Chapter 280 Wang, Wang Wang
On the playground, Tang Dou was chatting with his buddies, while Mu Wanying and Tang Tang were chatting and playing games.

Swiping Moments, Tang Dou's face turned black when he saw the post about the old girl asking for a boyfriend for 'sister'.

Comment area.

Cousin Shen Feifei and cousin Shen Jie doubted Tang Dou's gender.The cousin said that it is no wonder that the cousin is not interested in girls, it should be the cousin.The cousin said that her best friend's elder brother is 192 tall, not as handsome as Wu Yanzu, but he is not bad.

The uncle said that the eldest nephew was spoiled.

My aunt didn't doubt Tang Dou's gender, after all, Tang Dou was teased by her to grow up, and said that she had discovered that Dou Dou had the potential to be a girl long ago.I don't know where I got Zhang Tangdou's childhood photos of women's clothing to post in the group.

My aunt fooled Tang Dou into wearing women's clothing to go to kindergarten when he was a child. Tang Dou vaguely remembered this dark history, but he didn't expect his aunt to leave evidence, which is too bad.

Mom nodded silently.

Old Tang commented in a very low-key way, "After so many years, the eldest daughter has finally been exposed."

Old Tang is usually a diving master, and occasionally bubbling is like this.

Tang Dou became popular among relatives and Tang Tang's circle of friends again.

"The circle of friends has been deleted."

Tang Dou grabbed a handful of lawn rubber and threw it on the old girl's head.

"It's good, why did you delete it?"

Tang Tang lowered his head and patted his head.

"Do you still want to transfer tomorrow?"

"Okay, okay, I'll delete it."

Tang Tang and Mu Wanying looked at each other and smiled, obediently opened Moments, Mu Wanying was curious to see what Moments made grudges like this, "My sister is 1.8 meters, looks 98, looking for a boyfriend, height 1.9 meters, handsomer than Wu Yanzu'

"It's really good."

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and smiled.

Tang Tang reluctantly deleted the circle of friends, and then found a photo of her brother's women's clothing when she was a child in the group of relatives and showed it to Mu Wanying, "My brother was cute when he was young, right?"

In the photo, Tang Dou is five or six years old. He wears a braided wig and a pink skirt, which looks gaudy.

"It's so cute, and she's still wearing a skirt. Forward it to me."

Mu Wanying was overjoyed, cooing and giggling with Tang Tang, Doudou actually has such a dark history, and in the future, Doudou will expose this photo if he is disobedient.

Tang Dou didn't bother to pay attention, and got up to go to the bathroom next to the playground.

After going to the bathroom and coming back, I saw the two boys squatting in front of Mu Wanying and Tang Tang asking if they could play together, I saw Mu Wanying raised her neck towards Tang Dou, the two boys looked back, stood up and walked away in a hurry .

What about courage?
Tang Dou thought something broken in his heart.

"what for?"

Tang Dou asked knowingly.

Tang Tang said: "I want to contact you."

Sitting on the playground until almost nine o'clock and returning to the rented room, Tang Tang wanted to take a bath, Tang Dou tore off the socks and threw them for her to wash, Tang Tang complained, the National People's Congress came all the way and you asked people to wash the socks, but you still wash them obediently .

"Don't worry about the sugar, I'll wash it later, you wash the dates first."

Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's socks aside, Tang Tang took them back and said, "I'll wash the jujubes by the way, sister-in-law, take off yours and I'll wash them together."

Mu Wanying didn't need it, but Tang Tang's enthusiasm was hard to dissipate, so she embarrassedly gave it up.Mu Wanying went to wash her hands first and got half a basin of water to wash her feet with Tang Dou, while Tang Tang went to wash the dates.

"It's not easy for your sister to come here once, so don't use her for everything."

After Tang Tang went to the bathroom, Mu Wanying said.

"Dear sister, what's the matter?"

Tang Dou didn't take it seriously, a sister is a sister everywhere, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.

"I'm sorry to make your sister think that I don't usually wash you."

Mu Wanying scolded Tang Dou.

This is true, Tang Dou didn't think so much, seeing that Mu Wanying was a little unhappy, Tang Dou took out the small stool under the bed and sat down to soak his feet together, rubbing Mu Wanying first.

"I'll do it myself and let your sister see what she thinks. You wash my feet, but let her wash your socks."

Mu Wanying pushed Tang Dou's hand away.

