Chapter 292
Emotionally, Mu Wanying is an idealist.

Tang Dou gave her a first love that was more beautiful than ideal, and made her fall into the sweet ocean of love, unable to turn back.

Seeing her daughter's obsessed and happy appearance, Feng Qinglan was both relieved and worried.People with purer feelings will be hurt more deeply after losing, but as a mother, she can't stop her daughter from pursuing love.

It's not easy being a parent.

When the cub was young, he was worried about not growing up, and when he grew up, he was worried about not learning well, and he was not too young when he went to college. It was unrealistic not to let him fall in love, and he didn't worry about what was left. Well, after marriage, I am worried that the couple’s life will be difficult, and when I have a grandson, I am worried that the grandson will not grow up, will not learn well, and will be bullied
If you don't worry about it, you won't be able to live a few days of comfort in your life.

"Mom is someone who has experienced it. No matter what, including feelings, you must treat it rationally. There is no conflict between rationality and concentration."

Feng Qinglan said earnestly.

"Mom, I know. I'm very rational. Doudou treats me really well. Doudou is careless at home, but he is very stable outside and takes care of me very carefully. He loves himself more than I do. Mom, don't worry about it."

Mu Wanying said very confidently.

She wanted her mother to understand her sincere love for Doudou, but felt that outsiders could not understand it.

My mother has become an outsider, no wonder the water thrown by the married daughter.

Mu Wanying felt a little guilty.

"You can still have your parents treat you well."

Feng Qinglan was a little worried, her daughter couldn't listen to anyone except Tang Doudou, a pig.

"Mom, do you want my dad and Doudou to drink some of this wine?"

Mu Wanying took out the specialty 'clam wine' that her mother bought from a trip from the cupboard, and she didn't know whether to read or not to read the word in the middle.

"This is for your father's waist. Your father's waist feels uncomfortable after sitting for a long time. What should you drink when you are young?"

Feng Qinglan bought this specially for Mu Jinhua, and Shen Yun also bought it for Lao Tang. The two women were both at the age of wolf and tiger. They bought two bottles each after they went shopping and listened to the salesperson's introduction that day.

"I haven't heard my dad say that his waist is uncomfortable! Oh, let my dad drink a cup every day before going to bed."

Mu Wanying saw the function of this wine, and instantly understood, she put the wine in with a smile.

"Silly girl."


The meal was almost ready, Mu Wanying went to clear the dining table and called her father and Doudou to prepare for dinner.

Tang Dou put the chess in the box, picked up his glasses and wiped them with a cloth for the teacher.

The teacher's eyesight is not low, and it is inconvenient to eat without glasses.

At the dinner table, Feng Qinglan would add vegetables to Tang Dou from time to time, and let Tang Dou eat more meat. Mu Wanying felt jealous when she saw it, her mother was so partial, her daughter was never treated like this since she was a child, and she forgot her daughter when she had a son-in-law.

Mu Wanying bit her chopsticks and pinched Tang Dou under the table with her left hand.

"Don't bite your chopsticks when you eat." Feng Qinglan patted the back of her daughter's hand, took a piece of meat for her daughter, and said to the two of them, "Being a tutor is also quite troublesome. Don't do it if you don't like it. Don't worry about the rent."

"Thank you, Mrs. Teacher, it feels good to make money and spend it with Wanying. I will trouble Mrs. Teacher when I get bored."

Tang Dou smiled.

Feng Qinglan and Mu Jinhua were very comfortable listening, the boy politely rejected the elder's kindness, without making people feel alienated.

At noon, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying were going to go to Datang West Market.

After eating, my mother didn't need to help clean up the dishes, and Mu Wanying didn't care about it. She went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, went back to the bedroom, took out her small red satchel from the closet, and bent over by the bed to put the lipstick and small mirror in the backpack. , paper bag, Changan One Card, etc., in a satchel, unplug the charged mobile phone and put it in.

Mu Wanying doesn't pay much attention to bags, and she doesn't have many belongings.

I have more at home. I bought them myself and donated them from Tangdou. There are five or six.

There are only four in school, one schoolbag, two shoulder bags, one in the rented room, one in the school dormitory, and a small satchel in the rented room. Compared with girlfriends, there are many, but they are all given by Tang Dou.

