Chapter 285

"You can live only if my mother is willing to keep you."

Tang Dou wanted to stay at her house at night, but Mu Wanying said she didn't welcome her, but she thought it would be good for Doudou to stay.

"I'm your husband, you just take me in."

It is necessary to have a meal when I come back from a long distance to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law. If the teacher and wife come back late today, he will have to come back at night before leaving tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"That also depends on your performance."

Mu Wanying took a pack of sanitary napkins and threw them into the shopping basket, holding Tang Doudao's arm.

"Hearing you say that, it's really stressful. If you don't perform well one day, your parents will be unhappy."

Tang Dou pretended to be stressed.

"Don't worry, no one has faults without being a sage, and we've both reached this point."

When they arrived at Mu Wanying's house, Mu Wanying opened the window on the balcony, opened the water valve in the kitchen, and turned on the hot water.

"Doudou, I'm thirsty, see what's in the refrigerator and get it for myself."

Mu Wanying yelled while tidying up the room.

Tang Dou was not polite at all, he went to the refrigerator to get Guan Jianlibao, turned on the TV and sat on the sofa to watch.

"Wanying, what do you want me to say?"

"No, there's nothing to clean up."

The mother in the room cleaned up very neatly, and Mu Wanying just packed her own things, and then took back the clothes and bed sheets that were dried on the balcony, hung the clothes in the closet, and folded the bed sheets neatly and put them in the cabinet.

Tang Dou thinks that girls are especially attractive when they do housework, just like when boys are on the playground.

Mu Wanying is wearing short-sleeved white letters and blue skinny jeans today. She has a well-proportioned figure with soft curves, her waist is her waist, her crotch is her crotch, especially her slender and straight legs, which are very beautiful.When she lifted the clothes on the balcony, her top was wrinkled, a white leather belt was on her jeans, and her white and smooth belly was faintly exposed.

The whole person reveals an intellectual beauty that does not match her age.

But it doesn't violate harmony, but it adds some warmth to her beauty.

Tang Dou watched TV, took a sip of Jianlibao, and looked at Mu Wanying's busy figure from time to time, leisurely.

After tidying up, Mu Wanying poured herself a glass of water and sat down on the sofa.

It was hot, just came back from outside, and tidied up the room again. Fine beads of sweat oozed from Mu Wanying's forehead, and a few strands of her bangs stuck to her.There were wet wipes on the table, Tang Dou opened a pack, and took out the tissue to wipe Mu Wanying's sweat.

"Aren't you going back tonight?"

Mu Wanying sat with her face tilted, sitting upright, lowered her head to let her bangs droop, and then pulled them behind her ears.

"Seeing that my sister can't come over for dinner in the afternoon, if she comes, I will go back with her."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying, he just forgot about his old sister.

Mu Wanying nodded after hearing this, picked up the remote control to switch channels, stopped at If You Are the One, "Is this dating show real?"

"Since it's a show, of course it's fake."

Tang Dou laughed.

Mu Wanying couldn't believe that her IQ was so low, "It must be true. Those who participated in the show should be single. If they meet the right person and succeed in holding hands, they might really be together."


Tang Dou didn't understand either. If he had the confidence to go on a blind date on TV, the conditions should not be bad. Having said that, since there are conditions, wouldn't normal people have the resources around to go on a blind date on TV?Don't look for someone who doesn't know what to do.

"It should be fake. To make a show, you must sign up, rehearse, and rehearse. If you have the time, you can talk about it yourself."

Mu Wanying thought for a while and said, "They're all actors."

Since it was just a show, she didn't watch it, Mu Wanying continued to change channels, and after a round of unsightly ones, she dropped the remote control, took a sip from the water glass, it was still hot, put down the water glass, threw off the slippers and knelt down to Tang Dou's legs up, look at him.

Nizi is in a good mood today. I haven't had sex for more than a week. I can see that she is itchy and doesn't have the heart to watch TV.