Tang Dou was a little helpless, the old girl was her own sister, how could she be so pretentious, how could a brother think so much about ordering his own sister, she was not so righteous if she wasn't a relative, Mu Wanying didn't have brothers and sisters, so she just couldn't understand.

Mu Wanying remained silent, lowered her head and rubbed her feet earnestly, Tang Dou lifted his own and stepped on her feet.

"Think more from my perspective in the future."

Mu Wanying glanced up and said.

Tang Dou said: "I know, I know, I will use you more in the future."

Mu Wanying raised her wet hand, ready to shake Tang Dou's face, but Tang Dou kissed the top of her head, "Wanying, you look so cute when you're angry."

"Hmph." Mu Wanying shook her head, "I'm not angry, what's the matter?"

I took my old girl to play in Kyoto for a few days, and on the morning of May [-]th, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying also returned to Tangdu together.

Tang Tang still has more to say.

Classes start on the [-]th, and it's not too late to return on the [-]th, but I can't resist the pressure from my brother, and my sister-in-law doesn't help her.

Can only go home.

Arriving at Tangdu after one o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them went outside to pad their bellies, Tang Dou ate mutton steamed buns, Mu Wanying and Tang Tang ordered Liangpi.

The parents of the two families hadn't come back yet, so Mu Wanying went to Tang Dou's house first, and went to Tang Dou's community to buy dinner for the evening.

After resting for a while, Tang Tang asked my brother to make dinner.

Tang Dou didn't want to do it.

There are two girls in the family, so I am ashamed to let a boy cook.

"Boys are all the same. My brother was so diligent last year. Since he caught up with his sister-in-law, he has become more and more lazy. He didn't wash his socks when he came back." Tang Tang said to Mu Wanying: "Sister-in-law, is my brother so lazy outside? ?”

"It's fine outside."

Mu Wanying smiled.

In fact, Mu Wanying thinks it's good for boys to be lazy sometimes. If boys take care of everything at home and outside, as a girl who eats dry food all day, she feels that she is redundant, has no sense of existence, and lacks a sense of security.

"Brother, my sister-in-law and I will cook, and you will wash the dishes."

Tang Tang talks about conditions.

"I just finished eating, you two can eat as long as you cook."

Tang Douge You slumped on the sofa, with an attitude of "I won't eat if I don't eat".

If there is no one else, if the old girl is in a hurry, she might cook the noodles by herself. I really don't care about his poor brother. He used to do this all the time. He didn't wash the pot after eating. Such a thing would never happen to Mu Wanying. She was married in her previous life Afterwards, the two of them were unhappy because of their quarrel, so Mu Wanying followed suit at meal time, and said indifferently 'eat' when it was done.

"Then we made it and you don't eat it."

Tang Tang was speechless, after dating for less than a year, my brother completely changed back to his original form, he was too lazy to do anything.

"If you don't eat it, you won't eat it. I won't eat it tomorrow, I won't eat it tomorrow night, I won't eat it the morning after tomorrow, and I won't eat it the day after tomorrow night."

Tang Dou dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Before going home, he ate a big bowl of mutton steamed buns, a meat bun, and a bowl of porridge. This will fill his stomach full, and he feels that he will not be hungry at night. Let's talk about it, anyway, today I just don't want to do anything, it's not that Tang Dou is hypocritical, there are always a few days every month when I don't want to do anything.

"Eat you are a dog."

Tang Tang was full of anger.

"Wow, wang wang."

Tang Dou suddenly yelled at the old girl a few times, what's wrong with being a cat or a dog.

Shocked by the sudden nervous elder brother, Tang Tang was disgusted and wanted to cry but had no tears at the same time.

Shameless and invincible in the world is vividly reflected in the old brother. I used to lie to her for money and rob her of food. I can't get used to my old brother and can't get rid of him. It feels so uncomfortable. If it weren't for Mu Wanying, she would have left early socks off.

Tired after eating.

Tang Dou fell down on Mu Wanying's lap and put his feet in the arms of the old girl on the other side.

"go away."

Tang Tang pushed away fiercely, "Sister-in-law, we won't cook for him today."

Seeing her furious Yazi, Mu Wanying was very happy instead, she never thought that Doudou had such a clumsy and cute side.This is the power of love, making a person's shortcomings cute in the eyes of the other person.

Mu Wanying is still very envious of Doudou and Tang Tang, it is much more interesting to have brothers and sisters in the family.

"Wanying stays at my house at night."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said.


Mu Wanying nodded, she was the only one when she went back, and Tang Tang was the only one here if Doudou was with her.

That's not coming back.

(End of this chapter)

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