some people would definitely want white, some would like black, some would want other colors, and some might say it was too cheap and the quality was not good.

Too much trouble.

Just let Chen Yu buy it back, okay? That's it, I'm willing to wear it for the sports meeting, but I don't want to wear it to bask in the sun.

"Okay, then I'll place an order."

Chen Yu turned to submit the order.

"Thank you, head of the house." Li Hao came to Mao Gaishu to Tang Dou, sat down and looked at Mu Wanying, and said, "Hello, classmate."

Mu Wanying smiled, lowered her head and continued to look at the fourth-level questions.

At 07:30, class was on time. Teacher Mao Gai, who was a little flawed, walked into the classroom. He was not too tall. He was about 1.7 meters tall, but he was arrogant. Tang Dou suddenly realized why he liked to target the students in the back row.

Because he raised his head high, his line of sight just happened to see the back row of the lecture theater.

If it was a small classroom, he would not be able to see the students in this posture, only the ceiling.

The classroom was quiet, the teacher stood on the podium, glanced at the students and said, "I forgot what happened in the last class, and asked a classmate to help me recall the memories."

As soon as this remark came out, the students in the last row immediately became anxious, and while flipping through the books, they asked what was said in the previous class.

"Well, that one," the teacher started to be constipated again, looking at the back row, as if suffering from choice anxiety, "that one, um, the one in black, let's talk about it, classmate Xiao Hei."

There are two people in black clothes in the back row, standing next to each other, and they are looking at each other.

"First, Xiao Hei on the left said, what did you talk about last class? Don't flip the book, look at me."

At this time the teacher said again.

"As I said, one cannot step into the same river twice."

Classmate Xiao Hei 1 stammered his answer.

The teacher asked, "Who proposed it?"

Student Xiao Hei 1 pricked up his ears, and heard the word "Hashite" next to him, so he said unconfidently:
"Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter can fly on a broomstick, so he doesn't step into a river, does he?"

The teacher said seriously.

Student Xiao Hei 1 thinks something is wrong, but he can't tell what's wrong.

The teacher signaled Xiao Hei 1 to sit down, "Next."

Student Xiaohei 2 stood up and answered, "Heracla, it was proposed by Crete."

The teacher said: "Then tell me, why can't people step into the same river twice?"

Xiao Hei 2 doesn't understand, he thinks he can step into the same river twice, three times or four times, with his feet growing on his legs, as long as he wants, it doesn't matter how many times he steps in.

"Well, I warn you, don't stumble twice in the same pit."

After thinking about it, Xiao Hei 2 could only think of this possibility.

"Which class are you in, what is your name, and there is another classmate, I will ask you in the next class." The teacher suspected that he did not attend class in the last class, and he had registered on the attendance sheet, and asked which classmate understood the last class talk about it.

Tao Minmin from Class Two raised her hand, and the teacher asked her to talk.

"A man cannot step into the same river twice, Halla, Heraclitus said this to emphasize the absoluteness of movement, the river is flowing, when a man steps in for the second time, it is not the last time the river."

Tao Minmin stood up and said loudly.

The teacher nodded, "Then tell me again, no one can step into the same river once."

"Yeah." Tao Minmin said bluntly: "It's similar to the first sentence, both of which emphasize the absolute of exercise."

The teacher pressed his hand, let Tao Minmin sit down, and then asked which class was called.

"Doudou, do you understand these two sentences?"

Mu Wanying lay down on the table and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I probably know that it is a dialectical thought, emphasizing the absolute of movement and the relative of stillness."

The last class was boring, Tang Dou flipped through the book, it probably meant this, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

"The first sentence emphasizes the relativeness of stillness and the absoluteness of movement. The second sentence exaggerates movement, which is equivalent to saying that things do not have a stable state of existence and are always changing, which is to deny the existence of relative stillness."

Mu Wanying explained.

Is it so good?
Gao Meng and Chen Yu turned their heads and glanced in front of them. You are from a foreign school, so embarrassing.

"True Xueba." Li Hao gave Mu Wanying a thumbs up, "Doudou, do you answer? If you don't answer, I'll raise my hand."

Tang Dou shook his head, he would not embarrass Tao Minmin, they are all class leaders, and Tao Minmin has a lot of thoughts, so he will not be easy to get along with in the future.

Li Hao raised his hand and said loudly: "Teacher, I want to add something."

(End of this chapter)

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