Tang Dou doesn't show off, don't ruin her good mood and ask him to coax her.

Starting from Jianmen Pass, at the same time untie the protective net of Gemini Pass with one hand to liberate Gemini Pass.

"Uh, Doudou goes to the room."

Mu Wanying stuck to Tang Dou's body and said lazily, then got up and took out an umbrella from the coat pocket on the hanger and said, "It should be safe for these two days, do you want to use it?"

"It's not absolutely safe, use it later."

Tang Dou should pay attention, after all, he is still in college, and being responsible to Mu Wanying is also responsible for himself.

Mu Wanying's heart was very warm when she heard this, and Doudou was always thinking of her, and would not only care about her own feelings.

"Doudou hug me in."

Walking in front of Tang Dou, Mu Wanying stretched out her hand and said.

"More than 110 kilograms, it's still a little stressful to hold."

Princess Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying, pretending to be struggling, and said:
"When marrying a daughter-in-law, you should marry someone who is shorter and thinner. Some rural marriages are especially good at grooming the groom. After receiving someone back, you must first carry the bride from the village entrance and carry it home. Don't let the groom walk too fast. This kind of embarrassment, throwing firecrackers, dancing Yangko, taking three steps and taking two steps back."

Mu Wanying said: "I've seen that kind, the groom is too tired."

Tang Dou said with a smile: "There is a way to save the groom from suffering."

Mu Wanying was curious, "What method?"

"Brides marry with children."

"Well, many of them speed up their marriages only when they have children, but the current society is also very normal. Maybe they planned to delay their marriages, but they can only advance when the children catch up."

When she got to Mu Wanying's room, Mu Wanying's cell phone rang on the bed. She lay down and looked at it. It was nothing important. She put the cell phone on silent, then turned over and lay down and looked at Tang Dou. Tang Dou closed the window and curtains , the door closes.

"Meow, the cat is hunting."

Mu Wanying raised her hands, squeezed them, and threw herself on Tang Dou.

"You are a greedy cat, how will I feed you today?"

Tang Dou pinched her nose affectionately.


Mu Wanying called out very consciously.

After the hard work was over, Mu Wanying lay down quietly for a while, turned sideways, looked at Tang Dourou who was holding her shoulders and said softly:

"What do you think?"

"Of course I miss you. With you, life is simple and warm."

Tang Dou bit Mu Wanying's lips and said.

"Husband, you are so kind."

Mu Wanying put her arm around Tang Dou's neck, with a satisfied and happy smile on her face.

Lying until after three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dou's cell phone flickered, Tang Dou was indifferent, Mu Wanying opened it and looked, "Your sister, she doesn't come to eat, do you want me to call her?"

"No, don't come and let her cook for herself."

Tang Dou shook his head, the old girl is not young anymore, she can take care of herself completely.

"You send her a message."

Mu Wanying gave Tang Dou the mobile phone, and Tang Dou replied to the old girl: "Then you cook and eat yourself, cut vegetables carefully, open the kitchen window when cooking, and remember to close it when you run out of natural gas."

Tang Tang: "I know."

Tang Dou: "My brother may not come home tonight, my parents will tell me when I come back."

Tang Tang: "Okay, then come back early tomorrow."

Tang Dou: "Well, cook and eat early in the afternoon, don't settle for one person."

Tang Tang: "Yeah, I'm going to make oily noodles."

"Beware of hot hands when burning oil."

Knowing that the old girl can do a good job, Tang Dou couldn't help but give a few more words of advice.

"Sometimes I really envy Tang Tang for having a brother like you."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips.

"It doesn't necessarily feel good if you really have it. You don't know how much she disliked me at home before college."

Tang Dou smiled.

"The trouble is that I was ignorant when I was a child. When I grow up, I must feel that it is good to have brothers and sisters, and to rely on when things happen. Like when my parents are sick, I feel a lot of pressure."

Mu Wanying sighed.

"Don't worry about it in the future, no matter what happens, I will carry it with you."

(End of this chapter)

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