Chapter 277
After watching the exciting flag-raising ceremony, Tang Tang was still immersed in the excitement. When the crowd shouted "Long live the motherland, I love the motherland", she was infected. She couldn't control her emotions and shouted a few times, and her voice was a bit hoarse after shouting.

"I also gave a speech as a student representative at the school's flag-raising ceremony last week."


Mu Wanying asked her with a smile.

Tang Tang held Mu Wanying's arm and said, "It's the first time I've given a speech to all the students and teachers in the school. I was very nervous at the beginning. I forgot how to walk when I was on stage, and my voice trembled a little at the beginning of the speech."

"You are far behind my brother on this point. My brother also gave a speech at the flag-raising ceremony in the first year of high school, and the whole process was unscripted."

Tang Dou has no modesty, and his strength does not allow it.

Tang Tang expressed his disbelief. Facing three or four thousand teachers and students, some young teachers were nervous, let alone students.

My brother's cowhide is getting bigger and bigger, and he is not afraid of flashing his tongue.

"It's true. Although your brother forgot his words a few times in the middle, he finished the speech without the script, which is very powerful."

Mu Wanying told the truth, she gave a speech at the school flag-raising ceremony in junior high school, and she couldn't help feeling nervous in high school. Doudou said that she didn't have the guts and confidence, but that she didn't have a thick skin, and she had to practice it from a young age.

Tang Tang said: "Well, isn't the flag-raising ceremony all students with good grades giving speeches?"

"It's okay to be good at Chinese."

This was recommended by the teacher in charge. Mu Jinhua recommended Tang Dou that time. Of course Tang Dou should cherish the opportunity.

Mu Wanying: "Tang, how is your language?"

Tang Tang: "It's so-so, 150 points can score 110 points."

Mu Wanying: "It's not bad. My dad grades the papers strictly. The better the students, the stricter the judgment. Your brother's Chinese skills are generally more than 120, and I rarely get a hundred."

Tang Tang: "Teacher Mu is stricter in grading papers than other Chinese teachers. He catches typos in reading comprehension and appreciation of ancient poems, and corrections in compositions are also counted as typos. Points are deducted. But this works very well. I used to write in a hurry in the exam, so I just drew pictures if I made mistakes. Black circle, the rolled noodles are much better now."

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang have nothing to do with Tang Dou.

"Wanying, your language is really good. You use parallelism, metaphors, and quotations in your composition. The language seems to be done in one go, impassioned, but in reality it is empty. You feel very connotative when you read it, but it is awkward for others to read."

Tang Dou interjected.

"My Chinese was taught by my mother."

Mu Wanying twisted Tang Dou hard, her high school composition was really read now, "I can't bear to see it", I made things difficult for my father, every time I read it word by word, wrote comments, and complained that my father deliberately didn't write High score yourself.

"Ask your mother if she is responsible for this."

"My mother often tutored me in Chinese."

Mu Wanying curled her lips.

Every time she finished the Chinese test in high school, she went home and complained to her father, who would show her Doudou's test paper. She thought Doudou's test paper was average, so she said that her father was partial, and then her mother checked her test paper. , watching and talking.

"Ahem. Your mother is indeed responsible for this."

Tang Dou almost laughed out loud, and if he didn't learn well, he blamed the tutor. The teacher was wronged, but Mu Wanying was the teacher's baby bump, and if the teacher didn't take the blame, who would take the blame?

Tang Tang smiled from ear to ear, brother and sister-in-law are really interesting.

After breakfast at six o'clock, it was still early, Tang Dou wanted to go to the hourly room nearby for a rest meeting, but he couldn't find a vacant room after checking, so the three of them walked around Tiananmen Square to take pictures, bought some snacks and drinks and set off at seven o'clock Go to the Forbidden City.

Get off at Tiananmen East, walk for a while and enter through the Meridian Gate.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying have student ID cards, Tang Tang is underage, and the tickets are not expensive.

"I don't know that minors can buy half-price tickets with ID cards."

Tang Tang was very surprised when he bought the tickets, and he was still holding his high school student ID card in his hand.

