Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 298 The Best Almighty Husband

Chapter 298 The Best Almighty Husband
Mu Wanying is not feeling well today.

Backache, abdominal pain, chest tightness, feeling a little gloomy, plus all the tossing, the whole person lost half a tube of blood, and lost a lot of vitality. I went back to the rented house after suffering, went to the bathroom, and lay down in the bedroom to rest.

Tang Dou first opened the window to let in the wind.

Then turn on the water and electricity in the room, connect the electric kettle to boil the water first, and clean up the room briefly.

Open the cover of the washing machine in the bathroom, connect the water pipe, plug in the electricity, and then go to the bedroom to clean up.

Mu Wanying shrank her body on the bed, opened her eyes and looked, and said listlessly:

"I'm sore all over, Doudou gave me a massage after tidying up."

"Well, it will be fine soon."

"I still have a piece of underwear in my bag, and Doudou washed it for me."

Mu Wanying said lazily.

Tang Dou opened Mu Wanying's bag and put a photo of her, which she brought because she didn't wear it today.

"Is there anything else to wash?"


Mu Wanying shook her head.

Tang Dou gently rubbed Nizi's cheeks, covered the quilt, and took the clothes and bed pajamas that the two of them changed before they went home to the bathroom. The big ones were thrown into the washing machine, and the small ones were thrown into the basin. My sister's petite three.

The old girl was also forgetful, she didn't take her underwear home, so Tang Dou put it in the soaking tub.

Glancing at the wastebasket on the ground, it was horrible.

The last time Mu Wanying passed by the blood donation car on the street and wanted to donate blood, but Tang Dou refused to let her. The girl lost the amount of blood donated once a month. As for having a blood donation certificate, it would be more convenient for Tang Dou to donate once. Although you may have to spend money for blood transfusions when your loved ones donate it, but you have priority in buying it.

In case of an urgent need someday, it should be stored at the blood bank for yourself and your loved ones at your own expense.

The washing machine turns on.

The boiling water is ready.

Tang Dou washed and scalded their water glasses, poured himself a glass of water, and made Mu Wanying a glass of brown sugar.

Put the water glass on the bedside table in the bedroom, Tang Dou opened the closet, took a pair of Mu Wanying's sweatpants and threw them on the bed, saying:

"The pajamas have been washed, Wanying put on the sweatpants."

Mu Wanying hummed softly, sat up and changed, the tight jeans were really uncomfortable.Tang Dou also found a pair of sweatpants to change into, Mu Wanying changed, Tang Dou stretched her jeans out on the hanger, and then sat on the bed to give her a massage.

Mu Wanying stretched out on her stomach, hugging her arms as a pillow.

Tang Dou started rubbing her shoulder blades, back, waist, and legs, and worked her way down.

"It's comfortable, it's nice to have a husband."

Mu Wanying said softly.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

Tang Dou squeezed Nizi's shoulder and said.

"Look, I'm free, buy me a pack of sanitary napkins when I'm grocery shopping."

After enjoying a private customized massage, it was much more comfortable. Mu Wanying got up and picked up the brown sugar water to drink. Although she had drunk it for several years and tried various brands, she still didn't like the taste. She drank half a cup and left The next one is to fight.

"Doudou, do you like drinking brown sugar water?"

"It's not bad. It's better than plain water. I think Banlangen is also delicious."

Tang Dou's taste is not that bad, it doesn't seem to be bad, it's because he has a higher tolerance, he took Mu Wanying's leftover brown sugar water, and he settled it with a couple of mouthfuls, after eating, his stomach was warm and comfortable .

"You are the real foodie, you can eat everything, and you won't get fat if you eat too much."

Mu Wanying smiled.

"Don't be picky eaters, don't eat everything."

Tang Dou massaged onto Mu Wanying's waist and grabbed her butt.

"What I mean is that you don't pick normal food. Our tastes are relatively normal, unlike some people who eat both scorpions and insects." Mu Wanying shook her butt, and turned over after a while, "Okay, you too Lie down and rest."

