Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 273 Routinely masturbating "cats"

Chapter 273 Routinely masturbating "cats"

Some students take the initiative to answer questions, no matter whether they are learning and selling or they already know it, the teacher is very happy.

Li Hao stood up and basically copied Mu Wanying's words.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the teacher to ask, Li Hao reported his family name, "Teacher, I am Li Hao in the second class of middle school."

The teacher nodded in satisfaction, found the name on the attendance sheet and ticked it.

After reading the book, Tao Minmin felt a little unhappy. She didn't believe that Li Hao was really so good, and there was nothing so exciting about following the book.

Actually, Li Hao didn't want to answer either. He was marked as absent by the teacher for not attending class last week, so he has to behave well today.

In case of being absent from class next time, it will not make the teacher feel that he has been absent from class.

In Li Hao's words, this is called absenteeism, sustainable absenteeism.

"How about the fourth grade review?"

Li Hao looked at Tang Dou's English paper and said.

"It's difficult."

"Three years of memorization, I didn't even bother to learn from Li Yang. As a result, I felt like I almost forgot it in less than a year." Li Hao said, "I forgot it faster than Zhang Wuji learned Tai Chi."

"In that case, you should be a genius. When you completely forget it, your English will be mastered."

Tang Dou laughed.

Li Haodao: "Don't tell me, I really have such a feeling. Although I have forgotten a lot, my listening and speaking are much better than those in high school. It may be that I have indigestion after studying too much in high school. I don't read it after graduation. I forgot some complicated things to free up more. With multiple memory spaces running, the brain is like the memory of a computer, the space is only so large, and if there is too much storage, it will get stuck."

Although a bit absurd, Tang Dou also felt this way.

Looking back at the knowledge in high school now, my thinking is more active than in high school. The knowledge points that I didn’t understand in high school are easy to understand now. This feeling was particularly obvious when Tang Dou was tutoring the old girl, so that the old girl felt that the old brother used to It hides deep, does not fly for three years, soars into the sky when it does not sing, and is a blockbuster.

It may be because of the pressure in high school, and I studied too hard.

Mu Wanying also smiled, and flipped through Tang Dou's textbook. It was so white, but the name was written on it, and it was written very beautifully.

The blank pages are signed with dense "Wanying" in various styles of fonts.

Doudou class is so boring.

Mu Wanying picked up the pen and practiced the two's signatures on the blank page several times, "I still write well."

Tang Dou said: "The characters are like the person."

Mu Wanying nodded smugly.

After drawing out the key points of the previous class, the teacher began to give lectures.

Mu Wanying studied foreign languages ​​carefully, Tang Dou didn't disturb her, opened the book, and listened carefully to the class once in a while.

The old girl sent a message, "Brother, when Mom asked, you just said that you bought a ticket for me to come to Kyoto."

Immediately after his mother called, Tang Dou hung up and replied:

"It's class, mom, what's the matter?"

Shen Yun: "Dou Dou, did you buy Tang's ticket?"

Tang Dou: "I bought it, did you fail the Tangyue exam?"

Shen Yun: "The test is not bad, I don't feel relieved to let her walk such a long way alone."

Tang Dou: "Is there any danger on the train? I will pick her up at the station when I arrive in Kyoto. I will ask Tang to take a day or half a day off on April No. 30. When No. 30 arrives in Kyoto, I will take her to play until May [-]th and [-]th. I will send her off." She's back."

Shen Yun: "Alright then, take care of Tang when the time comes, do you have enough money?"

"That's enough, don't worry, you and my dad can go around for a while."

Tang Dou sent another message to the old girl, "Your No. 30, please take a day off. The bus at [-]:[-] p.m. remember to ask Teacher Mu in advance if she will bring anything for Wanying."

"Okay bro, I'll ask tomorrow."

"Listen to the class carefully."

Seeing Doudou looking at her phone, Mu Wanying leaned her head over to have a look.

"Where do you live tonight?"

During class break, Mu Wanying drank her saliva and asked.

Tang Dou grabbed her hand and put it on his knee, "Where do you want?"

