Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 279 I went to high school, did you go to college?

Chapter 279 I went to high school, did you go to college?
Tang Tang and Mu Wanying were both very excited when it came to making Tang Dou dress up as a woman.

As long as he can sneak into Mu Wanying's dormitory, it's not impossible to dress up as Tang Dou as a woman.

You don’t need to dress up carefully to fool the building management. Today Tang Dou wears sports pants with tight feet. There is no difference between men’s and women’s styles. And Mu Wanying’s pink baseball shirt is a set. Tang Dou wears chubby sneakers, which are quite cute. At first glance, he can't tell the difference between men and women, but he doesn't have a hat and hair so it's hard to fool him.

Mu Wanying took Tang Dou to a boutique outside the school to buy equipment.

Not far away, just opposite the school gate, where Mu Wanying and Tang Tang picked out wigs first.

"Black or yellow?"

Finding the wig, Tang Tang asked.

"With your brother's temperament, it is suitable for Hei Zhichang."

Mu Wanying sized Tang Dou up, stroked her chin and said thoughtfully.

"Smooth bangs or slanted bangs?"

"Oval face, let's have bangs."


Listening to the two women whispering, Tang Dou's goosebumps got layer after layer.

"Brother, come here."

Tang Tang pulled Tang Dou to the corner to try.

"Beautiful skin, big eyes, exquisite facial features, and full of enchantment."

Tang Tang fiddled with the wig for the elder brother, making a goose laugh.

"It's really pretty. Dressing up and wearing women's clothes will make many girls feel ashamed."

Mu Wanying couldn't help but smile, and took out her phone to take a picture.

"Don't take pictures."

Tang Dou blocked the camera.

"Farewell, Dou Dou, I don't like taking a photo."

Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's hand with her left hand, took a step back with her left foot, stood with her feet one in front of the other, her body leaned back slightly, and her right hand held up the mobile phone to click. With the back of his hand covering his mouth while smiling uncontrollably.

"Sister-in-law, let me see."

Tang Tang looked at it and couldn't stop laughing.

As soon as Tang Dou's face darkened, he pulled down his wig.

"Farewell, it's very beautiful, we were amazed."

Mu Wanying quickly stopped her.

"That's right, brother, I think our genders are reversed."

Tang Tang stopped laughing.

The simple wig in the boutique was too obvious. Mu Wanying looked around and took a pink baseball cap.

"That's all right now, Brother Zhen, it should be sister now."

Tang Tang applauded.

Tang Dou looked in the mirror, this is where the goblin came here to harm the country and the people, in order to go to Mu Wanying's dormitory, he endured it.

"So be it."

Mu Wanying shook her head, with a suppressed expression on her face, she took the wig and hat to pay the bill.

Go to the apartment area, find a corner, Mu Wanying took off her coat and let Tang Dou put it on, then put on the wig for Tang Dou and set it up, took out a comb from her bag to comb her bangs neatly, Tang Tang put her hat on Put it on.

Tang Tang shook his head in admiration, "Wow, this person should have existed in the sky."

"Put my bag on my back again, and the building management will never see it if I don't look carefully."

Mu Wanying put the shoulder strap of the bag on the back, put it on Tang Dou's back, and took out her own lip balm to apply it.

"Brother, don't talk for a while."

Tang Tang took a photo, I have a brother like a sister.

This time, Tang Douhei has straight bangs, fair skin, big eyes, wearing a pink baseball cap, a light pink baseball shirt on his upper body, sports pants underneath, and a bag on his back. He is 1.8 meters tall and has long legs. Especially eye-catching.

Tang Dou walked in the middle, with Mu Wanying and Tang Tang on both sides, and the three walked into the girls' dormitory swaggeringly.

The building management took a look and didn't take it seriously.

The girls who came in and out of the building all cast surprised glances. The tall beauties felt weird when they looked carefully. It’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. Generally, tall beauties seem to have a lot of personality, maybe it’s because of their self-confidence. , They want girls who are tall but not tall, and girls who want good looks but not good looks, how dare they dress up as they want.

Tang Dou turned a blind eye and walked forward, while Mu Wanying and Tang Tang suppressed the urge to laugh.

Outside Mu Wanying's dormitory, Mu Wanying took out the key to open the door, let Tang Dou and Tang Tang in first, Tang Dou took off Mu Wanying's coat as soon as she entered, and took off her hat and wig. acquaintance.

"Brother, it's really a pity that you are not a girl."

Tang Tang and Mu Wanying were overjoyed.

"Being a girl is so troublesome, who cares?"

Tang Dou cut his voice, and walked to Mu Wanying's bed. It was very tidy, and it was the neatest in the dormitory.

