Chapter 286 I Said Five Words Too Much
It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

With an early meal in the morning and two plows in the afternoon, Tang Dou was already hungry.

Looking down at Mu Wanying who looked like a cat on the pillow on her arm, Tang Dou grabbed a few strands of her hair and sprinkled it on his face. Through the fragrance from the hair, Tang Dou smelled the smell of happiness, the time was bright and bright Feeling.

"Excuse me?"

Tang Dou turned his head and said to Mu Wanying that he didn't know what to do.

"Ah, Doudou, I have counted to more than 60, and I want to see if you have the same amount of hairs under your arms on both sides, and I was disturbed by you."

Mu Wanying was counting the forest under Tang Dou's arms, and Tang Dou's previous efforts were wasted.

"There is plenty of time for you to count." Seeing Nizi's silly look, Tang Dou was amused and loved, and hugged the silly daughter-in-law vigorously, "Someday I will count the number of grasses in front of your little sister's door, and I will count one." Pull one out."

As he spoke, he grabbed a tree and pretended to pull it out.

"Dou Dou, forget about your necrosis."

The younger sister gasped in fright, and Mu Wanying was about to cry, so she dodged cleverly.


Tang Dou said that it would not be so indifferent.

"My parents arrived in Tangdu at six o'clock. I will have dinner with your parents outside. It will be around eight o'clock when I come back. I will clean up the bedroom opposite for you later."

Mu Wanying looked at her phone and said while leaning on Tang Dou's shoulders.

Tang Dou said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just live in a room with you."

"My parents should live separately."

Although mom and dad knew that she and Doudou rented a house together, they still avoided them at home, Mu Wanying got up as she spoke, and stretched her waist in a crooked sitting in front of Tang Dou.

The blue silk is like scattered ink, the skin is covered with flowers and snow, and the three-inch snow field echoes each other.

"Put on your clothes, be careful to catch a cold."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's feet.

"Eat first and take a bath?"

Mu Wanying pushed her hair back, and just finished speaking, there was a rumbling sound in her stomach, Tang Dou pretended to cover her nose silently, Mu Wanying pulled it away angrily and said, "It's because your stomach is rumbling, why are you covering your nose?"

Tang Dou said: "Then why did I smell it?"

"You farted yourself." Mu Wanying curled her lips, and then smiled strangely, "Didn't you say that my farts are also delicious?"

"The rainbow fart you put out, I said your shi is also delicious, do you believe it?"

Tang Dou rolled his eyes angrily.

Mu Wanying held her mouth and nodded her head, her teeth itch.Tang Dou glanced at it lazily and caressingly, sometimes people don't think you are spoiling you, and you still joke about this kind of thing, you don't know what's good or bad, it's not cute at all.

"You're angry?"

Mu Wanying put away her smile and said.

Tang Dou looked at the phone and didn't speak, Mu Wanying put her arms around his neck and said, "My husband's is also delicious."

"Sometimes you like to do something for the other party, but it's boring to say it. When did I laugh at you?" Tang Dou pulled the quilt and covered her, "Put on your clothes quickly, the room is very cold, if you don't think about it Lie down and I'll cook."

"I know, I didn't say it often, you were so disgusted just now, why didn't you talk about it yourself, old double standard." After nestling all afternoon, Mu Wanying couldn't sleep anymore, her forehead was pressed against Tang Dou's. With an aggrieved forehead, he asked, "Wash the dates first or eat first?"

"Let's eat first. After eating, I will have strength. I'm going to faint from hunger."

Tang Dou rubbed his stomach and said.

Piu! piu!
Mu Wanying slapped Tang Dou's pajamas back and forth with her small hands, took out the mistress from the bed and put it on, flicked the mistress lightly, went down to the closet, took out Tang Dou's pajamas and threw them on the bed, then took her own to wear superior.

After putting it on, I sat on the stool, found a comb in the drawer, and combed my messy hair.

Comb the hair smoothly, pinch it with the left hand, turn the rubber band on the left wrist with the right hand, and tie it straight and then backward.

