Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 290 In short, the quarrel is the fault of the bad-tempered person

Chapter 290 In short, the quarrel is the fault of the bad-tempered person

In the living room of Mu Wanying's house, the atmosphere in the early morning was very delicate.

Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan knew that their Chinese cabbage was hit by a pig in the vegetable garden last night, but they pretended not to know.

Feng Qinglan's most ordinary words sounded like a temptation to Tang Dou and Mu Wanying today, making them feel a little guilty, so they responded carefully, walked carefully, answered carefully, and observed carefully.

Tang Dou recalled the first time in his previous life that he had bowed cabbages in the vegetable garden.

It was Tang Dou who ran to Mu Wanying's room at night, lingering after finishing the work, but woke up early the next morning, and sneaked back to his room at six o'clock, but just as he left Mu Wanying's room, he bumped into the teacher who was going to the bathroom .

For the first time in many years, Tang Dou was nervous in front of the teacher, wishing he could be invisible at that time.

The teacher took a look and walked past Tang Dou without saying a word.

If he didn't understand the teacher's temperament, Tang Dou would definitely suspect that the teacher was sleepwalking.

It was too early to ask the teacher and wife, Tang Dou went to the bathroom.

Mu Wanying went to the bathroom to get a comb, came out and sat on the edge of the sofa to brush her hair, serious.

Feng Qinglan came over and took the comb to comb.

Mu Wanying said: "Mom, I'll go to Doujia this afternoon."

Feng Qinglan hummed.

After coming out of the bathroom, Tang Dou went back to the bedroom to change his clothes, hung the pajamas in the closet, folded the quilt, made the bed smooth, checked whether there was anything left on the bed sheet, and took out Mu Wanying's rubber band under the pillow for her.

Feng Qinglan looked at the eyelids, and took them to tie Mu Wanying's hair.

Tang Dou sat down to watch the news with Mu Jinhua, who was reporting on the 2014-2020 Yuanmingyuan archaeological plan or something.

"I saw a post before saying that someone proposed to rebuild Yuanmingyuan."

Mu Jinhua took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"It's very good, let people understand the wisdom of the ancients and the glory of that time."

Mu Wanying said simply.

Feng Qinglan said: "What's the use of building that? It's a waste of people and money. It's better to build a few more schools."

"Several zodiac signs are still missing their heads and their whereabouts. How dare you rebuild them." Tang Dou knew the teacher's position, and while catering to the teacher, he also expressed his smattering. The history of the past is more worth remembering, knowing the shame and then being brave, rather than covering up."

If it was really rebuilt, the enemies from back then would laugh their ass off, and they might say yes in their hearts, if they have a chance to burn it again, repair it again and burn it again.

How ridiculous it is to spend money to make the enemy laugh.

Mu Jinhua nodded in agreement. The student was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was very pleased to have this opinion when he was still establishing his own three views. As a teacher, at the same age, his daughter's consideration was more one-sided.

"That's right, it's also an empty shell when it's built. It's just a deceitful self-deception. It's okay if you can get back the lost things and dignity. What's annoying is that people robbed our things, and we have to buy them back at a high price."

Mu Wanying nodded.

She was also a little annoyed when she saw on TV that there were tens of millions of auctions.

Instead of wasting money, it's better to develop well, and let them send them back when they are really strong, wouldn't it be good?

"Wanying's grandfather is also a teacher. Wanying is not a teacher. Doudou ever think about inheriting your teacher's mantle?"

Feng Qinglan said with a smile.

"In high school, teachers are very troublesome. After seeing the urgency of office workers, I think it's good to be a teacher."

Tang Dou sometimes really wants to experience the profession of a teacher.

"Although I'm a little inferior, I hope you will be a teacher. Then I will call you Teacher Tang."

Mu Wanying smiled.

"Don't take it seriously. Children nowadays can't be beaten or scolded, and it's getting harder and harder to be a teacher." Feng Qinglan shook her head, "After you two graduate from college and get married and have children, I'm going to retire early."

"Food milk powder and oatmeal to pad your stomach, and cook later."

I didn't make breakfast today, Feng Qinglan said after combing Mu Wanying's hair.

Tang Dou would not want to eat it, but Mu Wanying's habit of eating breakfast is deeply rooted, and her stomach feels uncomfortable if she doesn't eat it, so she went to eat with her.

