Chapter 291 The Daughter Is Stupid

"It's OK if you weigh 120 two or three."

Tang Dou sat on the chair in front of the desk, looked at Mu Wanying who was wearing a small vest and thought.

"No wonder you always persuade me to eat more." Mu Wanying pinched the bad fight, took the T-shirt and put it on, "I'm still six or seven catties short of this weight, and six or seven catties of pork is a big lump. I can't go over 12O before I get married."

"My cousin said that my current height and weight can perfectly control various types of wedding dresses and dresses."

After changing her clothes, Mu Wanying pinched her fingers and continued:
"There are many types of wedding dresses, including A-line wedding dresses, straight wedding dresses, full-length wedding dresses, small trailing dresses, large trailing dresses, tutu skirts, princess dresses, suspender wedding dresses, tube top wedding dresses, mermaid dresses, and more. There are Chinese cheongsams."

Every girl looks forward to the day when she wears a beautiful wedding dress, and Mu Wanying is no exception.

Last year, she attended her cousin's wedding, and Mu Wanying got a complete list of wedding dresses.

"I saw my cousin's wedding photos, and I like all of them. I like the white tube top princess wedding dress the most. It has a fluffy skirt and a fairy air. It looks like a princess when it turns. I really like it. "

Standing in front of Tang Dou, Mu Wanying tiptoed around with her left foot, as if dancing in a princess wedding dress, she stretched out her hand to Tang Dou and said, "Are you riding on colorful auspicious clouds to marry my prince? No, is it Supreme Treasure? "

"Zixia, I miss you so much, you flew too fast, the colorful auspicious clouds were blown away by the wind, I stole Master's white horse to take you away."

Tang Dou cooperated with the big goblin who was still in the girl's heart, grabbed Mu Wanying's hand and kissed the back of her hand, hooked her waist and turned half a circle, pulling the big goblin into his arms.

"Then you don't escort the monk to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures?"

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Doudao.

Tang Dou said: "Go to the special Xitian, whoever wants to go will go."

"What about your master?"

Mu Wanying asked again.

Tang Dou said heartlessly: "Whoever likes to eat eats."

"Goose ho ho ho, that Tang monk's meat doesn't flow out of the mouths of outsiders, you catch it and eat it yourself." Mu Wanying let out a goose laugh, and then continued: "If you don't go to learn the scriptures, you won't be able to cultivate and become a Buddha. .”

Tang Dou said: "With you, it doesn't matter if you become a demon."

"But I don't want to associate with demons, I like Buddha."

Mu Wanying shook her head and said regretfully.

Nizi didn't know how to play Tang Dou this time, she didn't follow the script at all, so she could only say:

"Zixia, you have changed."

"You have changed too. You who don't seek Buddha are no longer the Supreme Treasure I love, goose ho ho ho ho."

Mu Wanying hooked Tang Dou's neck with her arms, and tears flowed from her laughter.

Outside, Feng Qinglan heard the nervous conversation between the two in the room. She couldn't understand what was so funny about making her daughter happy like this.

Mu Jinhua smiled and remained silent.

But Feng Qinglan is also really happy, her daughter has grown up so much, it seems that she has never laughed so much before.

Only Tang Doudou could make his daughter so happy.

"Because my cousin got a little fat, she felt a little bloated when she wore a cheongsam last year." Mu Wanying stopped laughing and said seriously: "After I get married, I can satisfy your hobbies and control my weight to a little fat."

Tang Dou said: "Your height, 120 catties is considered a normal weight, and you are a little fat to be [-]."

"I have to wear all types of wedding dresses when I get married. It doesn't seem right to shoot so many at one time. Why don't we take pictures when we have time during the holidays? We shoot different styles every year. When I graduate and get married, I will wear all styles of wedding dresses."


After staying in the room for a while, Mu Wanying helped Feng Qinglan go to the kitchen to cook at around nine o'clock, while Tang Dou and Mu Jinhua played chess in the living room.

Tang Dou's chess skills are very average, and Mu Jinhua's is similar. The son-in-law and father-in-law peck at each other, and each wins and loses.

In the kitchen, mother and daughter Feng Qinglan and Mu Wanying were busy.

