Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 276 Bringing a Girl First Stop

Chapter 276

In the evening, Mu Wanying and Tang Tang slept in the master bedroom, and Tang Dou slept in the second bedroom.

The flag will be raised at Tiananmen Square at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. To catch up with the flag-raising ceremony, we have to get up and start at [-]:[-].

Tang Tang was looking forward to it, so excited that he couldn't sleep last night.

Tang Dou will definitely not be able to get out of bed if no one calls him. He has been in Kyoto for so long and only went to Tiananmen Square for the flag-raising ceremony. He went there after military training last year. Tang Dou went to see it several times in his previous life. Last year, he didn’t want to go.

But I couldn't stand Mu Wanying's moral kidnapping.

Mu Wanying said that he didn't even watch the flag raising when he came to Kyoto, and he didn't love the motherland.

Tang Dou said he loves it very much.

Although his concept has become blurred because of some people and things, and it is far less intense and selfless than when he was a child, but deep down in his heart, he definitely hopes that the motherland will get better and better, and there is no sense of home and security without the country.

Look at those countries that are bullied, war-torn, and in dire straits, who has any reason not to be patriotic.

Mu Wanying said she loves and went to watch the flag-raising ceremony together.

Tang Dou said no problem, don't just talk about love, come to something practical, and give birth to a flower for the motherland with me.

If you don't want to, talk about loving the motherland.

Mu Wanying gritted her teeth.

The first time in Tang Dou's previous life was when he went to Beijing to see Mu Wanying on New Year's Day, and Mu Wanying took him to see him.

The second time was the Three National Days, Mu Wanying didn't go home, Tang Dou came to the capital, and it was Mu Wanying who took him to see it.The third time was the Fourth and May [-]st, and it was also with Mu Wanying. It was like saying goodbye to the capital where she had been staying with Mu Wanying for four years.

It's better to see New Year's Day, because it is winter, and the flag is raised at sunrise after [-] o'clock in the morning.

In summer, the sun rises early and the flag is raised early.

In high school, it was easy for Tang Dou to go to bed early and it was difficult to get up early. As long as his mother didn’t force him to read, he could fall asleep after nine o’clock, but now he couldn’t fall asleep after nine o’clock at all. 09:30 to 11:30 in the evening is the time when brain cells are most active part.

Unless you have a cold, drink a cup of 999 Ganmao Ling and fall asleep.

It’s really like Mongolian sweat medicine. I had a cold in the second year of high school. I went to self-study in the evening and made two bags of Tang Dou and drank it together. Good guy, it’s more powerful than being drunk. The next day Tang Dou didn’t know how to get back to the dormitory at night.

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang soaked their feet together in the bedroom, like sisters.

Tang Dou waited for the footbath after washing.

"Brother, all those medals you won in your college sports meeting?" Tang Tang pointed to the sign hanging on the wall and said, "Give me one."

"Okay, I'll give you the copper one."

Tang Dou took it down and said.

"I want gold."

Tang Tang looked down on the bronze medal.

"The copper one is real copper, the gold one is fake, and the copper one is more precious."

"I want a fake one too."

"Choose whatever you want."

Tang Dou gave all five brands to the old girl.

Tang Tang took a gold nugget and put it on for herself. "It's more convenient for two people to rent a house. The most troublesome thing about school accommodation every day is getting hot water. Sometimes it's really annoying. Any trivial matter can cause conflicts."

Tang Dou said: "You didn't have any conflicts with your roommate, did you?"

"I'm not that boring. The eight people in our dormitory used to be divided into three factions, two factions and three people. I and Wang Ruyi, who have the best relationship, are in the same faction. I have become a peacemaker in the dormitory. Our original head of the dormitory is very mean. , I was overthrown by everyone, and I was unanimously elected. I didn't want to be the one, but I did it for the sake of harmony in the dormitory."

Tang Tang talked eloquently.

"You have a bad temper and a peacemaker."

Tang Dou smiled.

The old girl is so bad at home, sowing trouble between him and his mother, but she is a good person at school.

Mu Wanying said: "It has nothing to do with temper, it mainly depends on character and character."

"That is, the relationship between our dormitory has eased a lot since I became the head of the dormitory." Tang Tang looked proud, and said to Mu Wanying: "How is the relationship between the college girls' dormitory?"

"Okay, fine, it's more complicated than high school."

In high school, I only focus on studying and have no time to think about other things. In college, I have a lot of idle minds, and there are other competitions and comparisons.

After Mu Wanying and Tang Tang finished washing their feet, Tang Dou threw the foot towel over, poured out the water, and took the water to soak their feet well. They have been very angry in the competition for the past few days.

