Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 281 Knock on the door in the middle of the night

Chapter 281 Knock on the door in the middle of the night
After a while on the sofa, Tang Tang turned on the TV and watched the new version of "Swordsman". Sugar changed the channel.

Watching "Love Apartment" with Mu Wanying, Tang Tang especially likes watching this TV series.

It was to deliberately oppose her brother.

Mu Wanying saw it and felt envious in her heart. It's good to have someone in the family who quarrels with her. She was the only child in her family, and her childhood was very pale. Thinking about it now, her life was enriched after she met Doudou in the first year of high school.

Although high school Dou Dou made her angry a lot.

But it's also nice to have someone who is constantly pissing you off and making you laugh during adolescence.

After going to university, her personality tends to mature, she is not so easy to get angry, and she is not so easy to be silly and happy. Mu Wanying feels that those memories are more beautiful.

Tang Tang said: "Which type of Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, Guan Gu, and Zhang Wei's sister-in-law like the most?"

"None of them are my type. Mrs. Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao is too scumbag, and Guan Gu is not from the same country. If you have to choose one, Zhang Wei."

Mu Wanying said seriously.

"I also think, what about women, which sister-in-law thinks is the best?"

Tang Tang nodded and asked again.

Mu Wanying said, "Wan Yu."

"Do you know which woman my brother likes the most here?" Tang Tang asked himself and answered, "Sister-in-law, you must not think of that woman at the front desk of the bar."

Mu Wanying couldn't help laughing, that girl is quite beautiful.

Tang Dou lay down and looked at his mobile phone for a while, then fell asleep in a daze, and couldn't hear him for a while, Mu Wanying went to the bathroom, went out to the bedroom to have a look, the room was quite cold, Mu Wanying quilted gently Cover him up.

Looking at his calm expression while squatting, and listening to his even breathing, the corners of Mu Wanying's mouth could not help but slightly twitch.

"What is my brother doing?"

Mu Wanying came out of the bedroom, Tang Tang asked.

Mu Wanying said: "Asleep."

After four o'clock, Tang Tang and Mu Wanying went to cook. Tang Tang's current level can only be used as a starter, and Mu Wanying is in charge of cooking.

Simply make three dishes and one soup, tomatoes and eggs, fried pork with beans, cold vermicelli, and millet porridge.

"My brother is really lucky to marry you."

Mu Wanying can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen, Tang Tang flatters her.

"Actually, it's mutual. For a girl, it's a blessing to meet a boy who is worthy of her sacrifice."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Tang who was peeling the garlic and said.

"That's right, my brother sometimes deserves to be beaten, but he is a very nice person."

Tang Tang can't deny the advantages of his brother.

After peeling the garlic, Tang Tang beat three eggs, and suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, how do you make poached eggs? Every time I boil noodles, the eggs will fall apart."

"After the water boils, turn down the heat, add some cold water, lower your hands when cracking the eggs, and let the water boil slowly." Mu Wanying explained seriously.

"I'll try next time."

After the meal was ready, Tang Tang called his brother to eat, but there was no response when the table was set. Mu Wanying went in to take a look. Tang Dou was still sleeping, in a state of half-awake. Tang Dou felt that he was awake. Squinting his eyes, he saw that everything in the room was the same as before. He was sitting up, but he fell down again before halfway through. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

The body seemed to be firmly held by a pair of invisible hands.

This sleep state is especially real.It's not the same thing as a ghost press. The ghost press is dominated by fear, and you can't wake up when you want to wake up. It usually happens like this when you sleep at night. Tang Dou feels very enjoyable because he dreamed of Mu Wanying.

In fact, Tang Dou didn't move at all, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Mu Wanying gently pushed him before he suddenly woke up.

Tang Dou had this feeling before when he slept during the day. After waking up, he wondered if the soul and body were separated, and the body couldn’t get up when the soul woke up.

When I'm alone, I wake up a little creepy.

Tang Dou woke up and opened his eyes, staring blankly at Mu Wanying, recalling the dream just now, in the dream Mu Wanying was wearing this dress, white short sleeves, and water blue skinny jeans.

"Drowsy! It's almost six o'clock, night."

Pulled up by Mu Wanying, Tang Dou sat silently, the sun had already set and the room was a bit dark, Tang Dou couldn't tell whether it was morning or night, Mu Wanying rubbed his face.

"I thought it was morning."

Tang Dou buried his head in her arms, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes to wake up.

"Get up and eat."

Mu Wanying hugged his head and shook it.

"I slept so deeply. I dreamed of you. I think I will have insomnia at night."

Tang Dou stepped on the slippers, put his arms around Mu Wanying's waist, arched under her arms, stood up and stretched, Mu Wanying pushed him out from behind, Tang Dou yawned, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands Face.

It was Mu Wanying's handicraft, Tang Dou wasn't too hungry, so he went to eat some.

"Brother, don't you want to eat?"

The old onmyoji moved her brother's bowl away.

"I wasn't hungry at first, but when I smelled the rice, I wanted to eat again."

Tang Dou brought over the bowl, first served Mu Wanying with a piece of vegetables, and rewarded her hardworking wife.

After dinner, Tang Dou asked the old girl to do homework, clean up and wash the dishes by herself, and Mu Wanying helped clean up.Tang Tang saw that they were matching men and women, so she stopped intervening and went to tidy up the room.

In the kitchen, Tang Dou washed the dishes for the first time, and Mu Wanying rinsed them for the second time. The two cooperated very well.

After tidying up, the three of them watched TV in the living room. There was no good TV series, and they were tired after running around for a few days, so they queued up to wash up early.

"Wanying, my sister's pajamas are too small, do you wear mine or my mother's?"

Tang Dou finished washing first and came out to speak.


Mu Wanying and Tang Dou went to the bedroom to get it, and sat by the bed to change into it. After she changed her skinny jeans into pajamas, the trouser legs were a little long, so let's just wear it, and Tang Dou brought her a smaller top .

"Not much."

After changing, Mu Wanying took off the bra and let Tang Dou hang it in the closet.

"I bought this pajamas in my freshman year of high school, and I was only a little over 1.7 meters tall at that time."

Tang Dou felt the temperature and breath of Mu Wanying's bra, took a hanger, and hung it on the wardrobe.

"Your senior year was fierce."

Mu Wanying nodded.

"I'll buy you a pair of pajamas, it will be more convenient for you later."

Tang Dou opened Taobao on his mobile phone and searched for girls' pajamas. Mu Wanying said, "You don't need to buy it specially, just wear yours."

"Come into my house, how can I not have your two clothes."

Tang Dou continued to search, and chose one for Mu Wanying to have a look at.

Just buy it, Mu Wanying was sweet in her heart, she picked a light blue one, and Tang Dou placed the order directly.

After I had nothing to do, I went to the bedroom to play. The three of them created a room to play Landlords. They opened the room without losing to Happy Beans.

It's a bit boring to play Tang Dou without the so-called so-called Tang Dou. Seeing Mu Wanying and Tang Tang's high interest, I patiently accompany them. If you play seriously, it's also very interesting.

After playing until one o'clock in the middle of the night, Tang Tang and Mu Wanying went to the master bedroom to sleep.

She drank too much water before going to bed, Mu Wanying woke up at two o'clock, Tang Tang was sound asleep, she got up gently to go to the bathroom, after she heard that the next bed was still awake, she knocked on the door and went in to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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