"It's half price if you prove that you're underage, oh, it's one-third." Tang Dou put his left arm around the old girl's shoulder, and held Mu Wanying with his right hand, singing a poem with a smile: "Left the yellow, right Qingcang!" , brocade hat and ermine fur."

Before they finished speaking, both sides shook him off at the same time.

"Brother, you really owe me." Seeing that the empty-handed brother was still bullying others, Tang Tang took off her bag and stuffed it to him, "Sister-in-law, you also give it to my brother. A big boy is so kind as to let the two girls carry the luggage."

"Mine doesn't sink."

Mu Wanying can't do it anymore, it's not good for Dou Dou to carry two women's bags.

Facts have proved that the wife is still cute, and the sister is the cheater.

"I said don't buy anything, just buy it when you're hungry."

Tang Dou just asked them to buy less, and the two of them wanted to buy, carrying two bags full of food and drink.

"The scenic spots are expensive, so why spend those unreasonable money."

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang in the Forbidden City were in high spirits. Mu Wanying held up the selfie stick, and the two walked around to take pictures, sometimes using Tang Dou as the background.

Tang Dou was revisiting his old place, without that kind of freshness, and followed behind as a flower protector.

There is news in the family group.

It was posted by my mother, Lao Tang, my mother, the teacher and his wife are traveling by car. This meeting has already arrived in Yunnan. The parents of the two families are in the south and the children are in the north. They share their happy time all the time.

"Mom, pay attention to safety outside, and drive carefully with my dad."

Mu Wanying clicked on her family group to reply her mother.

Feng Qinglan: "Wanying, will you go home on the fifth?"

Mu Wanying: "Well, go back with Doudou, you guys have fun and don't rush home, I will go home on the [-]th and stay for two days on the [-]th or [-]th and go back to school with Doudou."

Mu Wanying clicked on a photo sent by her mother, came to Tang Dou's side and said:

"This season, the scenery in the south is still good, but the weather is a little bit hot, and the weather in the north will be just right."

"Let's go to Suzhou next year on May [-]st."

Mu Wanying put away her phone and added.

"There are no holidays, you can only see people, and it's crowded. Summer vacation or two days off in normal times plus weekends are enough."

Tang Dou doesn't like traveling on holidays, not to mention the crowds, the places to live are hard to find and expensive, and he prefers to stay at home during holidays.

"Then let's go after the fourth-level exam. Not this year, after the fourth-level exam, it will be the end of the term, and we have to review, and it will be summer, and the south is too hot."

Mu Wanying thought about it for a while, not this year, but next year.

"Brother, sister-in-law, let me take a picture of you two."

Tang Tang took the phone off the selfie stick and said.

Mu Wanying stood on Tang Dou's right, holding Tang Dou's arm, and turned her head to make a cute poss.

According to Tang Dou and Mu Wanying's plan, they will watch the flag-raising ceremony in the morning on May [-]st, go to the Forbidden City in the morning, and after visiting the Forbidden City at [-]:[-] pm, today's focus will be over, and they will go back to rest after dinner.

Tang Tang was so tired that he went back to the sofa directly.

The girl was so excited the night before that she didn't sleep well, and yesterday she was so excited that she didn't rest well when she first came to Kyoto last night. She told Mu Wanying that she didn't sleep well until after [-] o'clock.

This will look like a hollowed out body on the sofa.

"Tang will go back to the bedroom to sleep, and go to our school after dinner in the afternoon."

Mu Wanying put down her bag and dragged her coat to the hanger.

"It's enough to rest, I can't sleep." Tang Tang sat up and said, "Is there any food in your school during the holidays? I want to try the university food."

"This can't satisfy you, I'll take you to eat roast duck in the afternoon." Tang Dou rubbed her head and said, "I have dark circles under my eyes, go to the bedroom to sleep, take a good rest today, and go to Badaling tomorrow."

"I have dark circles under my eyes."

Tang Tang ran to look in the mirror and went to the bedroom to rest.

Mu Wanying covered her with the quilt and went to the second bedroom to find Doudou.

(End of this chapter)

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