Tang Dou lay down and pulled the quilt over to cover it, put his arms around Mu Wanying, and untied the rubber band that tied her hair.

"It's so comfortable, Doudou talk to me, don't let me fall asleep, I'm afraid of insomnia at night."

Curled up in Doudou's arms, Mu Wanying said with sparkling eyes.

There are a lot of topics when I don’t care, and I don’t know what to say when I’m concentrating on chatting. The main reason is that I can’t tease Mu Wanying these two days. She is quite irritable. .

Of course, speaking selectively, some are filtered out.

For example, go to the bar to drink with the same table in the second grade of junior high school, and exchange souvenirs with the same table in the third grade of junior high school.

"One time I was sleeping in class, the history class of the second year of junior high school. I dreamed that I was kicked by my grandpa's donkey at my grandpa's house. Our history teacher was strict, and I was shocked when I found out that the past of sleeping was just a book. , the teacher asked me what I dreamed about, and I told the truth, I dreamed of being kicked by a donkey, and the whole class laughed, and the teacher turned green."


Mu Wanying buried her face in Tang Dou's arms and almost burst into laughter, "And then?"

"Call the parents, no matter how I explain it, it's useless. At that time, my sister and I went to the same school, so I went to the elementary school next door to find my sister. My grades were not bad at that time, and there were many gangsters in junior high school, from my own school and from other schools. Yes, ordinary class students put sacks on the teachers, even the direct teachers, the pretty girls in the school are really dangerous."

Tang Dou drank his saliva and continued:
"This is a special test of the head teacher's courage. Our head teacher in the first grade of junior high school is one of the four gods of death in our school. With a physical education teacher, the head of the security department, and a security guard to suppress the gangsters in our school and other schools, it is true It was scary, the student who jumped the most in our class in the first day of junior high school was beaten by him once and begged for mercy, and he never dared to dance again."

Mu Wanying said, "The school doesn't care?"

"The students in our junior high school are not so delicate. Our school is not like your key middle school. There are not many courageous teachers. The gangsters can turn the world upside down. So as long as nothing happens, these teachers will turn a blind eye to the Academic Affairs Office."

"In the second grade of junior high school, we re-divided classes. Our class is a key class. There are no gangsters, and it lacks blood and unity. Our class teacher was cowardly, and was sacked by students, and the students in the class were also cowardly. We were often bullied by ordinary class bullies. A few times, a few bastards stopped my tablemate from doing things at the door. I caught one and pulled it into the classroom and swung it. This fight established my position in the class, because it was the bastards who put the sacks on our head teacher, so I'm taking revenge, and our homeroom teacher treats me better afterwards, and if I make a mistake, I won't really be called a parent."

"Well, I didn't expect your junior high school to be so exciting."

Mu Wanying was very curious and wanted to hear about Doudou's fighting process, but she didn't expect that Doudou seemed obedient and had such a temper.It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.There's a saying, don't irritate a good person, it's true.

"It was a cold winter, and the offal was not beaten. I swung my fist a few times, and my deskmate swung the bench. His right thumb was broken. He didn't do his homework for more than half a year. I guess he was just pretending. .”

Tang Dou spoke vividly.

"Pfft, Doudou, you are too bad. You beat someone up and pretended to be a human being. Haven't you heard of it for a hundred days? What's more, it's normal to have a broken bone and not be able to write for half a year." Mu Wanying hammered Tang Dou , "What happened after that? How did you deal with it?"

Tang Dou said: "What else can I do? Call the parents and spend money, but my deskmate has taken full responsibility, and I didn't even call the parents."

"You were supposed to take the responsibility at the same table. You stood out for her. It's great to have a friend like you, especially generous. Although my junior high school is a key school, there are also students who are relatively second-rate. The boys in our class usually flatter me. Every time I was embarrassed, I was embarrassed in the hallway, and no one stood up, and the other party knew that my mother was a teacher, and my grandfather hadn't retired yet at that time."