"Girls also have a sense of ritual when shopping, and they must have bags."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying who was packing up her things and smiled. Teacher Sixiu said that this is a woman's instinct. Primitive and ancient times, a woman carries a basket or something when she goes out, and a modern bag, the essence is the same.

"It's okay. Girls carry a lot of things with them. They can't put them all in their pockets. I don't have so many pockets. I can still put things in my pockets when I wear casual jeans. If I wear skinny jeans, I can't hold anything. If I wear them in summer I don’t have skirts or pockets, I’m not particular about it, some girls don’t want to go out on the street without a better bag.”

Mu Wanying took out the lipstick she put in, applied it herself, pursed her lips, and applied it to Doudou:

"Liu Qian in our dormitory likes to go shopping. Liu Ge is so-so. Liu Ge is not particular about it like me. When I go out to play, I use a backpack. The size of the bag is not suitable. If it is inconvenient to carry things, I carry a schoolbag. Liu Qian goes shopping. I usually go to Zhao Na, Zhao Na is just Liu Qian who lends her a bag and goes, and she doesn’t go if she doesn’t borrow it.”

"Let me count how many bags Liu Qian has. A satchel like mine is worn on her waist, a larger one with a very short strap, a handbag, a backpack of large, medium and small styles. On Eleventh, she bought two bags at once."

After the bag was ready, Mu Wanying squatted under the bed to look for shoes, rummaged through three shoe boxes, and found a pair of white shoes.

My mother has washed and put on the shoelaces. They are clean and tidy. My mother is so kind.

"Those who don't know think she has a male ticket, and changing a male ticket is faster than changing a bag."

Tang Dou doesn't really understand what it's like to have a girlfriend who likes to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, but it's hard to see Brother Ritian. The girl sends Brother Ritian a shopping cart from time to time, making Brother Ritian feel melancholy, buy it, and feel sorry for the money. Don’t buy it, you’ve already invested a lot. Brother Ritian said that spending money on your girlfriend is like gambling, which makes people want to stop.

"Girls' bags have nothing to do with whether they have a boyfriend or not. I don't like buying things with boys' money. Liu Qian likes to shop, but she spends all her own money." Mu Wanying said.

That means she doesn't have a boyfriend, she has a boyfriend to see if she spends money, Mu Wanying doesn't like to spend her boyfriend's money on shopping, it's true, that little fairy Liu Qian may not be, she even snatches her best friend's boyfriend, It's a pity that I wasted.

After putting on the shoes, Mu Wanying wiped them with a rag, took a picture in front of the mirror, and stuck out her tongue at Tang Dou in the mirror.

Nizi is wearing a T-shirt, casual jeans, and white shoes, looking very refreshing.Tang Dou hugged her small waist from behind, and arched her neck. Mu Wanying leaned over and took the mobile phone in the bag on the table, and took a picture in the mirror.

"How about it?"

Mu Wanying shook her phone.


One word Tang Dou.

"You're ugly, but I'm not ugly." Mu Wanying said slowly and confidently, "My mother knows that I went to your room last night."

"I guess so."

It's interesting that Tang Dou admires his wife's acting skills. In his previous life, he went to Mu Wanying's room to stay overnight and was bumped into by his teacher in the morning. Now it's Mu Wanying who went to his room to stay overnight and was smashed by his wife. It's even.

"Set off."

Mu Wanying pushed Tang Dou away and kicked Tang Dou's ass.

When we arrived at West City Entertainment City, Tang Dou bought two movie tickets. While waiting for the time, Mu Wanying wanted to catch the doll, so Tang Dou accompanied her to catch it. , a small teddy bear.

The movie was about to start, and Mu Wanying went to buy a bucket of popcorn and two cups of tea.

Mu Wanying doesn't like to watch romantic movies that are pretentious. After watching sci-fi movies with Tang Dou a few times, she likes them. Recently, there are no good sci-fi movies, so she chooses a movie at random. Anyway, the purpose is not to watch movies.

It was past two o'clock after watching the movie, and I wandered around looking for the subway station to go to Tang Doujia.

(End of this chapter)

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