It's done in one go, especially numb.

After Tang Dou got dressed, Mu Wanying pushed the quilt aside, put away the towels underneath first, put the umbrella box in the drawer, and picked up the freshly used umbrella on the ground and said, "It's amazing, this can give birth to a fresh life. life."

"Life is wonderful."

Tang Dou opened the curtains and windows, and saw Mu Wanying's silly look when she turned around, she became more and more lovely.

It is very convenient for two people to cook and two people to eat. I am going to make meat fried noodles.

Mu Wanying washed and chopped vegetables.

One green pepper, one tomato, half an onion, and cooked meat in the refrigerator, just cut it thin.

Tang Dou was going to cook a porridge, add some walnuts, boil three red dates, and replenish Mu Wanying's blood in advance.

"Doudou, I want to drink glutinous rice porridge. The glutinous rice is in the cabinet in front of your legs."

Mu Wanying pointed, walnuts and red dates are so sweet.

"If you are not caring to your wife, who will you be caring to?"

Tang Dou washed the red dates and cut them open, removing the pits.

The walnuts are quite hard, Mu Wanying said: "The drawer under the coffee table is specially made for holding walnuts."

Tang Dou was too lazy to pick it up, so he picked one with a hard shell and one with a thinner shell, and squeezed it hard in his hand, click, the one with the thinner shell was rotten, Tang Dou put the rotten one down, and picked another one with a thinner shell , click, broken.

Four pinches are enough.

"It's so strong, does your hand hurt?"

Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's hand and looked at it, there were marks on it, so she rubbed it.

"It doesn't take much effort. This kind of walnut is not too hard, and ordinary boys can crush it."

Tang Dou peeled a piece of walnut and fed it to Mu Wanying.

"Dou Dou, you can stir-fry noodles later, but I can't do well."

The dishes were ready, and the water in the pot was about to boil. Mu Wanying prepared half a basin of cold water.

"You look at the porridge, and leave it to me here."

Tang Dou ate a tomato and a few raisins. Mu Wanying opened her mouth to eat raisins. Tang Dou fed her a few. Mu Wanying thought it was too much, so she raised her head and fed it to Tang Dou, then pursed her mouth Silly grin.

"Stealing candy again, and now you like eating sweets so much?"

Tang Dou tugged at her fair face.

"It's not sugar, you can taste it again."

Mu Wanying raised her head again.

Obviously fruity, Tang Douyun touched the tenderness in his food input organ.

"I don't know." Mu Wanying chuckled, "My mother's vitamin C chewable tablets."


When the water boils, Tang Dou cooks the noodles. When it is almost cooked, put it in a basin of cold water, pour the water into the dish basin, and use it for washing dishes later, then pour cold water into the noodles until the noodles are completely cool, then pour oil into the frying pan .

After the oil is hot, stir-fry the onion, green pepper, tomato, and lean meat, add the seasoning, and stir fry.

"It looks delicious."

Mu Wanying was also very hungry, her poor stomach was growling, and Mu Wanying's saliva flowed out, she took out two plates and put them on the table, after Tang Dou put them on the plates, she first moved her chopsticks to eat a piece of meat, Then take it to the table.

Tang Tang made oil-splashed noodles at home and just ate them. He took a photo to show off his cooking skills to his brother and asked him what to eat.

"We eat fried noodles."

Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's mobile phone to reply to Tang Tang, and then took a photo and sent it.

Meat fried noodles, Tang Tang looked at the oily noodles in the bowl and instantly felt that it was not fragrant.

"It's delicious, I reward you with a piece of meat."

Mu Wanying took a piece of meat and fed it to Tang Dou's mouth. Just as Tang Dou opened his mouth, she withdrew and ate it herself. Tang Dou just waited like that. eat your own.

"Starting to dislike me."

Mu Wanying chewed like a rabbit.

"After the period of passionate love, I feel a little disgusted."

Seeing Mu Wanying stop her mouth and slowly raise her head, Tang Dou realized that she had said five more words.

(End of this chapter)

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