"My grandfather has a great reputation. The head teacher of the rocket class in the third year of junior high school also teaches mathematics. The gangsters dare not treat me too much."

Although my wife teaches mathematics, it is no problem to teach physical education with that kind of momentum.

The gangsters in junior high school were lawless, and generally not gangsters were timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Those boys in Mu Wanying's class were really cowardly. The teacher's wife is a school teacher, and Mu Wanying's grandfather is an old teacher. What are you afraid of with such a backstage.

Just don't be cruel and let the other party do it for themselves.

Mu Wanying said: "Then after you beat him up, his accomplice didn't settle the score with you?"

"I'm definitely looking for it. Junior high school gangsters just rely on the number of people to clamor. If you are more powerful than them, they will not dare to trouble you. I will be on guard when I am at the same table. Each of us has a bench leg in our schoolbag. We were stopped by them when we left the school gate, and we swung them without saying a word, I knocked down one, my deskmate's leg pointed at others, and no one dared to move."

"The security department came to the Quanyi police station and asked the parents to pick it up."

"Because I was at the same table with me as the one who did it twice, I was bitten back. The school wanted to expel both of us. My parents were so worried that they started to contact the school. Our class teacher asked the principal to intercede, and finally stayed in school for observation."

"Afterwards, I was called Black and White Shuangsha at the same table as me. Those bastards hid when they saw it, and they didn't dare to come to our class to play wild. This kind of thing is like this, once and for all. When someone gives you a fist, you kneel down Beg for mercy, then he will look for you next time, and you will punch back harder, and he will have to weigh it carefully if he wants to attack you again."

"Because my reputation has been spread in school, no one dares to mess with my sister in junior high school."

Tang Dou has not been a big brother for many years. Even after graduating from junior high school, the name of black and white Shuangsha still guards the old girl invisibly. I remember that when the old girl held a parent-teacher meeting, some students looked sideways.

This is Tang Doudou, the legendary black and white double evil, who calls the cutest name and fights the most ruthless.

"I went to my mother's school in junior high school and my dad's school in high school, so I don't have any black history."

Mu Wanying was angry and laughed when she heard it, pinching Tang Dou with her hands, seeing that her paws were boring, Tang Dou found a toy for her to play with, and let her hatch eggs by the way.

Mu Wanying was very excited when she heard about the heroic history of Tang Dou junior high school, "I haven't noticed that you still beat people for several years. If I annoy you one day, will you beat me?"

Tang Dou said: "Which hero in martial arts do you think has a hand against his own woman? The more powerful the man, the more gentle he is towards his woman. This is called chivalry with tenderness, hatred and preference."

"It's really stinky." Mu Wanying pinched the bird with her hatching claws, but she believed that Doudou would not fight girls, so she suddenly said: "By the way, your deskmate in junior high school is a girl, and you are so righteous to her." Have no idea about you?"

Tang Dou thought about this question, even if the tablemate had thoughts about him, it was impossible for the two of them.

"No, she is a girl with more personality, and I am a boy with no personality. I am not her type, and she is not my type, so the relationship is relatively simple."

Hearing that the washing machine in the bathroom was finished, Tang Dou went to dry the clothes.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the sunshine in May is just right, bright and warm. The Tang Dou laundry tub puts the washed clothes on the balcony, takes a hanger from the closet, hangs them one by one, and hangs the pajamas of the two on the sunny left. horn.

After drying, I went to the bathroom to wash Mu Wanying's underwear.

Mu Wanying came in to use the bathroom, put down the mat, bent over and sat on the toilet, and praised her husband for being hardworking.

"My parents said, I'll take care of you and buy me a house and a car, and I don't have anything if I lose you."

Tang Dou made a gesture of helplessness.

"Your parents are worried that you don't know how to cherish."

Mu Wanying grabbed Doudou's ears from behind, stood bent over to wipe her sister's mouth, looked down and straightened up.

"Are your parents worried about you?"