The quilt is stacked on the bed, the desk under the bed is neat, the books are arranged vertically from left to right from large to small, the desktop pen holder, water cup, and desk lamp are placed in order, and there is a blue mini stapler next to it, and a Tang bucket hanging on the wall hook Sent small pendant.

Hang some messy clothes on the balcony.

Although it is a dormitory for girls, except for Mu Wanying's bed, the others are not much better than the boys in Tangdou's dormitory, because Mu Wanying has not come back recently, the overall appearance of the dormitory is messy, the floor is not swept, the trash can is full, and the bathroom is full. It's not as clean as Tang Dou's dormitory.

Li Xiongxiong in Tang Dou's dormitory loves cleanliness, and washes the bathroom every once in a while. He and An Qi often make the dormitory clean, and they are often rated as excellent dormitories. It is estimated that no one in the general female dormitory does this for half a year.

Credits will be added for being rated as an excellent dormitory, and everyone in the dormitory will be awarded credits.

“Great college dorms.”

Tang Tang was very envious when she saw it. It is much more convenient to have a bathroom in the school dormitory. There is no bathroom in the high school dormitory. The first thing in the morning, queuing up to go to the toilet is a very painful thing for girls.

There is also recess.

There is no toilet in the teaching building, and when I want to go to the toilet, I start to worry when the get out of class is not over.

Tang Dou said: "It's just more bathrooms than high school."

"Isn't that enough?" Tang Tang asked back, "You don't understand the pain of girls, right sister-in-law?"

Mu Wanying nodded, "I think there should be more girls than boys in the toilets in schools, especially universities, like our departments, where the ratio of males to females is 4 to 6, and some schools have more females than males, but there are the same bathrooms. The queue to go to the toilet is all the way to the corridor, and there are only a few people in the male bathroom."

"But the university is okay, there are bathrooms on every floor."

Tang Tang took a photo of her brother's women's clothing and posted it on Moments, "My sister is 1.8 meters tall and has a face value of 98. I want a boyfriend who is 1.9 meters tall. She is more handsome than Daniel Wu."

After posting, he had a ghostly smile on his face.

"Aren't you without a sister?"

"I'm going, it's really a bit like Tang Tang, the eyes are carved out of the same mold, are they lost for many years?"


Shen Yun didn't recognize it at first glance, but after recognizing Mu Wanying's bag on her back, she felt sorry for her son and was beaten up by those two goblins.

I stayed in the dormitory for a while, put on Tang Dou's equipment, and went out to the playground. There were many people on the playground at seven or eight o'clock. Mayday should be the most comfortable time of the year in the north. The evening wind blows, and the school playground is very leisurely.

Tang Dou in women's clothing has a particularly high rate of turning heads, and men and women take it all, some boys whispered about it.

"These three sisters are all beautiful, a bunch of beauties."

"The one in the middle is 1.8 meters. It's beautiful because it's beautiful. It's too tall. I don't like girls who are too tall. The one on the left should be 1.7 meters. It's just right, and the one on the right is also good."

"You don't know how to appreciate it. The legs of a 1.8-meter beauty wearing short skirts, shorts or tights are simply heaven-defying."

Hearing this, Tang Dou was covered in goose bumps, and he didn't look for a place where there was no one else. He tore off his wig while walking, and took off Mu Wanying's coat.

Passing by the supermarket, Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou and Tang Tang what to drink.

Tang Dou asked for soda water. It turned out that he liked to drink cola. He heard that cola was harmful to boys, so he tried not to drink it. Tang Tang asked for fruit oranges, and Mu Wanying made her own jasmine tea.

The three of them walked around for a while, sitting on the middle lawn, cross-legged in a circle.

"I really yearn for university, but high school is too hard."

Tang Tang looked up to the sky and sighed, sitting on the playground of the university, thinking about high school, the world is different.

"What is the torment in the first year of high school? Go back to school and relax your mind. University is not as good as I imagined, and high school is not so painful. We still miss high school now."

Tang Dou patiently enlightened the old girl.

"If you miss high school, you have to be jealous."

Tang Tang didn't believe that college students would miss their high school life at all, so they were seriously ill.

"I went to high school and did you go to college?"

Typical college students know the beauty of high school, but high school students don't know the helplessness of college students.

"Sometimes I really miss high school. Every day is full and simple. I just need to study. University is much more complicated than high school, and sometimes it is actually very empty."

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Tang and said.

"Okay." Tang Tang held Mu Wanying's arm, "Actually, I just talked about it, as long as my mother doesn't interfere with my study and lets me study in my own way, I feel that learning is quite interesting, anyway, at this age I don’t study and I don’t do serious things.”

(End of this chapter)

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