I have to get up early tomorrow, and I will go back to my bedroom directly after washing Tang Dou.

Tang Tang went to the bathroom, looked at the elder brother, put his head in front of the elder brother's mobile phone, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing, go to bed early."

Tang Dou pushed the old girl's head away.

"Good night brother."

Not long after Tang Tang went out, Mu Wanying came over, and she squatted beside the bed and kissed Doudou good night.

"Stop looking at your phone, go to bed early."

"Well, ready to sleep."

Tang Dou put down his phone.

At three o'clock, the alarm clock rang. Mu Wanying woke up Tang Tang first, and then went to call Tang Dou.With Mu Wanying around, Tang Dou didn't have to worry about anything.After waking Tang Dou up, Mu Wanying went to the bathroom first.

Tang Doulai will go to bed, and wait for the two of them to finish their work before getting up, the lady first.

Tang Tang was very sleepy, but he got up quickly and changed his clothes, took a toothbrush in his bag and went to the bathroom.Mu Wanying prepared a glass water cup for her to use as a cup for brushing her teeth.

"Sister-in-law, which towel should I use?"

There were two towels hanging in the bathroom, Tang Tang asked.

"This one, that one is for bathing."

Mu Wanying pointed.

Tang Tang understood that the old brother and sister-in-law share the same bed, and the sheets and quilts in the second bedroom are brand new. It seems that the old brother and Mu Wanying usually cover the same quilt, so close.

The elder brother is also very good, and after more than half a year in college, he completely took down Mu Wanying.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying each use their own toothbrush.

Daily necessities such as shampoo, shower gel, towels, and bath towels are shared.

Tang Dou never bought hand cream and face oil either, either he didn't use it, or he just used Mu Wanying's.

After Mu Wanying and Tang Tang finished washing, Tang Dou went in and washed his face, rinsed his mouth with mouthwash and it was over. It took less than 2 minutes to pee.Both Tang Tang and Mu Wanying have seen Tang Dou's speed, so they are not surprised at all.

Tang Tang said: "I really admire the speed of boys."

"Boys have a sense of time, but you girls are always fussing."

Tang Dou laughed.

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang rolled their eyes at him at the same time, Tang Tang said with contempt: "It's obviously lazy, sister-in-law, is my brother washing his feet diligently now? When I was at home, my brother sometimes didn't wash his feet for seven or eight days, and the white socks could be worn into black."

Are you so dark, brother?

Tang Dou gave the old girl a good look.

"I'm very diligent now, washing my feet and socks every day."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Doudao.

Mu Wanying brought water to wash when Tang Dou didn't want to wash, and of course Tang Dou also washed for Mu Wanying when she didn't want to move.

Tang Tang wore sportswear, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying also wore sportswear.

Mu Wanying has white short sleeves, a light pink baseball shirt, and sports pants; Tang Dou has short sleeves, a dark blue hooded windbreaker, and sports pants.The two women each carried a bag, Tang Dou was relaxed, and Mu Wanying put the selfie stick in the bag and set off.

The first stop of Wuyimei, Tiananmen Square, watched the flag-raising ceremony.

The weather is fine today, the morning breeze is breezy, the bright sky is cloudless, the flag is raised at 04:30, Tang Dou, Mu Wanying, and Tang Tang arrive at Tiananmen Square at [-]:[-].

The square is already overcrowded, and everyone is watching, waiting for the sacred and solemn flag-raising ceremony.

"There are so many people. I used to watch it on TV, but today I finally got to see it personally."

After getting off the car and trotting all the way, Tang Tang blushed and was extremely excited.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying looked at each other and smiled.

The entrance was open, and there was a dense mass of people swarming forward. The three of Tang Dou didn't catch up with the good position. It is estimated that the red flag can be seen halfway, but it doesn't matter. The main reason to come here to watch the flag-raising ceremony is to feel the atmosphere with your heart.

At sunrise in the east, an inspiring melody sounded in the square, and the noisy sea of ​​people quieted down. Although the people behind couldn't see them, they all quietly focused on the front.

On the left side of Tang Dou, Tang Tang pulled his arm and stretched his neck as far as possible on the tip of his toes. Tang Dou wanted to lift her up, but it was inappropriate to think about it. The old girl is not too young. If it is a child, it is fine.

On the right, Mu Wanying held Tang Dou's hand, her lips moved slightly.

This solemnity and sacredness cannot be described in words.

Before Tang Dou was reborn, he could only feel it when the national flag was raised.

(End of this chapter)

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