Tang Dou looked back, deliberately moving his eyes closer.

"My parents are very relieved of me, and worry that you are irresponsible."

Mu Wanying stood beside her, her fingers clasping the whirlpool above Tang Dou's head.

"Pull me bald."

Tang Dou pushed Nizi away with his arms.

"It's good if you're bald, you don't need to comb, and you save on shampoo."

Mu Wanying rubbed harder.

"Silly girl, have you never seen a bald man? You can be 20 years older if you are bald."

After washing the clothes and having nothing to do for the time being, Tang Dou went to bed with Mu Wanying for another meeting, thinking about what to have for dinner in the afternoon.

"Do you want to eat stewed noodles?"

"Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time, and suddenly I want to eat it."

Mu Wanying nodded.

"Then let's eat fried rice."

Tang Dou continued.

"Doudou, you're good or bad." Mu Wanying couldn't laugh or cry, but, "I want to eat fried sesame dishes too, so why don't we have both, we can eat differently."

"Then let's go to the restaurant."

Tang Dou didn't bother to do any of them, but Nizi actually made such a request, she really treated her husband like a chef.

"Just kidding, let's eat stewed noodles today, next time I will make fried rice, and I am very good at fried rice."


Tang Dou went out to buy groceries at four o'clock, came back to the bottom of the building and found that he had forgotten to buy sanitary napkins for Mu Wanying, and was about to call to ask Mu Wanying if she had enough for today, but hung up again after making the call, let's make another trip.

When Mu Wanying's phone rang, she didn't believe it. What was Badou doing? Go back.

"Doudou, why did you get through and hang up again?"

"Pressed wrong." Tang Dou thought he hadn't dialed, "Do you want anything else?"

Mu Wanying thought about it and said, "Well, I want to eat sour plums."

Tang Dou also thought that she wouldn't go out if she didn't need other things to fill her up. It was quite far from the supermarket, so this trip was inevitable.

He ran around again, and went back to Tang Dou to cook directly.

After lying down all afternoon, Mu Wanying felt much more comfortable. She got up and walked around the room, standing at the kitchen door and watching.

Risotto is easy.

Bought pasta.

The fungus Tangdou was soaked in warm water before going out, and it will already be soft.

Then we have to order chopped green onions, tomatoes and green vegetables. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces.

"Wanying breaks two eggs."

"Good drop."

Mu Wanying took the egg and tapped it on the side of the bowl, "Oh, a piece of egg shell came in." She picked it up with chopsticks a few times but it didn't come out, and after trying again and again, the egg shell was all over the edge, smooth slipped in again.

Tang Dou quietly watched her operate.

"Pinch it out with your hands clean."

After several failed attempts, Mu Wanying finally gave up.

Tang Dou squeezed it out, and Mu Wanying cracked another egg, but another piece of egg shell got in.

"My hands are so clumsy today that I can't even beat the eggs. It must be the egg's problem. The shell is too brittle."


Heat the oil and stir-fry chopped green onions and tomatoes. After the juice comes out, add appropriate amount of water, add fungus, green vegetables, salt, sauce, vinegar, chicken essence, and eggs, mix well and add slowly.

Boil water in another pot, and Tang Dou cooks the noodles.

Mu Wanying said: "It turns out that the noodle stew is cooked separately. I made it at home. After the vegetables are fried in the wok, add more water and cook the noodles directly."

"So how do you make it?"

Tang Dou glanced at Nizi, probably not very well, grandma used to do the same thing.

"Not good, the noodles are sticking together, even if it wasn't sticking, the soup would be too thick."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

When the noodles are almost cooked, Tang Dou puts them in the frying pan, and cooks them a little bit, and it becomes steaming braised noodles.

"White noodles, egg yolks, green vegetables, red tomatoes, and black fungus. They really have a variety of colors and flavors." Mu Wanying drank the juice with a spoon, dripping.

"Dou Dou, you are the best and all-round husband that Liu Qian often reads in novels."

(End of this chapter)

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