"Wanying, how many times a week do you and Doudou?"

Feng Qinglan asked implicitly.

"Huh? How many times?"

Mu Wanying pretended not to understand, and said to her mother, what are you doing asking this, it's not serious.

In fact, Feng Qinglan only cares about Chinese cabbage, don't rent a house for convenience and take that as a serious matter, the two of them are young and energetic, and it is inevitable that they will overdo it.

"How many times a week do you live together?"

"Four or five days, two days on weekends, and we will go back to the rented house after studying together at night during the week."

Mu Wanying didn't answer the question.

"Speak up, what did you do in the running room last night?"

The daughter's perfunctory attitude made Feng Qinglan impatient to tell what happened last night.

"Mom." Sure enough, Mu Wanying stomped her feet in shame, and was speechless to her mother for a moment. Knowing that she pretended to be ignorant in the morning, she lowered her head and said, "I just chatted for a while and didn't return own room."

"I've fallen into the internal library and pretended to be confused. I'm worried that you rent a house for a day and don't take other classes. It's like some students just play for fun and don't graduate." Feng Qinglan repeated: "How many times a week?"

"Just once or twice, we didn't rent a house specifically for that."

Mu Wanying was also a little impatient, "We just want to take better care of each other, cook and eat together when we have time, experience life, and don't want to go back to school alone every time Doudou sends me back to school at night."

"Silly girl, I don't care about your mother, who cares about this kind of thing."

Being a donkey with good intentions, Feng Qinglan was a little annoyed.

People are no longer children, and you have to ask about everything.Mu Wanying lowered her head and murmured, feeling a little strange in her heart, now there is no privacy at all with Doudou, she can tell frankly what is uncomfortable and what is wrong, but she is embarrassed in front of her mother, the two are each other's other half Reasonable, some things are only willing to share with him/her.

The daughter didn't want to say more, so Feng Qinglan didn't ask any more.

Let’s not talk about it, Feng Qinglan is uncomfortable with being suffocated in her heart. She is also a mother for the first time. Is it easy? She started to prevent her daughter from falling in love early in the fifth grade of elementary school and preventing her daughter from being raped by pigs. Tang Doudou is such a pig that she almost doesn't even recognize her own mother. If you are not a parent, you don't know the bitterness of your parents.

"Mom," Mu Wanying hesitated, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is the safe period safe?"

Mu Wanying has been struggling with this issue recently. She always feels that what is said on the Internet is unreliable. The blisters on her fingers last time were not the usual raised bubbles, but a transparent liquid that flowed inside the skin when squeezed.

I looked it up online and said amputation may be required.

At that time, Mu Wanying was terrified, so she quickly contacted Doudou to take her to the hospital for an examination. When she called Doudou, she almost cried.Tang Dou knew it was fine, but he still took Mu Wanying to the best skin hospital in Kyoto.

As a result, the doctor took a look at it and told him not to dip in cold water for a few days, and wiped it with iodophor, and it was fine in a few days.

From then on, Mu Wanying didn't dare to search online when she felt uncomfortable, it was simply too scary.

There are some things that you can't ask anyone except your mother.

"This kind of thing is not absolutely safe, just in case, when you want it after marriage, you may want it during this period. It is not impossible for sparks to hit the earth when you don't expect it. There is a woman in your grandmother's village who is almost 50 years old. child."

Of course Feng Qinglan wouldn't say it was safe.


Mu Wanying concentrated on chopping vegetables and kept silent.

"Why do you ask this, Tang Doudou is dishonest?"

The daughter didn't say anything, but Feng Qinglan asked again.

"No, I asked casually, Doudou is more careful than me."

Mu Wanying suddenly realized that asking that question put herself in it. Otherwise, her mother would misunderstand Doudou and say that Doudou is irresponsible. Saying that makes her feel that she is dishonest. It is really unnecessary ask.

"Dou Dou always says it's better to be careful."

Mu Wanying added in a low voice, it's better to keep Doudou safe. Doudou was very responsible to her and didn't let her take medicine.

Feng Qinglan was very speechless.

After the daughter fell in love, not only did her IQ drop, but she was also stupid.

What ecstasy soup did Tang Doudou feed his daughter with that pig?

(End of this chapter)

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