"Dou Dou wants milk powder, soy milk powder, or black sesame powder." Mu Wanying opened the pantry and turned to Tang Dou, "Black sesame powder is not good for soaking oatmeal."

Tang Dou said: "Same as you."

"Then milk powder, soy milk powder is not easy to boil."

Mu Wanying took two packs of calcium, iron and zinc milk powder and a bucket of oatmeal, went to the kitchen to get two bowls, Tang Dou took a hot water bottle, and after brewing, the two of them sat at the dining table drinking and whispering.

"Isn't my aunt coming, put on your clothes."

The wind blew into the room, blowing away Mu Wanying's long hair, Tang Dou said.

"Wear it after eating."

Mu Wanying pulled back her hair, took a sip of powdered milk, and sipped her pure white mouth.

"Where did you go on May Day?"

Feng Qinglan came over and sat beside Mu Wanying and said.

"Watch the flag raising at Tiananmen Square on May [-]st, then go to the Forbidden City, the next day to Badaling, the third day the Bird's Nest Water Cube, the Temple of Heaven, and the Summer Palace on May [-]th. Don't go to the Great Wall during holidays. It's too crowded to get in and out."

Mu Wanying said.

"Everywhere is crowded during holidays." Feng Qinglan looked at Tang Dou and said, "You two want to live together in a house with a similar rent. Don't be too shabby, and don't share the rent with others. It's not safe. If you don't have enough money, tell us. Anyway, with our money, your university After spending more, save less."

"We earn enough rent, renting a house is also for the convenience of part-time jobs."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Dou and smiled.

Mistress is really understanding, she raised her future son-in-law like a son.

"Do you often cook?"

Feng Qinglan asked again.

Mu Wanying said: "Do it, if you don't have class during the week, you can do it if you want to do it. You basically don't buy food on weekends. It's better to cook casually than outside."

Feng Qinglan asked, "What kind of food are you cooking?"

Mu Wanying said: "I cook everything for home-cooked meals, including hot pot and dumplings."

"No wonder your complexion is much better than last year." Feng Qinglan rubbed Mu Wanying's face, "It's okay to live together in advance, I'm worried that you young people will get bored after being fresh."

"Do you two often quarrel? I'm not worried about Doudou, I'm worried about Wanying's bad temper."

Feng Qinglan added that she didn't hide it either, and asked Tang Dou what she wanted to say.

"No noise."

Mu Wanying's head shook like a rattle.

How could Feng Qinglan believe her daughter's nonsense, she looked at Tang Dou.

"I think occasional quarrels are also a part of life. Two people should complement each other in character. Two people with bad tempers can't get along, and two people who have no temper at all may not be interesting together for a long time."

Tang Dou glanced at Mu Wanying and said.

"The words are correct, but the person with a bad temper should know how to stop and don't challenge anyone's tolerance limit at will."

Feng Qinglan nodded.

"Mom, you're saying the opposite. When two people quarrel, it's usually the one with the good temper provoking the one with the bad temper."

Mu Wanying retorted.

"Isn't that because you have a bad temper? Sometimes the other party teases you when he is in a good mood, and he also loves you."

Feng Qinglan interrupted her daughter.

What the teacher said is very reasonable, in short, the quarrel is the fault of the bad-tempered person.

Tang Dou said in his heart.

Mu Wanying was so wronged, but she was speechless for a while because of her stupid mouth.

After breakfast, Mu Wanying took Tang Dou back to the bedroom to change, opened the closet and said:
"What to wear to your house?"

"It's not the first time to go, don't worry about it."

Tang Dou picked out a pair of light blue casual jeans with long sleeves and white letters.

"Listen to you." Sitting on the bedside, Mu Wanying put on her trousers first, then took off her nightgown from her head, pointed to the closet and said, "Dou Dou help me get a picture, vest, it's too tight these two days uncomfortable."

"How's your figure?"

Tang Dou took a gray tight-fitting wide-shouldered vest, and Mu Wanying put it on and stood up, twisting half a circle.

"One word, yes."

Tang Dou sized him up and said.

"What about two words? Very good?"

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly.

"Two words 'devil'."

"It's not as good as a devil. In your words, you can only be considered a devil if you have a hot body." Mu Wanying stood in front of the mirror and took a picture, admiring herself and said: "Doudou, what kind of girl's body is your ideal? Or which girl Star kind."

(End of this chapter)

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