"I can go anywhere, mainly because it's inconvenient for you to get up early in the morning for training and running." Mu Wanying thought for a while and said, "Let's go back to the rented house. It's farther than renting a house if you send me back to school. Send me back to school before returning to you." School is more troublesome."

Tang Dou can do whatever he wants, the rented house is between the two schools, and the two schools are not far away.

"Dou Dou, accompany me to the bathroom."

Mu Wanying opened her schoolbag and took out two pieces of paper, pulled down her trousers and stood up.

"Let's go."

Tang Dou asked people outside to give up their seats, and went to the aisle station to let Mu Wanying go in front. The two of them went to the front of the podium, and Tang Dou showed Su Yuwei's leave slip to the teacher, so as not to make a special trip for the next class .

The teacher took out the attendance sheet and prepared to register. Seeing that there were two red ticks behind Su Yuwei's name, he had an image, so he didn't ask for leave. Good students were treated differently.

After leaving the classroom, Mu Wanying slowed down and waited for Tang Dou to come out.

Tang Dou didn't feel it at first, but he also felt it when he went to the bathroom. He went in and let it go, and came out to wait for Mu Wanying in the corridor.

"Is the monitor waiting for me?"

Wang Xuehan came out of the women's toilet, and said with a bright smile.

"The person I'm waiting for hasn't come out yet."

Tang Dou also laughed.

"Hey, you're so straight, you won't be able to deceive people and make you happy."

Wang Xuehan pretended to be sad, and left with her best friend on her arm.

Mu Wanying came out, stood with Tang Dou in front of the window, raised her head and said sullenly:
"It's good for the two of you to be in the same class, and you can keep pace."

"I feel like it's good now, I have a thought every day."

Tang Dou leaned against the guardrail, Mu Wanying stood in front of him and nodded.

After class was over at 10:[-], Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went back to the rented room directly, went downstairs and out of the school in [-] minutes, returned to the nest in ten minutes, and returned before ten o'clock.

Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou to wash up first, then tidied up the bedroom by herself, went to the balcony to collect a sheet and spread it on the bed, brought the quilt, pillows, and dolls that were dried in the living room and threw them on the bed, and changed into pajamas from the closet.

After Tang Dou washed his face and brushed his teeth, he washed his feet by the way, went back to the bedroom, put on his pajamas, lay down on the bed and looked at his phone.

"Stop playing with your phone, go to bed early."

In front of the mirror, Mu Wanying took off the rubber bands and hairpins that bound her hair, let her hair loose and looked back.

"Wait with you."

Tang Dou looked up and continued to look at his mobile phone. It was only past ten o'clock and he couldn't fall asleep. Even if he had to wake up early, he would not be able to fall asleep until after 11:30. This is the biological clock developed in the past six months.

When he was writing in his previous life, he couldn't fall asleep before twelve o'clock. He usually wrote until twelve o'clock.

Mu Wanying stretched her hair with a headband, turned around and saw Doudou's fur sticking together on the buttoned pajamas, and there were marks on the front of the pajamas jacket, Mu Wanying pursed her lips, "I forgot to wash it for you, come back tomorrow at noon you wash."

"You don't need to come back to wash it, Wanying, you pee farther than me."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and joked, he was caught off guard last night and almost drowned.

"Don't laugh, it's all your fault."

Mu Wanying picked up Pikachu and threw it on Tang Dou, angrily went to wash up, and when she came back, the water glass was poured out, she went to the living room to get the boiled water, poured a glass for each of them, and asked Doudou if there was anything wrong .

Tang Dou was fine, so he turned on the lamp, Mu Wanying closed the door, turned off the lamp and went to bed.

"My cat."

When Mu Wanying passed by, Tang Dou cut her off, put the quilt in his arms, and stroking the cat (Wanying) every day.

"Meow meow meow."

Mu Wanying rode on Tang Dou's lap, stretching out her claws like a cat meowing, "Dou Dou, are you a mouse or a fish?"

 Thanks to Crane Comb Qiong Yuluo, Ah Ye's Rain, and Mao Xiaole who lost his way, for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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